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Beatles on PBS June 3 @ 7:00 PM Az Time


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If I'm at home, I'll try and remember to tune in...what time is it right now in Arizona? Thanks! :cool:


Az is mountain standard time all year around. Winter it is 2 hours behind East coast and one hour ahead of West coast. Summer it is the same time as Pacific daylight savings time and 3 hours behind Eastern daylight savings.

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I just hope it ain't a "pledge week" presentation. I HATE those too long breaks where they pass the plate.


I know they need our contributions, but for years now, I've been a regular monthly donor, so I view these breaks as an unwanted intrusion.


I started out with NOTHING...and I still have most of it left!
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Yeah, it WAS "pledge week" so I viewed it with those interruptions. And my station played it "back-to-back" so I got to see it TWICE. :)


There's probably nothing I could say about it that many here couldn't put MUCH better, so I'll just say that it did provide much unknown and unthought of info (unthought of in terms of POV)but one thing about it that DID cross my mind was this......


Although there really ISN'T any album before or at the same time that can be compared to it, one comparison that CAN be made is:


It's no stretch for ME, as both a music lover AND "film buff" that one could easily make the claim the SGT. PEPPER is to music and recorded music what CITIZEN KANE is to film and film making. Think about it....


The show last night covered the need for George Martin and his team of sound engineers to develop both the technology AND techniques used in order to get the project recorded in the way they WANTED it to be. Same with KANE.


ORSON WELLES needed a company that made film stock to come up with a stock that was faster than what was readily available at the time. Plus special lenses ground for some of the shots he wanted to make(like "close focus" and low light situations) and also did many things filmmakers up until then never bothered with doing. Like placing the camera in a recess in the floor to shoot from a LOWER angle, and include CEILINGS in a scene. different lighting techniques and other camera techniques that are standard and "static" now, but were revolutionary when making KANE.


Just as many of the techniques created for PEPPER are "old hat" these days but non existent at the time. I liked the part where it was explained that one of Martin's engineers had to create a way to slow down one tape machine by manipulating the power source that it used in order to match one section recorded at a different speed than the one they wanted to match it with.


"Genius" is to me, a word that's bandied about WAY too much these days, but in THIS case, it's clear THOSE guys were CLEARLY geniuses.


Also LOVED the segment that explained all that was behind and involved in the making of George Harrison's "Within you/Without you". No surprise to ME, and probably the REST of this membership, that man was MUCH smarter musically than the general mass of Beatles fans thought.


I started out with NOTHING...and I still have most of it left!
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It was a great show (even with the pledge drive). +1 The information of how they created some of the sounds in the studio with the equipment available at the time was great. They said you could probably do it on your cell phone with an app today LOL! The slowing of the tape machine was cool along with layering of a 4 track to make more tracks (which I have done) was cool...


I really liked the bit on George (my favorite Beatle) taking lessons on the sitar and then writing the song with his notes as a bridge between East and West to appeal to their fans that created a new kind of music. Also Ringo using Tympany drums and special beats, the boys using 9 pianos for the final chord, etc., the list goes on. I didn't see it twice so this is from memory, but I would watch it again if it is replayed. I also liked the childhood stories for Strawberry Field and Penny Lane. I also liked the story on John getting some lyrics and inspiration from a show bill flyer, some of the Beethoven instrument sounds, added trumpet, and other sounds that they added was very cool stuff! Greatest album of all time... :cool:


Take care, Larryz
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Y'know, I never either tired of it, nor thought of it as being an old and out of date LP. And for Ringo...


I mentioned to my wife while Goodall was talking a bit about Ringo's syncopation and other "unusual for rock" drum work, about how BUDDY RICH shocked a lot of DOWNBEAT readers by saying Ringo was a favorite drummer of his. "A lot of drummers, even me at times, just did what's expected of them. But Ringo more often did what was NEEDED." I also told her that in MY opinion, not only "A Day In The Life", but also "Strawberry Fields" features some of Ringo's finest work.


One thing he didn't mention (if he did I missed it) but Goodall mentioned Paul wanted the piccolo trumpet for "Penny Lane" after hearing it at a concert of Bach's second Brandenburg concerto. What he DIDN'T mention was that the soloist for the BACH piece was asked to and also played the instrument on "Penny Lane". An excellent musician named DAVID MASON.




I started out with NOTHING...and I still have most of it left!
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I was probably thinking about Beethoven when I should have been thinking about Bach LOL! I'll have to watch it again and pay better attention...I think the orchestra set free and told to build from the lowest note they could play on their instruments to a freestyle maximum build up was very cool! and quite classical! :cool:
Take care, Larryz
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I now know I'll probably never listen to it the same way again. I've heard RADIO presentations in the past dissect the album before, but the show went MANY steps further.


I started out with NOTHING...and I still have most of it left!
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