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cool new effects

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I think a lot of players who would be looking at this are going to think hard about what kind of effects rig they could put together for that same $1000?


Somewhere between 2-4 pedals, right? ;)


If they're going all boutique, or buying two Eventide H9 Max units, sure, there goes $1000.


Given that most of the Boss MFX up until this unit have been in the $300-500 range, this is a big leap, for a product that will probably have a steep learning curve, as well. With those two factors, it had better make a big impression.

"Monsters are real, and Ghosts are real too. They live inside us, and sometimes, they win." Stephen King





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@p90jr - I've got a Rainbow Machine, too. PM me, and we can exchange tricks. One thing people forget is that it can do more subtle sounds than most of the demo videos show. The controls aren't really intuitive, either.


We should also talk about doing fun things with that Arturia Synth, like running the Synth9 pedal into it, to play polyphonic "Synth" sounds through the Filter section.


FWIW, I have the Mel9, and like it very much. Try it through that Rotary pedal, for a nice Watcher of the Skies sound.

"Monsters are real, and Ghosts are real too. They live inside us, and sometimes, they win." Stephen King





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A few weeks ago a buddy asked me to be on standby to fill in with his wedding/private party band because their guitarist was having some health complications, sent a songlist that I brushed up on...


three weeks ago he finally told me he needed me for that Saturday for a party... he sent the details that afternoon, and when I said something about having a sore throat said "oh, no... I need you to sing..." Okay, herbal remedies and load up the iPad with lyrics on short notice. Then he asks about my keyboard playing... my reply: "I wouldn't hire me to play anything on the fly." Okay, well guitar. I show up... and the other guitarist is set up... I'm confused... I find out that I'm subbing for my buddy, the keyboardist who plays guitar on some of the set. "I don't have a keyboard with me..." "He said you'd pull it off, anyway, with guitar." Luckily I still had my Organizer + Dano Leslie pedal on my board, along with a DOD Ring Modulator that I know how to get synthy sounds out of... left over from an original band gig, plus a few tricks I know with the Deluxe Memory Boy... I became a organist on guitar for most of the gig and even got a little Bernie Worrel-ish on some of the funky dance numbers. It was fun... I went home and instantly ordered a couple of the Electro Harmonix 9 series pedals... the Key9 (electric piano) and Synth9 pedals... and will probably give in and get the Mel9 Mellotron pedal soon. They didn't arrive in time for the gig a week later with the same band: a Cinco De Mayo thing that was looser and more rock-oriented, but I had a few guys come up and ask if I was midi-ing things with my guitar ("how are you playing organ solos on your Strat?") or where the keyboard was hidden...


Anyway, to the EHX pedals... fantastic. Triggered all of the electric piano radio songs of my childhood... my wife has asked me to stop playing Billy Joel's "Just The Way You Are"... I've had people tell me these pedals "are worthless" but I knew to ignore their verdict, because while they're good rock or blues players, they probably plug into them and bang away on open chords or otherwise play like a guitarist (as do most of the amateur demo vids on youtube) and if you have to think like the instrument setting you're using. Playing the parts of my musical hero Donald Fagen on the "Suitcase" setting on the Key9 (Fender Rhodes plus Phase) makes my heart sing... dialing in the Wurlitzer sounds and running through Supertramp or Monkees songs is a blast. And even plugging my synth into them and running the clean piano sound through them gives great results... as a frustrated keyboardist wannabe (my mother is a pianist and piano teacher... I begged as a child for piano lessons, but my dad wouldn't allow it, forcing me to be a horn player... something that still angers me because if I had followed his wishes and gone to college to major in music I would have had to learn piano, anyway... I think it was some weird thing fighting my mother's influence in his mind...) this not only makes me happy to be able to create those songs and playing styles on guitar, it also, of course, starts clarifying things technique-wise on the keys... if only I had the time to practice my left hand key skills these days... I haven't had tons of time to play with the Synth9 yet, but it instantly gives you the classic synth models as presets... and then I bought an Arturia MicroBrute synth a while ago just because You can plug a guitar into it and use the filters as an effects system.


Anyway, EHX Key9 and Synth9 pedals = GREAT and FUN!!! Excuse if they've been covered already in this massive thread.


I know a Winston has most if not all of the EHX9 series, and Im grabbing them myself in a slow & scattershot fashion. Loads o fun, to be sure!

