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Kronos 61 organs - opinions wanted


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I'm wondering if you Kronos owners (specifically the 61) would care to school me on your organ-playing experiences. I think there were improvements made to the CX-3 engine and the Leslie sim in latest versions ?

I am not playing in an organ trio, or anything like that. One band is like 70s/80s funky / disco-y stuff. Another is female fronted country/ R&B/Rock. Not organ in every song, but a good deal of it through the gig - authenticity needed.

So, general sound of the CX3? Perc? C/V? Leslie? How is it playing on the 61's keys?

I've owned 3 B3s in my early years, so I will rate them 10 outta 10. My favorite clone so far-XK1, rating that 8. Currently using VR09, I'll call that a 4. (IMHO)

Where do you put the Kronos CX3 in my scale?

Thanks in advance.


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I played real B3s a long time ago, but since then I've played a bunch of plugins including NI B4, Logic's EVB3, VB3 and the Kronos' CX3.


Based on your scale, here's mine:

- NI B4 (4)

- EVB3 (7)

- VB3 (9)

- Kronos (8)




You'll definitely have to do some tweaking to get where you want. I know I did and it wasn't hard to get there. I basically created one master B3 patch that lets me get anywhere I need...clean, dirty, perc on/off, C on/off and all the sliders are the live drawbars. I'm pretty happy with it. I also reversed the switch functions from the factory settings so that the switch on means percussion is on and chorus is on instead of the crazy other way around.


One big suggestion I have is to check out this thread on the Kronos forum:




In a nutshell, it involves running the output of the CX3 back through another leslie effect in the chain. I'm a stickler for a great leslie sound and VB3 was absolutely the best, but this gets it pretty damn close.


Hope that helps.

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Interestingly, I just tried a new Kronos 2 a couple of days ago. It had arrived new in my local music shop.


I had never liked the Korg Hammond sound (CX-3 v2, M50, M3, Krome) because of their interpretation of chorus/vibrato. There is something fundamentally wrong with it, and I have tried to fix it using the "custom" setting...haven't had much luck yet! It's not wide enough, or not deep enough, or the waveform is wrong...I really can't tell, but when I hear the C/V it reminds me of an analog synth bubbling away.


I own a Krome, and I bought Organization to improve it's organs. The overall EQ and sound was improved, but the C/V was not changed as far as I can tell.


So, upon seeing the K2, the first thing I did was check out the organ sound. Sounded the same to me as the old Kronos. Now, I should add that everything else sounded fantastic. Key click on and off, nice grind, excellent reverb, lots and lots of song-based presets...I had no issues with the basic organ engine. If you don't use C/V I think the organ sound is above average.


Perhaps someone has a custom C/V preset they could share with us?

Electro 5, NI Kontrol S61/49, MX49, PC3, Rev2, Prologue, Pro3, Juno-DS, Mopho Keys, SE02, drums, tons of synth software, guitars, amps, and pedals...help me!!

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I own the CX3 from around 2007 ( not the original version )

Is the Kronos 100% capable of sounding ( not talking about ergonomics - obviously they are different ) equal to the CX3?

Some have said Kronos is even "better". But "better" for me suggests this: " the ability to sound exactly like the CX3, PLUS make alterations that some may like even "Better". than the CX3"

When we say better than the original ( CX3 ) sound engine, we can easily lose the ( CX3 ) original.

I like the cx3, and do not want to lose it's essence. Obviously all clone wheels can be "better" in terms of closer to the B3; but as time passes we become accustomed to attempts at copying the original; even quite attached to these copies of an original.

For instance:

The Fender Rhodes was ( correct me if I am mistaken ) an attempt to imitate a piano.

Later on, the DX7 imitated many sounds including the imitation of an imitation:

DX7 imitated Fender Rhodes which imitated the acoustic Piano.

But some of us grew to like each of these imitations for what they were. DX 7 EP's were very popular for a decade or so.

Rhodes piano, is a whole new category, where acoustic piano is essentially forgotten.. which is cool for me, as I love a great Rhodes.


That is why I am asking, can the Kronos faithfully sound exactly like the CX3 ( one would assume the answer is yes.. same engine).

