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So I quit the band (again)


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Right ... The band has a potential 2 hour gig on 3 January 2015 and the BL has now asked if I would be willing to sub for myself :freak:


My chance to earn back some money from this band, of course ... On the other hand, my last gig with them is supposed to be in 6 days. Advice?


I am leaning towards: "Run, don't walk!"





"Run, don't walk!"


You gave this bandleader THREE MONTHS NOTICE, and he comes to you with a gig offer that's six weeks off? My own response would be "Thanks, but no thanks". You gave a far greater than reasonable amount of time for this bandleader to find a replacement. This is now his problem, not yours.

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"My concern is, and I have to, uh, check with my accountant, that this might bump me into a higher, uh, tax..."

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Yeah, I suppose I would look at it this way: once given notice, a month or two is enough to find somebody. If they found somebody and they're just not quite up to speed, I might be inclined to help them out for another gig or two. If they've started playing with somebody and he can't make a gig, I'd sub. But if the issue is they haven't gotten off their asses to find somebody....tough.



Acoustic/Electric stringed instruments ranging from 4 to 230 strings, hammered, picked, fingered, slapped, and plucked. Analog and Digital Electronic instruments, reeds, and throat/mouth.

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Well, my priorities are different, so I might consider doing the show. I want to gig nearly every weekend.


Pros: paid gig, already know all the material, can do it without rehearsal.


Cons: not a fan of the music, not a great hang, only a 2 hour show so I get paid half for hauling gear, driving and primping.


There are other issues, too, such as you don't need to do them a favor hoping they'll call on you to sub again in the future. And it's a bit too close to the holidays/family time.


I'd do it if it were a 31 December (New Year's Eve) gig that paid handsomely, but I think even I'd have to pass on their 3 January offer.

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As it turns out, between Lisa and myself stating we're not available for the gig, it looks like the BL pulled the plug and told the organizer "we" won't be able to make it.


Eric, I too would love to gig more - a lot more than I have done in all these years. In this particular case, though, it would have meant 6 additional weeks of "being in the band" despite the lack of rehearsals. And who's to stop them from booking a gig in February. And March. And April ...

"I'm a work in progress." Micky Barnes


The Ross Brown Shirt World Tour

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If I might offer one word of advice regarding your departure from this act, David? Lose this band leader's contact info. And if he tries to reach out to you? Well, there's a reason why cell phones have an option to IGNORE a call.


I think a number of us agree with Eric. Gigging with a band can be a lot more fun than spending endless amounts of time in the rehearsal room. But some bands are destined to play out their existence in the rehearsal room for a variety of reasons. One of which, I think, is this sense among some band members that it's their "clubhouse" where they can hang out and get away from the other things in their lives.


I think everyone who's in some musical ensemble wants to enjoy the company of the people with whom they're playing music. But that shouldn't be the end-all, be-all. Playing gigs that pay has to factor in there for a good number of people. And when you don't like those people? And there's no money to sweeten things? It's a lose-lose situation.

Obligatory Social Media Link

"My concern is, and I have to, uh, check with my accountant, that this might bump me into a higher, uh, tax..."

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Willie, you have to factor in two things:


1) I love talking about myself, and

2) I tend to talk a lot about myself




Some band updates, while I'm at it: the BL actually went ahead and scheduled his band for the New Years reception gig for 2016. Didn't ask anyone, just booked it and told the rest. Wonder if I'll need to sub!


A third bass player has just replied to their ad, and the drummer and (new male) singer want to dismiss him based on the mail, while the keys player thinks they should give the man a fair chance.


4 more days, people!

"I'm a work in progress." Micky Barnes


The Ross Brown Shirt World Tour

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I can't believe that this thread is as long as it is given the subject matter: quitting a band.


Fact of the matter is - this has been the best damned thread since Erik and his "Smokey and the Band" thread a couple of years ago. And Erik was only subbing.


1) I love talking about myself, and

2) I tend to talk a lot about myself


Sometimes, you just got to go with your strengths.



Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn


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I can't believe that this thread is as long as it is given the subject matter: quitting a band.


Fact of the matter is - this has been the best damned thread since Erik and his "Smokey and the Band" thread a couple of years ago. And Erik was only subbing.


1) I love talking about myself, and

2) I tend to talk a lot about myself


Sometimes, you just got to go with your strengths.


ha!! :2thu:

"When I take a stroll down Jackass Lane it is usually to see someone that is already there" Mrs. Brown
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It is done! I just arrived home from my last gig with the pop band. Two things I've learned: it's not a good idea to go on a massive beer binge the day before a gig, and it's an even worse idea to eat a calzone two hours prior to said gig when still recovering from the effects of binge drinking :grin:


A few days ago the BL had sent us the planning, and had indicated that he'd be at the venue around 1 PM to start setting up. With us scheduled to go on at 9 PM, I was fairly decided on not showing up eight hours early. But since I had little else going on, I left around 3 PM and drove to the guitarist's place, which was two blocks away from the gig. He showed me some of the amps he's currently in the process of building. Interesting stuff, but I didn't get most of what he explained :)


We arrived, set up our stuff and ran through a few songs to check the levels and vocals and such. My Barefaced guaranteed a good, clean on-stage sound and I was happy. Then both guitarists said the bass was too loud as they could not hear themselves. This was countered by the drummer - I love this drummer - who said he could hardly hear the bass as it was. So I turned my speaker away from the guitarists and toward him - drums were set up stage right, with the keyboards in the middle behind the three vocalists.


