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War College Paper Says Bush Bumbled Iraq

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I heard that Wing was releasing a new album of Metallica covers. I bet she does a mean "Enter Sandman."

Current live rig: Roland RD700SX, Hammond XK-3 with Leslie System 21, and Muse Receptor. Also a Nord Stage 76 other times instead. And a Roland FP-7 for jazz gigs.

HOME: Kawai MP8 + a bunch of VI's.

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Johnny B: please post such stuff in one of the many existing GWB threads.


By starting new GWB threads all the time you only annoy people. If you don't change your ways you will become left out.




What do we want? Procrastination!

When do we want it? Later!

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Bush Bush Bush Bush Bush Bush, Barbara Bush's Bush Bush Bush Bush, Cheney, Bush, Cheney, Bush, Bush, Push, Bush Bush Bush Bush Rush Bush Bush Cheney Bush Push Barbara's Bush Old Bush, Young Bush DWI Bush Bush Bush Bush Bush Bush Dynasty Bush Nazi Connections, Old Bush, Young Bush, Who Pushed? Supreme Court names new President Bush, Huh, Bush Bush Bush Bush Bush Bush


November 2004 Goodbye Bush

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Originally posted by Johnny B:

I heard on C-Span that there was a 57-page paper by a War College Prof "all over the web" saying that Bush Blundered and made a big mistake by invading Iraq.

Seriously why bother posting this if you don't have a link to the paper, or some relevant story to go with it? You make your whole side of ther argument look bad.
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Originally posted by Johnny B:

I think it's better if we have many single topic threads. :)

Maybe you should have "thought" before you posted a thread based on "I heard on"


I have heard several stories on news channels that turned out to have incorrect information at the time of the broadcast.


Find this "57 page paper" and read it. Then make comments on the information.


Rumors are never supported by thinking people and are spread by the ignorant.

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Originally posted by Mats Olsson.:

You show no respect for what our esteemed moderator has asked of us. And by doing that, you don't belong here IMO.



I agree...you've been asked to tone it down by both people who support your point of view and those that don't...no one is trying to shut you up just asking for some courtesy...you're being quite rude Johnny.


There is no reason why you can't keep all of your comments on this topic to one thread and/or to the similar threads started by other members...you suck.

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You know what? I tried to shut this guy down 6 months ago, and a lot of people gave me shit for it.


They were saying things like "Wewus, you don't run this place" "Everyone has the right to speak" "Wewus you have to be more tolerant" Blah, blah, blah, BULLSHIT


We HAVE to HAVE some at least loose restrictions....OR...we have to put up with this bullshit.


As Mats would say Bush Bush Bush Bush, Cheney Cheney Cheney's tiny weenie, Bush, Barbara's Bush Cheney Cheney teeny weenie, Clinton, Clinton, Clinton getting some, Bush, Cheney get's bushed, Bush gets Cheney....etc., etc., etc.

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And if you bothered reading it, you would find it is not a 'report' ... merely an opinion paper... as it states on the author's credit page.


The Army War College is not what you may think it is...true, it is a place to learn tactics, history, etc, but it is also a rather active think tank, with people from all viewpoints contributing...


Your world must be a really sad place to be. I've never seen anyone pollute otherwise assertive and polite yet differing discussion as you have here, Johnny...


Although I disagree with just about everything you stand for (as posted herein) I used to deeply respect your passion and fire...now I just laugh at your blathering nonsense...you have accomplished nothing, and in doing so have irrevocably damaged your integrity and credibility.


In all seriousness, man...get a grip on social behavior.

So What ARE We Gonna Do With 8 Tracks...Fire the Arranger?
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we should have an "SSS JAIL", that is - one thread for the JAILED to post on, they are banned for two weeks from posting on other threads. they can freely post on their JAIL thread though, all they want. we just dont have to read it :D


why thank you, it IS a great idea. thats me, imaginary coaster, coming up with all of lifes solutions. ;)

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Funny, coming from a child molesting pervert like you, Wow. You may as well just keep giving the Big Dick C what he wants. I'm sorry to report that that Giant Sucking Sound that Ross Perot talked about and eveyone is now hearing is coming from Mr. Wow's house.

This is what the dumb son of a bitch put in another thread.


We can argue politics but when shit like this starts getting thrown around, I think we might need to do something about the issue.

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Originally posted by WOW:

Funny, coming from a child molesting pervert like you, Wow. You may as well just keep giving the Big Dick C what he wants. I'm sorry to report that that Giant Sucking Sound that Ross Perot talked about and eveyone is now hearing is coming from Mr. Wow's house.

This is what the dumb son of a bitch put in another thread.


We can argue politics but when shit like this starts getting thrown around, I think we might need to do something about the issue.

I don't ever read your political shit Wow but you're Ok in my book, if I had one. I had no idea you were a child molester though. Did you serve time?
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Originally posted by JohnS:

I was not attacking C-span as a rumor mill. I was attacking "you" as a rumor mill.


You are making comments on a report that you have never read. You are the one being spoon fed by the news media.

Good one! :thu:
The story of life is quicker then the blink of an eye, the story of love is hello, goodbye.
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Originally posted by Dylan PDX:

Originally posted by The Zeke Smith:

I heard that Wing was releasing a new album of Metallica covers."

Wing? Don't you mean Winger :freak::D ?
Nope, I definitely mean Wing .

Current live rig: Roland RD700SX, Hammond XK-3 with Leslie System 21, and Muse Receptor. Also a Nord Stage 76 other times instead. And a Roland FP-7 for jazz gigs.

HOME: Kawai MP8 + a bunch of VI's.

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