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Studiologic Numa Compact 2x

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Hammond SK1, Mojo 61, Kurzweil PC3, Korg Pa3x, Roland FA06, Band in a Box, Real Band, Studio One, too much stuff...
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You can learn a lot from seeing close up pictures. [...] If I knew how to post the picture I'd put it in here.


Like this one? (Sorry - I know how to link but not to resize)



Nord Stage 2 Compact, Yamaha MODX8

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Regarding that picture, I only now note that that first orange drawbar/slider cap looks slightly tilted or rotated; not a great sign when the marketing materials show off potential quality control issues :o

Nord Stage 2 Compact, Yamaha MODX8

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Regarding that picture, I only now note that that first orange drawbar/slider cap looks slightly tilted or rotated; not a great sign when the marketing materials show off potential quality control issues :o

It's called truth in advertising. ;-)

Maybe this is the best place for a shameless plug! Our now not-so-new new video at https://youtu.be/3ZRC3b4p4EI is a 40 minute adaptation of T. S. Eliot's "Prufrock" - check it out! And hopefully I'll have something new here this year. ;-)

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The interesting thing is that it has 1 Gb of flash memory for those extra voices so they can apparently be easily upgraded down the road. Since the unit is not yet in production I do not have a clue as to when that aspect will be implemented. I am anxiously awaiting the manual next, just like you. I am particularly excited about the audio over USB functionality, as it means that using it in conjunction with an iPad app could enhance & overcome any limitations of the built-in soundset. The drawbars also transmit MIDI CC.


Due to the dearth of publicly available information on the Compact 2x, I sent Studiologic an email a week or so ago with some questions. Gianni Giudici was kind enough to respond, and said that there are definitely plans to use the Sound Update feature down the road, including adding additional synth waveforms.


In regards to the audio over USB feature, he said that incoming audio over USB is routed to the 2x's complete audio system, and that it will play on the headphones, speakers, and main L/R outs. That should make it super easy to use with iPad apps.


About the only desires I'd have to improve this, in theory anyway, would be 73 keys and bluetooth...


I pointed out to Guido Gianni that the forum would welcome his/Studiologic's participation. He said that he hadn't for two reasons: that he didn't want to offend the forum members as a manufacturer, and he was worried about how much time it would take to scan the forum regularly to not miss questions. I told him that the forum would welcome his input, so long as he fully identified himself and was here to answer questions, not to market. He did say he'd consider it.


He also said more demo videos will be made, including on the synth section.




edit: Gianni. D'oh.

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I pointed out to Guido that the forum would welcome his/Studiologic's participation. He said that he hadn't for two reasons: that he didn't want to offend the forum members as a manufacturer, and he was worried about how much time it would take to scan the forum regularly to not miss questions. I told him that the forum would welcome his input, so long as he fully identified himself and was here to answer questions, not to market. He did say he'd consider it.


Tom, if you're in touch with Guido/Gianni, please tell him that manufacturer reps do post here (Casio, Kawai, Kurzweil), they don't market (the forum doesn't allow it), but it does help forumites learn about manufacturers' products and plans, as well as letting manufacturers hear users' desires first-hand.


I find that Studiologic have a very interesting product line-up (including SL-series controllers, Sledge, Numa Organ, Compact 2x etc.) and I would welcome the chance to discuss with a Studiologic representative.


In addition, Guido/Gianni might simply enjoy the general music/keyboard-related discussion that goes on here, as we all do.


Cheers, Mike.

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I find that Studiologic have a very interesting product line-up (including SL-series controllers, Sledge, Numa Organ, Compact 2x etc.) and I would welcome the chance to discuss with a Studiologic representative.

Funny you say that. Not too long ago, in an effort to find somewhere that I could try a SL88 Grand controller, I was routed from 1. Gianni > 2. Bryan Pistone, General Manager, Studiologic USA > and finally 3. Mark Towles, Northeast Sales Manager, American Music & Sound, who I spoke to on the phone. Incredibly, although I live less than an hour from NYC, he was unable to suggest a single place where I could try one. I replied that it seemed my only option was to buy from someone online and return it if not satisfied. He seemed to agree. I found this depressing.

