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Freeware midi player for teaching


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Hey guys,


I'm looking for a freeware midi player to use with my students. I want to send them MIDI files of music examples that they should study and I want them to be able to see the keys moving (keys lighting up whenever the midi notes are played) with a slider for tempo to slow things down and learn by seeing/hearing, pause/play etc pretty much all the basic stuff.

It has to be freeware because I'm using it in a school. It also should be possible to run it on both mac and windows systems, and be easy to use for tablets.


I do check google, but I don't want to install heaps of useless software to try them all out. I want to go by recommendation. So. Any recommendations? Perhaps you've been using some program with students like this yourself? I used to use Vanbascomidiplayer but that software is so extremely outdated, neither does it have ease of operation for tablets.

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Your Avatar looks very familiar.


Apple's iTunes plays MIDI files on OSX and Windows and can also convert them to audio, even lossy audio like MP3.


But I'd be surpassed if Windows Media Player didn't also pay MIDI files.

Yamaha CP88, Casio PX-560

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After going through several of the programs that I use, the only one that seems to fit your criteria is MuseScore:


(1) Free

(2) Multiple platforms-- Windows, Mac, Linux, tablets, and phones

(3) Option to view piano keyboard with keys lit up during play

(4) Not sure about ease of adjusting tempo during playback

Michael Rideout
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A note on QuickTime on the Windows Platform: Apple has ceased all QT development on Windows and recommends removal of the program (security holes not being patched).

Howard Grand|Hamm SK1-73|Kurz PC2|PC2X|PC3|PC3X|PC361; QSC K10's

HP DAW|Epi Les Paul & LP 5-str bass|iPad mini2

"Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen."


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I just tried MuseScore on my iPad, and as far as I can tell it doesn't have a piano keyboard, so I guess only the desktop versions include the piano keyboard option.


On the other hand, the iPad app does have a convenient slider for adjusting the tempo.


I haven't tried the Android version yet, but I assume it's similar to the iPad version.

Michael Rideout
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