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MainStage 3.3 Save As... options grayed out


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I'm using MainStage 3.3. When I do a Save As... the first and last options are checked and grayed out. I would like to be able to uncheck these items. Why are they grayed out?


If I start a Concert from scratch they are not grayed out. Please help me understand.

Here's a screenshot

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This is by design, to prevent errors if you change or move any EXS24 samples, or change any Apple Sound Content. This is for your own protection.


Not sure why you want to uncheck these?


The reason a new Concert doesn't have these checked is because you haven't yet created any channel strips with EXS24 instruments. Once you create even a single one, that option will be checked and greyed out for you.

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Sven nailed this one.


If you're just wanting to use the same layout with different concerts, just "save as" and in the new concert simply delete all the patches. in the Patch inspector. Then save it with a new name such as "master layout". Then use that anytime you wish to create a new concert with the same layout.


What I do these days, once I come up with a layout I really like for my controlling hardware is to save it before I create any patches.


I have two separate layouts saved: one for local gigs, and one for fly-in gigs where I'm using generic hardware from a backline company.


This way I have a blank canvas, with the layout I want, to work with anytime I setup a new concert.




Gig Rig:Depends on the day :thu:






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Sven nailed this one.


Aw, shucks. ;)


What I do these days, once I come up with a layout I really like for my controlling hardware is to save it before I create any patches.


I have two separate layouts saved: one for local gigs, and one for fly-in gigs where I'm using generic hardware from a backline company.


Great minds think alike! I literally just did the same thing, as I have some "wonder what I'll find when I get there" gigs coming up, and I'm tired of the on-site scramble to update layouts. :P

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Thanks for the responses. Much appreciated.

Not sure why you want to uncheck these?

I should have explained at the time. It was to experiment/troubleshoot why the file size is ballooning when I do a Save As. ConcertA shows in the Finder with file size of 12.8 MB. With ConcertA open, and making no changes, I do a Save As... and name it ConcertB. The resulting file size of ConcertB is now 787.4 MB! Curiously, if I then do a Save As... of ConcertB and name it ConcertC, ConcertC stays at the 787.4 MB file size. ConcertA and all earlier versions of it going back months, are all in the 11 to 13 MB range.


I've been working with MainStage for about a year never had Save As... change the fie size. I've read no complaints about version 3.3 in this regard, so I'm stumped why this is happening. My workaround is Command-D in the Finder.

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I should have explained at the time. It was to experiment/troubleshoot why the file size is ballooning when I do a Save As.


Understood; makes sense.


ConcertA shows in the Finder with file size of 12.8 MB. With ConcertA open, and making no changes, I do a Save As... and name it ConcertB. The resulting file size of ConcertB is now 787.4 MB! Curiously, if I then do a Save As... of ConcertB and name it ConcertC, ConcertC stays at the 787.4 MB file size. ConcertA and all earlier versions of it going back months, are all in the 11 to 13 MB range.


I've been working with MainStage for about a year never had Save As... change the fie size. I've read no complaints about version 3.3 in this regard, so I'm stumped why this is happening. My workaround is Command-D in the Finder.


Given that all versions after the first "bloated" one stay consistent, I'd say it's because the original one uses references to your local resources, and all the "Save As" versions have pulled in all the local resources, just in case you're going to be exporting them to another machine.


Again, for your protection. :cool:

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From the v3.3 release notes:


"Concerts created with Save As now properly retain Audio, Loopback and Impulse Response files."


I'd have to see your concert to know what's causing the largest part of the bloat, but if you're using backing tracks (Playback/Loopback) then there's your answer. :2thu:

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Quick passing note... I don't remember where I saw it so I can't link it, but there is something about "clean up" and "consolidate" before you do a "save as" to make sure everything is pointing to the same place.


Perhaps this may help you. As always make sure your original is saved so you don't lose anything.


I'll look into this more after when I get home.


Gig Rig:Depends on the day :thu:






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Quick passing note... I don't remember where I saw it so I can't link it, but there is something about "clean up" and "consolidate" before you do a "save as" to make sure everything is pointing to the same place.


This is also a good routine to get in, especially after numerous edits/changes.


However, the net result to the OP will be that the first Concert saved will increase in size, as the consolidation will copy EXS24 and other assets into the concert folder structure. He may see a reduction in the "Save As" versions from the "Clean Up" step, though, so it's still a good thing to do. :2thu:

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You were right. The "bloat" is proper and logical behavior with version 3.3.


In MS, File/Concert/Consolidate... presents 6 checkbox options which "Consolidate assets into concert:" To experiment, I Consolidated with no options checked and the file size predictably stayed the same, 12.8 MB. Consolidating with "Copy Ultra Beat Samples" (which I wasn't using) also had no effect. Ditto with the other unused items. Lastly, I checked "Copy Sampler Instruments and Samples" and ran Consolidate. Boom--790MB. Now that I think about it, I do run several Kontakt and EXS instruments instruments. So, no free lunch. Thank you for your help!

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