Yamaha P515 & CK88, Pianoteq, Mainstage, iOS, assorted other stuff.

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Mike- thanks for pointing out my error. Amazing what you miss even after a quick proofread.


In both my original email and followup response, I pointed out to Gianni that a manufacturer rep who is clear about his affiliations and that doesn't market is very welcome at KC, pointing him to Guido and Andrea on the Seven thread (perhaps the reason for my typo earlier). I told him that KC is a great place to build credibility with an influential audience. I think he gets that, but is wary of the potential time suck, which seems like a valid perspective.


I'm sure many on the forum have emailed or spoken with Gianni over the years. He has answered a few of my questions (sent via web contact form or to info@studiologic-music.com) about the Numa Compact 2 and now the 2x and even tolerated my request/wish list for the perfect live organ controller. He did say he would consider joining, and offered this: "Please feel free to write me at any time and best regards,to all forum's friends !"


Personally, I feel like Studiologic/Fatar is upping their game with their newer products and customer responsiveness like this (5 days for personal email response, over a weekend and a bunch of time zones) is a very positive sign.


Going back to the original point, I think audio over USB is going to make using iPad apps to expand the sonic palette of a keyboard much easier. With today's announcement of the Minimoog Model D app, I was just picturing how simple it would be to supplement the basic Sledge-lite synth of the Compact 2x with Minimoog sounds. I'm still eager to hear some demos of the C2x's synth section, but I'm not as worried about it any more.


The OS of the C2/C2x can be updated via firmware and the sound library is also updatable/expandable. IF the board is well supported over time I think it will be a huge hit.

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Yeah, it is depressing. There used to be a whole bunch of music stores in NYC where you could find keys, now it's pretty much just Sam Ash and Guitar Center... and outside of NYC, like the Sam Ash in White Plains, the selection is maybe half what it used to be. Guitar Center in Danbury has only cheap stuff. Then again, so man of us have increasingly been buying online anyway, with the luxury of 30 days or whatever to really see what a board can do and how it can integrate into our rigs, and these places aren't going to stock what people aren't buying from them.

Maybe this is the best place for a shameless plug! Our now not-so-new new video at https://youtu.be/3ZRC3b4p4EI is a 40 minute adaptation of T. S. Eliot's "Prufrock" - check it out! And hopefully I'll have something new here this year. ;-)

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Personally, I feel like Studiologic/Fatar is upping their game with their newer products and customer responsiveness like this (5 days for personal email response, over a weekend and a bunch of time zones) is a very positive sign.


Going back to the original point, I think audio over USB is going to make using iPad apps to expand the sonic palette of a keyboard much easier. With today's announcement of the Minimoog Model D app, I was just picturing how simple it would be to supplement the basic Sledge-lite synth of the Compact 2x with Minimoog sounds. I'm still eager to hear some demos of the C2x's synth section, but I'm not as worried about it any more.


The OS of the C2/C2x can be updated via firmware and the sound library is also updatable/expandable. IF the board is well supported over time I think it will be a huge hit.



Thanks for sharing this! I hope that Gianni is inspired by your gracious invitation to contribute to our forum. I had a similar feeling in the Studiologic booth as well; that they were seriously upping their game by using the latest Fatar action assemblies and thoughtfully implementing a number of the latest features in several very cost-effective packages. I was also told that the sound library would be updatable, although not necessarily able to use 3rd party samples, but only thru Studiologic-supplied updates. Nonetheless I really feel that this board combined with the right iPad apps will make an ideal personal "flex" board.