For some reason I was a lot more nervous than I usually am for a gig. All day long I had a weird premonition that something bad would happen. I figured my bass might get stolen, or I could get into a car accident. When I got home a few minutes ago, I realised I've left the stove burning for 12 hours ... Luckily nothing bad came of it, other than a rise in temperature in the kitchen :) Someone up there likes me, that's for sure!


The first set was quite alright. We had a few slow songs in there but mainly mid- to uptempo, which got the kids dancing. Tonight was an invitation-only annual party organized by the St.-Caecilia Harmony, a collective of musicians. Our drummer is part of it, hence the invite. And when I say "the kids" were dancing, it's fairly literal: a good part of the audience consisted of members of the harmony, amongst which loads of young (pre)teenage girls who all seem to have a crush on the drummer :grin:


After set one there were several awards to be handed out to various members of the harmony so there was a one-hour delay between set one and set two. The second set contained a lot of "classic rock" stuff and it was funny to see the kids now being joined by their parents. I played less well than in set one and set three, no idea why because "classic rock" is very much my comfort zone.


One song I never managed to play right to the end is Supertramp's "Give A Little Bit". Tonight was the first time I actually nailed the ending. So Lisa, the longest-serving vocalist, told the audience that this was sadly my last gig with the band, but that she was glad I finally managed to get the ending right :grin: All in good fun! I quite liked that. Even got a round of applause for it, and some people actually came and asked me questions about leaving the band in between sets :)


At the end of the second set, our sub vocalist had the (actually quite brilliant) idea that since a lot of people in the audience are musicians, there'd probably be a few good singers, too. So she invited about 5 girls on stage to come and sing "I'm So Excited" with us. Great move cos the floor was suddenly packed with people taking pics of their daughters / friends being on stage with the band. Truthfully, I can't say if any of them did any actual singing, I was too busy being amused and watching the crowd (while playing, obviously).


During the break I was making my way to the bar, when a woman grabbed me and suddenly I found myself smack in the middle of a polonaise. Ironically, amongst my friends I'm sometimes known as Polonaise Dave, on account of accidentally starting one when I tried to leave a wedding ... I spent some time on the dance floor and danced a waltz with the keyboard player. Good fun!


Set three was pretty decent - I played better than set one. Before we started, we called some girl onto the stage who had a birthday tonight, and sang a happy birthday song for her. This was much appreciated by everyone, and good fun to do. At certain points the idea that this was the last set and so the last time I'd be playing song X would hit me, then I'd shrug it off and continue playing with a broad smile. Some audience participation took place, a few little mistakes here and there but nothing shocking. Except for maybe "Sex On Fire" where the guitarist was exploring new and exciting off-beat rhythms while the drummer suddenly forgot where the one is. And don't ask what the other guitarist and keys player were doing cos I couldn't hear them! So yeah, that one required focus!


And suddenly it was over! We'd played two encores and did a third one ("Narcotic" by Liquido) and decided that since the crowd had gone berserk, we would NOT be doing "Knocking On Heaven's Door" as it would be anticlimactic. I'd suggested switching them around but the BL found no wisdom in those words. So one song sooner than I expected, it was over.


I helped break down the stage, and load in the van, then said goodbye to everyone and gave hugs and kisses. The drummer swore a few times because he really hates to see me go. Like I mentioned in Ross' thread about strong points, I can work well with most drummers - and he's a pretty good drummer.


What now? Nothing, for a while. A guitarist I know gave my name to a soul band in need of a bass player. I know that band, love their sound and two years ago I would have JUMPED at the opportunity to try out for them. But not now, I really need a break from bands. Interestingly, the soul band understands and said they'll keep me in mind for the future. So I'll be learning their repertoire anyway, you never know if they need a sub :)


But first I want to (and need to) focus on some other, non-musical aspects of my life. And I want to take some time to work on my music theory, sight reading and overall technique. One thing I definitely learned from my 1.5 years in this band is how to properly play with a pick. I think I played 12 out of 37 songs with a pick tonight, where 1.5 years ago I would not have managed to get through one song without dropping it :) So I'll work on maintaining that, too.


One thing before I sign off and go to bed: as I was getting ready to leave for the gig, I grabbed a Uriah Heep cd to listen to in the car. While unintentional, I managed to grab the most appropriately titled one: "Sweet Freedom" :grin:

"I'm a work in progress." Micky Barnes


The Ross Brown Shirt World Tour

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