Sturgeon's 2nd Law, a.k.a. Sturgeon's Revelation: âNinety percent of everything is crapâ


My FLMS- Murphy's Music in Irving, Tx



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A few weeks ago a buddy asked me to be on standby to fill in with his wedding/private party band because their guitarist was having some health complications, sent a songlist that I brushed up on...


three weeks ago he finally told me he needed me for that Saturday for a party... he sent the details that afternoon, and when I said something about having a sore throat said "oh, no... I need you to sing..." Okay, herbal remedies and load up the iPad with lyrics on short notice. Then he asks about my keyboard playing... my reply: "I wouldn't hire me to play anything on the fly." Okay, well guitar. I show up... and the other guitarist is set up... I'm confused... I find out that I'm subbing for my buddy, the keyboardist who plays guitar on some of the set. "I don't have a keyboard with me..." "He said you'd pull it off, anyway, with guitar." Luckily I still had my Organizer + Dano Leslie pedal on my board, along with a DOD Ring Modulator that I know how to get synthy sounds out of... left over from an original band gig, plus a few tricks I know with the Deluxe Memory Boy... I became a organist on guitar for most of the gig and even got a little Bernie Worrel-ish on some of the funky dance numbers. It was fun... I went home and instantly ordered a couple of the Electro Harmonix 9 series pedals... the Key9 (electric piano) and Synth9 pedals... and will probably give in and get the Mel9 Mellotron pedal soon. They didn't arrive in time for the gig a week later with the same band: a Cinco De Mayo thing that was looser and more rock-oriented, but I had a few guys come up and ask if I was midi-ing things with my guitar ("how are you playing organ solos on your Strat?") or where the keyboard was hidden...


Anyway, to the EHX pedals... fantastic. Triggered all of the electric piano radio songs of my childhood... my wife has asked me to stop playing Billy Joel's "Just The Way You Are"... I've had people tell me these pedals "are worthless" but I knew to ignore their verdict, because while they're good rock or blues players, they probably plug into them and bang away on open chords or otherwise play like a guitarist (as do most of the amateur demo vids on youtube) and if you have to think like the instrument setting you're using. Playing the parts of my musical hero Donald Fagen on the "Suitcase" setting on the Key9 (Fender Rhodes plus Phase) makes my heart sing... dialing in the Wurlitzer sounds and running through Supertramp or Monkees songs is a blast. And even plugging my synth into them and running the clean piano sound through them gives great results... as a frustrated keyboardist wannabe (my mother is a pianist and piano teacher... I begged as a child for piano lessons, but my dad wouldn't allow it, forcing me to be a horn player... something that still angers me because if I had followed his wishes and gone to college to major in music I would have had to learn piano, anyway... I think it was some weird thing fighting my mother's influence in his mind...) this not only makes me happy to be able to create those songs and playing styles on guitar, it also, of course, starts clarifying things technique-wise on the keys... if only I had the time to practice my left hand key skills these days... I haven't had tons of time to play with the Synth9 yet, but it instantly gives you the classic synth models as presets... and then I bought an Arturia MicroBrute synth a while ago just because You can plug a guitar into it and use the filters as an effects system.


Anyway, EHX Key9 and Synth9 pedals = GREAT and FUN!!! Excuse if they've been covered already in this massive thread.



A man and a plan after my own heart. :cool::like::like::like::like::like:

Ask yourself- What Would Ren and Stimpy Do?


~ Caevan James-Michael Miller-O'Shite ~

_ ___ _ Leprechaun, Esquire _ ___ _

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I know a Winston has most if not all of the EHX9 series, and Im grabbing them myself in a slow & scattershot fashion. Loads o fun, to be sure!


To be honest, I've tried most of the EHX9 series, but I only own the Mel9.


If you saw how many Synths & Keyboards I have on hand, you'd understand why I didn't really need any of the others. The Synth9 was very disappointing to me, in comparison to the flexibility of my full-function Synthesizers, which is not really a fair comparison. OTOH, none of my Synths will take up that little space on a pedalboard, so . . .

"Monsters are real, and Ghosts are real too. They live inside us, and sometimes, they win." Stephen King





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I know a Winston has most if not all of the EHX9 series, and Im grabbing them myself in a slow & scattershot fashion. Loads o fun, to be sure!


To be honest, I've tried most of the EHX9 series, but I only own the Mel9.


If you saw how many Synths & Keyboards I have on hand, you'd understand why I didn't really need any of the others. The Synth9 was very disappointing to me, in comparison to the flexibility of my full-function Synthesizers, which is not really a fair comparison. OTOH, none of my Synths will take up that little space on a pedalboard, so . . .


I have the B9, and kinda want the C9, Key9, and Mel9, for switching between or even mixing together. The B9 and C9 would pair very nicely for blending together.