Next question... in what aspects ( keyclick, C/V , Leslie ) of the sound, do some of you find the Kronos improving the authenticity of it's B3 emulation, the CX3?

This is tricky for me to articulate clearly... boils down to this

Would you agree with this. If you like the CX3, you will like the Kronos B3 emulation even more.

You don't have ideas, ideas have you

We see the world, not as it is, but as we are. "One mans food is another mans poison". I defend your right to speak hate. Tolerance to a point, not agreement

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I own a CX3 of the same vintage AND a Kronos. I would say the base cx3 engine is identical to the cx3. All of the additional EQ and effects can improve on it beyond that. In the latest OS revisions, the cx3 engine was expanded. If you don't go not custom mode, all of the cx3 patches sound exactly the same. Custom mode allows you to go in and do further tweaks.



Acoustic/Electric stringed instruments ranging from 4 to 230 strings, hammered, picked, fingered, slapped, and plucked. Analog and Digital Electronic instruments, reeds, and throat/mouth.

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J Dan Thank you for confirming this. The presets in the cx3,, is it difficult to load them into Kronos? Or do you have to accomplish this tediously in the menu?

Speaking of sound or tone : What do you most like in Kronos? What s not as charming ?


You don't have ideas, ideas have you

We see the world, not as it is, but as we are. "One mans food is another mans poison". I defend your right to speak hate. Tolerance to a point, not agreement

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J Dan Thank you for confirming this. The presets in the cx3,, is it difficult to load them into Kronos? Or do you have to accomplish this tediously in the menu?

Speaking of sound or tone : What do you most like in Kronos? What s not as charming ?


I don't think you can load CX3 programs into the Kronos, but the interface is so easy that you can quickly set it up, and if it's a preset on the CX3, you'll likely find it already in the Kronos.


What I like most about the Kronos will likely not be what you like most about it. I like having alll the synth engines integrated under one hood including 3 VA engines. I sometimes have complex Combi's with lots of custom sounds and I can get them together relatively quickly with good results. I like being able to combine programs, combis, and songs in set list mode.


If you're speaking specifically about organ.....well compare to the CX3, the controls aren't quite as intuitive. You don't have dedicated controls labelled as such, but instead need to know which buttons are assigned to what. Faders instead of drawbars isn't as nice, but it is what it is. Many of the presets have a bit of a harsh EQ to them in the upper mid for my ears, but it's easily adjusted out.



Acoustic/Electric stringed instruments ranging from 4 to 230 strings, hammered, picked, fingered, slapped, and plucked. Analog and Digital Electronic instruments, reeds, and throat/mouth.

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You know, for you, a stong point of the Kronos is that it's pretty easy to set up combis with LH bass routed to an Aux output if you wanted to run it to a dedicated bass amp. Also, some of the built in bass amp/cabinet models are decent.


I would recommend getting the 61 key if you want to do organ on it since the others are weighted. If you want do do piano as well, I'd recommend as others have done, use a lower tier 88 key controller of your choice just to trigger sounds out of the Kronos.



Acoustic/Electric stringed instruments ranging from 4 to 230 strings, hammered, picked, fingered, slapped, and plucked. Analog and Digital Electronic instruments, reeds, and throat/mouth.

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I owned a CX3 (2000 model) for many years... really lovely organ. Had its own character. I don't feel the love for the organ sound in the same way on the Kronos, but I am sure that's more to do with the physicality and lack of controls and the keyboard itself....


Would love to get a CX3 again to be honest... something magical about it...

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I owned a CX3 (2000 model) for many years... really lovely organ. Had its own character. I don't feel the love for the organ sound in the same way on the Kronos, but I am sure that's more to do with the physicality and lack of controls and the keyboard itself....


Would love to get a CX3 again to be honest... something magical about it...


Where are you located? I've been considering selling mine since I have the Kronos. I agree, the dedicated controls make a difference, but the Kronos is a lot more tweak able.



Acoustic/Electric stringed instruments ranging from 4 to 230 strings, hammered, picked, fingered, slapped, and plucked. Analog and Digital Electronic instruments, reeds, and throat/mouth.

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