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Do we have a formal definition of "Dork"? Does it appear in the latest edition of Webster or the OED? How does it relate to "wuss", "nerd", "jerk" (US) or "plank", "quilt", "soft la'" (Liverpool), or,indeed, "icehole" or "forkink corksorkker" (arabic).... The word "dork" does appear in Dr Samuel Johnson's dictionary of 1790, when it described a biscuit similar to the scottish, Abernathy biscuit still available today.... Of the beat combo formally known as "The Beatles", I've only had the pleasure of meeting the rhythm section, in depth...the lead guitarist I met for five minutes, and had a very short discussion on mahayana buddhism...but....unfortunately, I never had the pleasure of meeting their irrascible rhythm guitarist.. whom...I believe...held the key to the whole shooting match.. This hypothesis was reinforced by several in depth and very private chats with the drummer over the years..... OK, the bass player's worth a billion dollars, and yet he's still a tight bastard!...just force of habit I guess...nobody could spend that money...shame Johnny wasn't still alive to give him some gyp!....However...I understand what he went through when Linda (who was lovely) died, and I'm truly pleased that he's found a new love with Heather......but....Paul..write more kicking rock'n'roll songs like "I'm Down", "Day Tripper! Whatever..... Buddy Holly and The Crickets wrote this particular book....if Buddy hadn't died at 22...things may have been different...who knows?..... Hail to The Beatles..... Sincerely.. Lord Talkin' Seventeen Shades Of Shite, The Palace Of Certain Things,Bus Shelter Next To The Pub, Anytown, UK
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[quote]Originally posted by alphajerk: [b]no shit ade... WTF happened to him? love is an ugly thing, makes you write crappy, uh sappy songs.[/b][/quote] I suspect that he wasn't totally commited from the start.. He was always a bit of a weekend rocker...sneaking out of the house in his school uniform with his drapes and winckle pickers hidden in a British Home Stores carrier bag...non commital.. Whereas Lennon was telling the world to fuck off and die bigtime....Of course, even he succombed later on, and started writing shite like "Imagine". Love can make you write shimmering,passionate,uncompromising songs...it just depends how you take it..... Any strong emotion is high calorie food for song writing...it just seems to me that the tricky bit is converting that emotion into words...that's why some of the best "songs" don't have words....or, at least, the words have no recognisable meaning. Bollocks...I'm rambling again...must go to bed...it's alright for you septics...you're just getting fired up...but for us tea-bags it's fucking 6am, and there's shite on the TV, already ....Later Ade....snore ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ
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[quote]Originally posted by d gauss: [b]paul mccartney? wasn't he the guy in that band "wings" many years ago? i liked that junior's farm song... -d. gauss[/b][/quote] Get outta here and deGauss your ironing board......
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Paul has always gotten the criticism because he was "the cute" Beatle..."the Silly Love Songs" composer..."the married to Linda-who-shouldn't-be-in-Wings" ex-Beatle... Just to set the record...Lennon was the "visionary", Ringo the drummer, George the lead guitar player and Paul... Paul was THE musician. Paul plays anything and everything, and he started the solo-musician-recording-my-own-album-on-a-multitrack-tape-machine thing when he did his first post-Beatle album. That is where I got my inspiration to get more into the studio thing instead of just being a musician. That is where I saw all the possibilities. As much "Silly Love Song" drivel as Paul might have written/recorded to date...Lennon did his share of crap and so did Ringo and George. But none put out the sheer volume of music that Paul has...OK Lennon died 20+ years ago...but even during his life...he didn't match Paul's music output...and Yoko negates the Linda thing...AND THEN SOME!!! Ringo...still cool after all these years (and he has Barbara Bach!) George...poor George...great guitar work, and his Traveling Wilbury days with Jeff Lynn are A+. But Paul is still THE musician...I bet George Martin THE producer would concur. Yeah...maybe it would have been more meaningful and creatively rewarding for us all if Paul McCartney had hooked up with alphajerk for some musical collaboration instead of that cute 15 year-old talented pop star Lindsey Pagano...but life is not always fair alpha...keep on dreaming my man! ;)

miroslav - miroslavmusic.com


"Just because it happened to you, it doesn't mean it's important."