I find ALL of the EH 9-series to be too bright when run through an amp with its controls set for my guitar; I either need some kind of EQ after them, or a separate amp. Being as I would very often be running them through my Boss RT-20 Leslie sim pedal, a 'stereo' or dual-amp and cab rig would be particularly nice- IF I were gigging frequently enough with those pedals and faux keyboard-sounds to warrant the extravagance...

Ask yourself- What Would Ren and Stimpy Do?


~ Caevan James-Michael Miller-O'Shite ~

_ ___ _ Leprechaun, Esquire _ ___ _

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Playing electric guitar is almost definitionally extravagant, so theres your warrant!






Perhaps I should have worded that, 'to warrant the expense'- and added 'if I could afford and pay for said expense'... ! :crazy:

Ask yourself- What Would Ren and Stimpy Do?


~ Caevan James-Michael Miller-O'Shite ~

_ ___ _ Leprechaun, Esquire _ ___ _

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@p90jr - I've got a Rainbow Machine, too. PM me, and we can exchange tricks. One thing people forget is that it can do more subtle sounds than most of the demo videos show. The controls aren't really intuitive, either.


We should also talk about doing fun things with that Arturia Synth, like running the Synth9 pedal into it, to play polyphonic "Synth" sounds through the Filter section.


FWIW, I have the Mel9, and like it very much. Try it through that Rotary pedal, for a nice Watcher of the Skies sound.


Awesome... will drop you a line when I get some time to play with the pedal!!!

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I know a Winston has most if not all of the EHX9 series, and Im grabbing them myself in a slow & scattershot fashion. Loads o fun, to be sure!


To be honest, I've tried most of the EHX9 series, but I only own the Mel9.


If you saw how many Synths & Keyboards I have on hand, you'd understand why I didn't really need any of the others. The Synth9 was very disappointing to me, in comparison to the flexibility of my full-function Synthesizers, which is not really a fair comparison. OTOH, none of my Synths will take up that little space on a pedalboard, so . . .


I have the B9, and kinda want the C9, Key9, and Mel9, for switching between or even mixing together. The B9 and C9 would pair very nicely for blending together.


I find ALL of the EH 9-series to be too bright when run through an amp with its controls set for my guitar; I either need some kind of EQ after them, or a separate amp. Being as I would very often be running them through my Boss RT-20 Leslie sim pedal, a 'stereo' or dual-amp and cab rig would be particularly nice- IF I were gigging frequently enough with those pedals and faux keyboard-sounds to warrant the extravagance...


I have a Roland Keyboard amp I run them through, and they sound fantastic and convincing.


I'll try them through my smaller (but plenty loud) Ashdown Acoustic amp...



I also have a bunch of synths and keys... but I'm much, much, much, much less competent on them than guitar... I can jump in with a band on guitar and let my ear guide me and gel like I've practiced with them a lot... but on keys I'm almost stuck translating things before I play them... and then my left-hand skills go to heck pretty quickly if I'm not practicing a lot, which I haven't been since my kid was born...


So, these are compact life savers.

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One tip I've also seem from guys who play them through clean guitar amps or channels it to put an EQ pedal right behind them, but keys are meant to have a wide EQ spectrum and guitars amps are tuned in to a smaller spectrum due to our tastes... or we'd all just play straight through PAs, wouldn't we?
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[font:Comic Sans MS]Knobs + Chase Bliss = ❤[/font]



Oh, hell, I already have a bunch of Pitch Shift devices - looks like I'll want this thing, too.


Yeah, it does sound very nice there... I think I'd enjoy it.


Sending it through my El Capistan for further tape-flavored "Crinkle" and 'Wow & Flutter' would be Heavenly. Buuut I digress. ;)

Ask yourself- What Would Ren and Stimpy Do?


~ Caevan James-Michael Miller-O'Shite ~

_ ___ _ Leprechaun, Esquire _ ___ _

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  • 2 weeks later...

Deceptively simple in concept, I think that many of you could enjoy this pedal- I can easily imagine YOU, Winston Psmith, employing it in Wash or Gleam Mode along with other sounds and effects...


__________ [video:youtube]

Ask yourself- What Would Ren and Stimpy Do?


~ Caevan James-Michael Miller-O'Shite ~

_ ___ _ Leprechaun, Esquire _ ___ _

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Deceptively simple in concept, I think that many of you could enjoy this pedal- I can easily imagine YOU, Winston Psmith, employing it in Wash or Gleam Mode along with other sounds and effects...


__________ [video:youtube]


@Caevan - First thing I do after seeing one of these videos is to go to my pile of Delays (don't ask . . .) and see if I can dial up something like it? As often as not, it's a matter of doing something 'wrong', like putting a Filter effect after Reverb, that sort of thing. Even when I can't recreate the sound in the video, I wind up with something interesting. I'd probably put this one near the front of my signal chain, just to mess with everything else . . .