Gig: Yamaha MODX7, NumaX 73 Piano  Studio: Kawai ES-920; Hammond SK Pro 73; Yamaha Motif ES7 w/DX,VL,VH; Yamaha YC 73; Kawai MP-6; Numa Compact 2x

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Yes that's the picture I was referring to. It looks like it doesn't have V3 or C3 vibrato, unless the select button can select it and both lights for V1 and V2, or C1 and C2 light up. The abbreviations under the drawbars and next to the footages look like the following parameters can be edited (from left with the 16' to right): Filter cutoff, Filter resonance, Filter Attack, Filter Decay, Filter release, LFO speed, LFO depth, Amplitude attack and Amplitude release. So there isn't a sustain level on the envelopes. Maybe when the Compact 3 comes out, it will have complete organ capabilities and much more extensive synth editing.
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As pointed out by other users above, if the audio over USB works seamlessly, even an iPod touch loaded with some of the newer apps would allow for any synth part you might need

Nord Stage 2 Compact, Yamaha MODX8

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As pointed out by other users above, if the audio over USB works seamlessly, even an iPod touch loaded with some of the newer apps would allow for any synth part you might need


Good point. I'm wanting to try the Ravenscroft 275 piano app through it.

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Curious if any owners of the Compact 2 have adjusted their opinion of the shorter key length / key feel after the new car smell has worn off?


You guys still finding it as playable and attractive?


It took a little getting used to. The keys seem to be shorter in back, and the distance between the front of the black keys to the front of the white keys seems to be normal. In a YouTube video done by Piano Man Chuck, he noted that the action was more difficult when playing farther back on the keys because they were harder to trigger than a good piano action. But I got used to it.

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The keybed is a compromise to be sure. I can imagine "piano players" may not like the feel at all. My Kawai ES100 has arguably better ac piano sound and vastly better feel with hammer action and all, but it hasn't been touched in weeks. Guess I'm still in honeymoon bliss almost a year with the NC2.


Now I must say the Compact2's pianos have some artifacts and buzzes and weird harmonics on certain keys that I thought of at first as interesting and original; now those are juSt beginning to bend my ear a bit. And there is a high frequency tail on the spring reverb that drives me nuts with EP's. Actually, I could nitpick most of the onboard effects, but then this price point and 15 pounds and the great controller capabilities, I'm still quite happy.

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Strongly appreciate the Compact 2 review and feedback, Brenner! I see in your sig that you also have a VR-09 as well. How do it's pianos & general keyboard sounds compare to the Numa's? I was considering purchasing a VR-730 before I ultimately decided to pull the trigger on the Numa Compact 2X due to price & workflow considerations.



Gig: Yamaha MODX7, NumaX 73 Piano  Studio: Kawai ES-920; Hammond SK Pro 73; Yamaha Motif ES7 w/DX,VL,VH; Yamaha YC 73; Kawai MP-6; Numa Compact 2x

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Of course it's all subjective, but I like NC2's ac pianos WAY more even with the weird clicks and noises. Numa's samples have a much more natural, evolving decay. Roland apparently addressed this with a couple of better pianos in the new 730. I haven't heard them so cannot comment further.


Rhodes and Wurly's are again very subjective.I like the NC2 better right now, but it is still newer (more fresh) to my ears.


Organs are much more playable on the VR09 with the high key trigger and drawbars. NC2's organs sound okay but just can't adjust the tone. Anxious to hear what folks think of the 2X's drawbars and sound before I upgrade.


Roland's got my nod for Brass, Strings, Pads, Leads, and just about any other sounds. They just fit better to my ears and are easily tweaked.


However as mentioned in another thread, the NC2 and iPad are what usually go to rehearsal. Korg Module usually provides any sound needed in that setting and the NC2 is by far the best controller I have.


Again, I'm very anxious to hear peoples' experiences with the 2X's new UI before I swing.


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The keybed is a compromise to be sure. I can imagine "piano players" may not like the feel at all. My Kawai ES100 has arguably better ac piano sound and vastly better feel with hammer action and all, but it hasn't been touched in weeks. Guess I'm still in honeymoon bliss almost a year with the NC2.



I'm a "piano player" (coming up on 54 years next month) and I'm fine with the action for a semi-weighted board. It's similar to my old Kurzweil SP76 action, just a bit more shallow key travel. But it feels solid and better than my old Studiologic TMK-88.