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[quote]Originally posted by DC: [b]Nice story. Seems like that stuff always happens to people who can't realize the significance.[/b][/quote] Believe me - Lindsay [i]fully[/i] recognizes the significance. Her mom is a singer, and her dad is a bass player. She's been around music since well before she could walk. She knows just who Paul is, and just how lucky she is. She is [i]not[/i] just another piece of puff pastry - the girl can sing like you can't believe. Plus, she's actually really cool. Get this - she is currently doing a tour with Little Aaron Carter. The people producing the tour told her that they wanted her to lip-sync, just like...ahem...many other acts currently touring. She refused to do so, and said that if people were going to pay to see her sing, then they were going to hear her sing - period. She refused to budge until they accommodated her. You've gotta love that...hey, what can I say - she comes from Philly... ;) dB [ 12-18-2001: Message edited by: Dave Bryce ]



:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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dB--- I think I am more impressed with what you have just said about her (above) than I am about her getting to meet Macca. And believe, me, I'd LOVE to have the opportunity to sit down with him and a couple of acoustics sometime. Sometimes youth ISN'T wasted on the youth. Here's to 'er. --Rick
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[quote]Originally posted by adriencook@hotmail.com: [b] Love can make you write shimmering,passionate,uncompromising songs...it just depends how you take it..... Any strong emotion is high calorie food for song writing...[/b][/quote] Just had to comment on this: boy do I agree! There is NO reason in the world that a love song can't be just as powerful as any other, but a lotta times of course, they ain't. I think part of the reason might be that people often don't allow themselves to fully experience love - in a lot of ways love is scarier than other emotions. With real love comes a fear of loss that can be paralyzing, a need to confront things within yourself that you may not want to face, etc. Not to mention, it's oddly considered more socially acceptable in our culture to express intense anger than intense joy or love. That says a lot about our culture don't it? In any case, people who see love as an escapist thing that is all sweetness and light will most definitely write crappy songs. :D --Lee
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[quote]Originally posted by Lee Flier: [b]There is NO reason in the world that a love song can't be just as powerful as any other...[/b][/quote] Hey Lee! So...do you write your best stuff after falling in or after falling out of love...? It's all subjective of course...but I think the "after falling out of love" stuff is always more..."deeper"..."revealing"..."subconscious"...YMMV! Maybe it has to do with the relationship we each have with our instrument(s)...our music. So when we do break up with a person...the music is our sanctuary...a place to go for recovery...it gives us strength to once again "go it alone". With just our trusty guitar, sax, piano..."by our side", off we go riding into the sunset, our face in the wind... OK...OK...I got little carried away there. :D

miroslav - miroslavmusic.com


"Just because it happened to you, it doesn't mean it's important."

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[quote]Originally posted by Lee Flier: [b] Just had to comment on this: boy do I agree! There is NO reason in the world that a love song can't be just as powerful as any other, but a lotta times of course, they ain't. --Lee[/b][/quote] yep, most turn out like velveeta cheese. case in point. oh shit, shes opening for aaron carter... shit. i gotta go now and see it... [vomit] ______________ born on the wrong side of the river from phili