"Monsters are real, and Ghosts are real too. They live inside us, and sometimes, they win." Stephen King





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As often as not, it's a matter of doing something 'wrong', like putting a Filter effect after Reverb, that sort of thing. Even when I can't recreate the sound in the video, I wind up with something interesting.


There ya go. :cool:


I'd probably put this one near the front of my signal chain, just to mess with everything else . . .


Tol' ya so. ;)

Ask yourself- What Would Ren and Stimpy Do?


~ Caevan James-Michael Miller-O'Shite ~

_ ___ _ Leprechaun, Esquire _ ___ _

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Whenever I buy a new pedal, I try to fiddle with it in isolation first.* And while Im vaguely aware of traditional pedal order, I never feel bound by it. I usually just pick a spot to plug something in...


Interesting- though not necessarily useful- sounds abound.


I have spoken of one pedal clump that had several fuzzes, delay, some exotic pedals and so forth all together, chosen because of a contest involving visual aesthetics. The sound of them all in and untweaked was terrible.


But I also felt that if I took the time to work with it, I might have achieved an apocalyptic and unique (probably) metal tone. (Maybe some kind of doom ambient?)







* Doesnt always happen- I buy pedals like a drunken sailor on shore leave- but thats my goal.

Sturgeon's 2nd Law, a.k.a. Sturgeon's Revelation: âNinety percent of everything is crapâ


My FLMS- Murphy's Music in Irving, Tx



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But I also felt that if I took the time to work with it, I might have achieved an apocalyptic and unique (probably) metal tone. (Maybe some kind of doom ambient?)


Dark Ambient, or Harsh Noise might be the genres to investigate, in that case. No, I'm not making these up.


Another thing to try, find one of your pedals that serves as a Tone Generator, (or noisemaker) on its own, then process that sound through other FX. Putting things in the 'wrong' order can help. A Guitar leaning against an Amp, to generate a steady feedback tone, is also fair game, just a little harder to control.

"Monsters are real, and Ghosts are real too. They live inside us, and sometimes, they win." Stephen King





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I DO keep toying with the idea of getting that EHX RTG...


OTOH, as we discussed elsewhen, I dont necessarily want to go too far down that road of producing interesting sounds, but without much rhythmic structure.

Sturgeon's 2nd Law, a.k.a. Sturgeon's Revelation: âNinety percent of everything is crapâ


My FLMS- Murphy's Music in Irving, Tx



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  • 1 month later...
[font:Comic Sans MS]Oh, lordy, hahahaha[/font]




I've been avoiding Modular gear, because it's "gateway gear", to coin a phrase. One good Synth buddy says, "It's not an Instrument, it's a way of life." More addictive, and expensive, than collecting pedals; back away slowly . . .

"Monsters are real, and Ghosts are real too. They live inside us, and sometimes, they win." Stephen King





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I've been avoiding Modular gear, because it's "gateway gear", to coin a phrase. One good Synth buddy says, "It's not an Instrument, it's a way of life." More addictive, and expensive, than collecting pedals; back away slowly . . .



Ask yourself- What Would Ren and Stimpy Do?


~ Caevan James-Michael Miller-O'Shite ~

_ ___ _ Leprechaun, Esquire _ ___ _

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Even for a Magpie of Pedals* like myself, thats not quite appealing enough to add to the old GAS list.


(Not st the top, at least. ;) )



* Magpie of Pedals keep playing your striiiiiings! Magpie of Pedals, do not by these thiiiiings! MAGPIE! MAGPIE!





Sturgeon's 2nd Law, a.k.a. Sturgeon's Revelation: âNinety percent of everything is crapâ


My FLMS- Murphy's Music in Irving, Tx



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To paraphrase, or outright bastardize, an old snack ad:


"Betcha can't buy just ONE!"


The problem with Modular gear is also the beauty of Modular gear: once you realize that the LFO in that XYZ-123 Phaser can also control the Frequency in that ABC-098 Filter, you just have to try it, and that's not even scratching the surface. You can wind up spending hundreds of $$$$ on those little patch cables alone . . . Bad enough I'm hooked on MIDI gear.

"Monsters are real, and Ghosts are real too. They live inside us, and sometimes, they win." Stephen King





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Not much of an effects person, but one I may get someday is the Catalinbread Epoch Pre EP3 Preamp/Buffer. At first I thought $299.was kinda expensive, but it's a boost, buffer and it can be used to run 2 amps. So 3 things in 1 pedal.

Jennifer S.

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