And hey, at 15.5 lbs I REALLY love hauling it around to practice!

"The devil take the poets who dare to sing the pleasures of an artist's life." - Gottschalk




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I wondered If those quotation marks would get get a response. Perhaps "piano purists" may have been a better derogatory term? :blush: I can play a little piano, but my hands are far lacking the technical skill and physical endurance to consider myself a qualified pianist. See, I only meant to imply that the touch is really nothing like hammer action. Anyway, some of my best friends are piano players, and most make it clear how unweighted keys are less than desirable for their tastes. I'd be curious of the comments from a couple of these acquaintances after a go with this keybed. Super cool it works for you. I sure am having a blast with it.
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I wondered If those quotation marks would get get a response. Perhaps "piano purists" may have been a better derogatory term? :blush:

I'm not a purist by any stretch! :-) I do love the piano and that's where my primary training was, but have been playing organ since 1973 and synths since 1976 and I love them too. And the only fully weighted piano action I have is my acoustic piano. Everything else is some kind of semi-weighted which for me is good enough for live and even studio as I play a lot of synth sounds there.


I've adapted to semi-weighted actions for live as I don't wish to haul heavy gear around anymore. As long as there is some resistance or feeling of solidity, I'm good.


I was fine with my old Kurz SP76 and in my studio I'm still using a CME UF7 and I love the action on that. My Fantom X7 is a bit light for my tastes but acceptable. I love the action on my old Kawai K4 too.

"The devil take the poets who dare to sing the pleasures of an artist's life." - Gottschalk




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The shorter key length does cause me a few problems now and then. Not in placement of my fingers, but depressing the key itself, if I have to put my finger farther back in a big chord. I also play a 7' Kawai grand at church and there's a BIG difference. But for an all around keyboard, the size, weight, price, and features are hard to match, let alone beat.
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So my Sweetwater sales person just called me and said that their first shipment will be in next Friday... I asked Are you sure? And he said Yes! Thats what it says right here!


So... we're past the "next friday" thing and even the first days of april (the original promised date from Studiologic) and still nothing from them, not even new demos... Wonder if it got back to the drawing board or something like that...

My drawbars go to eleven.

Gear: Roland VR-09, Nord Electro 2 61, Korg CX-3. Hear my music: facebook.com/smokestoneband



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So my Sweetwater sales person just called me and said that their first shipment will be in next Friday... I asked Are you sure? And he said Yes! Thats what it says right here!


So... we're past the "next friday" thing and even the first days of april (the original promised date from Studiologic) and still nothing from them, not even new demos... Wonder if it got back to the drawing board or something like that...


The "next Friday" date thing came from a somewhat overly optimistic rep from the "sweet' place, not from Studiologic itself. I contacted my rep also after I read that, and he told me that his system still showed the next Studiologic shipment as arriving by 4/6/2018, although it was unclear to him if the NumaCompact2x was a part of that particular shipment (my rep is very experienced). Their website still shows "pre-order" status which is their code for showing no actual units ever having been received in-house yet. Please remember that these new units most probably go thru an extended final manufacturing QC checkout process, and also have to clear Customs, which is beyond everyone's control. Since I have one of the earliest orders placed, I would much rather receive a fully functional and checked out unit shipped later, than a defective unit shipped too early! Patience, please! I will be happy to update everyone once my unit arrives!



Gig: Yamaha MODX7, NumaX 73 Piano  Studio: Kawai ES-920; Hammond SK Pro 73; Yamaha Motif ES7 w/DX,VL,VH; Yamaha YC 73; Kawai MP-6; Numa Compact 2x

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Studiologic informed me first week of april on Facebook, by a message on march... Anyway, looking forward to that update, The_Star_Guy! Meanwhile, they could throw us a little bone, in form of some more videos/audio demos...

My drawbars go to eleven.

Gear: Roland VR-09, Nord Electro 2 61, Korg CX-3. Hear my music: facebook.com/smokestoneband



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