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KQ Dixie: DX7-compatible iOS app


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This might be the first iOS app that will let you import DX7 sysex files, in addition to being a 6-op FM synth app. Also promises realtime "management" of a DX7 when connected via DIN MIDI cable.




I do have a hidden agenda here - hoping an old FM pro will chime in on which of those 50,000 or whatever DX7 patches out there in sysex form are worth checking out. Suspecting 49,900 of those are electric piano patches. ;) I'd want the ones that Eno and Boards of Canada used.

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All of the Emulations are somewhat off...but for 4 bucks...and especially if it can edit my TX7...sounds like a no brainer...


Btw, this guy POWER DX7..gotta be one of the best DX programmers on the planet...he has some of the BEST sounds I ever heard from a DX7

All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

Arthur Schopenhauer

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I also still have my TX7, sitting on a closet shelf where it has been for about a quarter of a century. I wasn't even sure WHICH closet until I just took a look, lol.

Here's a good look:


Yamaha P515 & CK88, Pianoteq, Mainstage, iOS, assorted other stuff.

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That test was fun for the 15 minutes or so I spent with it, listing in full to the first (ROM sound) examples, and pieces here and there from the rest. Clearly, even when it's unclear what the recording process (it's a digital synth with it's own DAC and filter electronics at the end) has done, the DX7 original sounds the most fun with all the patches, and resonates logically with me, even with my current monitoring.


There appears to be tendentiousness with allthe other implementations, and it could be that velocity sensitivity and presumptions about amplication led to certain design choices of the "clones".


I am certain the (in my case Linux version mostly though I tried the VST once or twice, too) Dexed "plugin" can be set to various modes, like floating point, original quality and such, and it has gone through some changes, among which updates concerning LFO modulation accuracy.


Using the sound of the original with effect equipment and mixing/limiting for amplification might make the differences in sound between the original and the clones a lot bigger, which to me is already too much for most uses, though I regularly can make do with Dexed, which is an attempt at serious emulation, not sampling. I cannot feel very attached to most of the clone sounds, and I'm sure studio equipment like Lexicon has their own responses (and lack thereof) as well.



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