"if god is truly just, i tremble for the fate of my country" -thomas jefferson

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[quote]Originally posted by miroslav: [b].the music is our sanctuary...a place to go for recovery...it gives us strength to once again "go it alone". With just our trusty guitar, sax, piano..."by our side", off we go riding into the sunset, our face in the wind... OK...OK...I got little carried away there. :D [/b][/quote] sniff....sniff......... Is that Velveeta I smell? :eek: ------------------ KHAN (cuttin' the cheese)
So Many Drummers. So Little Time...
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[quote]Originally posted by miroslav: [b] Hey Lee! So...do you write your best stuff after falling in or after falling out of love...? [/b][/quote] Both! That's just it - either one tends to "wake up" parts of you that are normally lost below the surface, which can lead to great songs. It baffles me that some people only seem able to write good stuff when they're in pain and when things are good, they can't, but that seems very common. I think maybe as I said earlier, a lot of people are afraid to fully experience joy and passion, they experience it as kind of an escapist thing and it gets blunted. And comes out as REALLY corny songs. :D --Lee
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[quote]Originally posted by Lee Flier: [b].I think maybe as I said earlier, a lot of people are afraid to fully experience joy and passion, they experience it as kind of an escapist thing and it gets blunted. And comes out as REALLY corny songs. :D --Lee[/b][/quote] Well...I think the people that write the songs are not at fault...to them the songs are not just escapist and I'm sure they do experience the joy and passion. But it is the listener that might lable a "silly love song" as "corny". Sort of like watching two people kissing and embracing...it's like...awww shucks...get a room guys! :o But then you watch a couple, fighting on the Jerry Springer Show and....YEAH...YEAH...give us more! ;) So...here's a question: How does one approach a "happy-to-be-in-love" song without having it come across as sappy/silly? There IS a noticable difference between the "in-love" and "out-of-love" songs...generally... Is is something in the lyrics? Maybe the melody/harmony lines? Or the chord structure? Is it the dynamics? Any insights to the differences...? Hmmm...a new thread? Yeah, why not.

miroslav - miroslavmusic.com


"Just because it happened to you, it doesn't mean it's important."

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Yeah, I think Lee has a great point, that you have to realize the terror of love to begin to appreciate the whole tamale. I think Paul tried to capture it sometimes, but it's his melodicism (?!?!) that makes me want to listen to his stuff, definitely not his observations. The master, IMHO, was always Cole Porter, both for falling in and falling out. "Every Time We Say Goodbye." (<-- Lee's point, I think.) "So In Love." "Just One of Those Things." "It's Alright With Me." That kind of sophistication makes the Beatles just pale in comparison -- in terms of lyrical content, anyway. Yeah, he might've written some klunkers too, but his deep stuff goes FAR deeper than most others. I also think it's a good point that, as Tolkien wrote in a different context, good times are soon told about and not much fun to listen to, while tales that are palpitating always grab and sustain our interest. Huh. Fun topic. Way to go, though, Sir Paul. :)
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Sorry, but way is it so cool? No disrespect to Paul, You or 15 years old star... :D One would expect you guys that work in the industry to realize that all the so-called-stars are normal people like you and me. What's so Fairy tail about that? The fact that she is a good singer? The fact that she is 15? Or the fact that she lives next door to you? Come on, those things happen all the time. 100 of young kids make it big , they get to meet all the older stars and work together. I don't hear anyone saying : what a fairy tail Britny spears sings on the MTV awards - But I'm sure that one day she too was someone's 15 year old next door neighbor that all of a sudden made it big... Come on , get a life....

Rotshtein Danny - Studio Engineer

Jingles show-reel


Visit DarlingNikkie.com To discover the sounds of "Darling Nikkie"(aka Jade 4U). . . .

New exciting project Goddess of Destruction

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<> Man, ya know come to think of it, Abe Lincoln, he aint done shit since 1865! What's all the fuss about?? Thomas Jefferson, draws up the the most important document, (in your life), at 33 years old, and boom, nothin, not even a half-witted limerick on a bathroom wall, what a flash in the pan! Over-rated! ;)
In two days, it won't matter.
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[quote] ]Sorry, but way is it so cool? No disrespect to Paul, You or 15 years old star... One would expect you guys that work in the industry to realize that all the so-called-stars are normal people like you and me. What's so Fairy tail about that? The fact that she is a good singer? The fact that she is 15? Or the fact that she lives next door to you? Come on, those things happen all the time. 100 of young kids make it big , they get to meet all the older stars and work together. I don't hear anyone saying : what a fairy tail Britny spears sings on the MTV awards - But I'm sure that one day she too was someone's 15 year old next door neighbor that all of a sudden made it big... Come on , get a life....[/quote] What a dick! :D
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[quote]Originally posted by popmusic: [b] It's only cool if you like Paul McCartney or the Beatles. (Alphajerk, sit down -- I'm not talking about you! :D ) Let's face it -- most of us who are working with bands, singers, or whatever, secretly (or not so secretly) would like to emulate [i]some[/i] part of the Beatles, whether it's their songwriting, performances, productions, popularity, image, financial success, long career (by music biz standards), musical growth/experimentation, their impact on culture, or their impact on other musicians. If you don't hold the Beatles or Paul McCartney in as high regard, or don't appreciate the impact they've had on popular culture (the likes which haven't been seen since) then you're not going to find it as cool of a story. 20 years from now, Britney will be forgotten. The Beatles won't. [ 12-18-2001: Message edited by: popmusic ][/b][/quote] I actualy love the Beatles, but lets face it - even they had to work with normal people. every time they have been in the studio there was an engeneer, a producer , a tea boy, a secretry, etc etc etc.... I still don't see why this story is so cool. It seems like you guys expect the big stars to be asshole and get all suprised and mussy when they do something humen. No wonder America is where it is... Sorry if I upseted you delicate guys :D Peace Danny

Rotshtein Danny - Studio Engineer

Jingles show-reel


Visit DarlingNikkie.com To discover the sounds of "Darling Nikkie"(aka Jade 4U). . . .

New exciting project Goddess of Destruction

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That is a wild story... I wonder if she realizes the magnitude of it all (being just 15). That's like being partnered up with Tiger Woods in a charity golf outing, or playing a friendly game of 1 on 1.....with Michael Jordan. All the best, Wiggum
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post beatles songs that are greater than beatles songs: maybe i'm amazed... (should've been a beatles song but i think he held back on it) band on the run.... no more lonely nights worhty mention: (for rock & roll) junior's farm hi hi hi silly love songs....say what you want about the lyrics but what a kick ass bass line and sound..
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[b]No disrespect to Paul, You or 15 years old star...[/b] Well, there are probably some circles where telling someone to get a life would be considered disrespectful; but okay - if you say no disrespect was intended, none taken...of course, no disrespect is intended in any of my following replies, either... [b]One would expect you guys that work in the industry to realize that all the so-called-stars are normal people like you and me.[/b] No kidding...really? You and Paul McCartney have had the same influence on popular music? Wow! That's very cool! You must be very proud... [b]What's so Fairy tail about that? The fact that she is a good singer? The fact that she is 15? Or the fact that she lives next door to you?[/b] None of the above. Sorry you missed the point. Okay, maybe I'm a strange person (actually, there's no doubt about that), but The Beatles were the first thing that I heard as a kid that got me turned on to pop music. To me, Paul McCartney is something of an icon. There are some who might say that he and his bandmates had kind of a big influence on our industry. I would consider the opportunity to work with him to be a major highlight in my career. I actually find it very difficult to believe that you would just shrug the opportunity off if such a thing arose for you. If not him, perhaps someone else influenced you... Hey - maybe I'm wrong...maybe you didn't have any influences that it would give you a rush to have the opportunity to work with. I daresay I'd wager that'd put you in the extreme minority of the people who post here... ...I'll bet that even alpha has people that he'd dig having the opportunity to work with (Jimi?)... [b]Come on, those things happen all the time. 100 of young kids make it big , they get to meet all the older stars and work together.[/b] Oh. Perhaps you're right. That happens all of the time on the average "young kid's" [i]debut[/i] album - [i]before anyone has even heard of them[/i]. Getting to work with someone of the magnitude of one of the Beatles. Yeah, you're probably right. :rolleyes: [b]I don't hear anyone saying : what a fairy tail Britny spears sings on the MTV awards[/b] Ummm - that's because it's kind of not the same thing at all. Not even remotely, sir. LOTS of people get to sing on the MTV awards. I find it astonishing that you would even attempt to equate the two events. [b]Come on , get a life....[/b] Oh, okay. Whew. Thanks for the reality check. 'Preciate that...silly me - I thought I had a life... ;) :rolleyes: :D Since you were kind enough to offer that suggestion, perhaps I can offer one in return: perhaps you should try not to be such an ultra-cool jaded cynic. Once again - no disrespect intended. dB



:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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