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OT: Poll: Bush Regime Most Corrupt in History?

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We know that certain American presidents have historically been labeled as the "most corrupt."


We also know that during the Reagan years around 225 administration officials went to prison for their corrupt and criminal activities. (Iran/Contra--drugs, weapons, ect)


Grant reputedly had corruption problems (carpetbaggers and war profiteers)


But of all the administrations in all of US history the Warren Harding Administration is often cited as the most corrupt. Now some people are charging that even worse than the Harding Administration, the Bush and Cheney Administration are even more corrupt. (Lying, No Bid/No Competition Contracts, Bait and Switch, etc)


So here you can vote by clicking "Yes" if you believe that Bush and Cheney are among the most corrupt.


Vote "No" if you believe that Bush and Cheney are just honest hard-working politicians.

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Johnny B, it's your life and you do with it how you please.


But WHY, OH WHY are you spending your life bashing republican politicians? You aren't going to change a single person's mind. You aren't educating anybody. You aren't interested in anyone else's thinking. It's just FUCK BUSH. FUCK HALIBURTON. And FUCK YOU IF YOU DON'T AGREE WITH ME. It's painful and embarrassing to see your 3 new political posts EVERY SINGLE DAY.


If you want to change people's minds then run for office. That way your ideas enter the marketplace of ideas. What are your ideas? Just that Bush and every Repulican ever is evil?

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I like reading his posts, but he dooown' know half of what Bush did to Texas. I would like to know if any of Clinton's people went to the slammer, sorry, if that high jacks the thread a lil' bit. But we are talkin' 'bout corruption at the highest levels of government. In fact, how many of Nixon's partners went to jail?
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I'm just adding some spice to the thread. I don't really care about Clinton. I just always get a kick out of how those who oppose the current President (ANY President) always say "He's the worst in history! There will be earthquakes and floods if this man gets (re)elected."


It's so predictable.

Super 8


Hear my stuff here


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I liked Gerald Ford, I liked Clinton, I liked Carter, I liked Ike, I liked Kennedy, I didn't like Johnson, I thought Nixon was corrupt, I could tolerate Bush sr., I thought Reagan was the anti-Christ, and I think Bush jr. is the most corrupt and worse than the anti-Christ, I think he's an out of space alien bent on destruction of the human race.


OK Super8, so your theory that we hate the administration that is most current is kaka, cause I only hated 3 out of 10 in my lifetime.

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This thread screams historical ignorance.


I'm from Texas, I'm a Democrat and I'm against everything Bush is.


But fabricating a reason to go to war is far from unprecedented. You can make the best case for Lincoln doing it among another presidents I consider to be great.


Radical, potentially lethal doctrines go back to this country's infancy and named for a then future president. And that oldest doctrine's resurrection a 160 years later brought the world closer to nuclear world war than it's ever been since.


Corporate infiltration of the government reached it's zenith in the decades before the 20th century.


The ignorance of the American public has always been a given fortified by our greatest strength - diversity.


But whatever you believe, comparing the Bush administration to even Nixon's is mind-numbling ignorant.


The world may be more dangerous now than ever, but especially if you're a democrat you should realize your own ignorance is more dangerous than Bush.


If these weren't such scary times I'd ******g chuckle.

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I think the Hitler administration that my Dad and half the friggin world had to go kick out of office could be seen a pretty corrupt, in the course of things...truth be told...of which many never came back...many others had their complete destiny changed in the wink of an eye.


That's the kind of thing we could've taken out more sooner than later - given a half century of hindsight. More or less...


I ain't cryin for History and more than it cries for me... cold wind of fate that it is sometimes. Still, some men shouldn't be allowed to control the wind... :cry:


Time for a good hard statocaster clamped across my face when I get home - 'Machine Gun' Fillmore Live - Band of Gypsies 1969 - blasting out at 11 ! :evil:



Ha Ha - I think Mr. Rolleyes approves - :rolleyes: - next to his good buddy Mr. Tongue-sticker-outer :P

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Originally posted by declan:

This thread screams historical ignorance.


I'm from Texas, I'm a Democrat and I'm against everything Bush is.


But fabricating a reason to go to war is far from unprecedented. You can make the best case for Lincoln doing it among another presidents I consider to be great.


Radical, potentially lethal doctrines go back to this country's infancy and named for a then future president. And that oldest doctrine's resurrection a 160 years later brought the world closer to nuclear world war than it's ever been since.


Corporate infiltration of the government reached it's zenith in the decades before the 20th century.


The ignorance of the American public has always been a given fortified by our greatest strength - diversity.


But whatever you believe, comparing the Bush administration to even Nixon's is mind-numbling ignorant.


The world may be more dangerous now than ever, but especially if you're a democrat you should realize your own ignorance is more dangerous than Bush.


If these weren't such scary times I'd ******g chuckle.


Great post. I salute your sense of balance and your fairness. I wish we could hear from other even minded democrats like you.


I appreciate your input.

Mark G.

"A man may fail many times, but he isn't a failure until he begins to blame others" -- John Burroughs


"I consider ethics, as well as religion, as supplements to law in the government of man." -- Thomas Jefferson

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In the 80's, I refused to vote Republican until all the Watergate conspirators got washed out of the system. It should be no surprise that Reagan's administration was one of the most scandal-ridden, because he filled his cabinet with all the Watergate guys that didn't go to jail. Read some Watergate history, the people involved were like a who's who of the Reagan cabinet. Haig, Sununu, so on.

Clinton's behavior was so disgraceful that his stink taints the entire Democratic party, which is very bad because it leaves little alternative to Bush.

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I agree Super 8's avatar kicks arse.


And Johnny, I'm still waiting on your answer as to how I go about jailing bush? I've told you I'm keen, you ask me to do it in your sig, so please give me directions?


Surely there are directions on how to do it as i can't imagine you put something meaningless in your sig.

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Originally posted by alcohol_:

OK Super8, so your theory that we hate the administration that is most current is kaka, cause I only hated 3 out of 10 in my lifetime.

It's not really a theory, Alcohol, more of an observation. I recall hearing people who despised Clinton -especially after lying under oath- and telling all kinds of unbelievable stories about the orgies and the cocaine operation that the White House was supposedly fronting, and what a poor example he set for America's youth, and on and on and on. And I remember thinking; "these people have got to be making this stuff up as they go! He may be bad, but is he that bad".


I hear this kind of talk for EVERY administration! There is always a group of total zealots -just like Johnny B- who are screaming at the top of their lungs that it's the end of the world if so&so gets (re)elected.


To see things in such black-or-white terms just doesn't make sense to me.


Is Bush corrupt? I don't know...maybe. Is he the most corrupt President in history? Probably not. But again I don't know, I don't follow him around everywhere he goes.


I have to balance the possibility that he IS corrupt with the possibility that he is not. And if he is, I then need to determine the degree of corruption. That means trying to discern facts of his corruption from the bullshit people string together just because they hate him and think he's the anti-christ.


I disapproved of how Clinton handled himself in office. That was an act of corruption. But simply couldn't believe some of the stories I was hearing about just how corrupt and unscrupulous he actually was.


It seems that some people aren't so skeptical though. Once they decide that a President or politician is corrupt, they'll believe ANYTHING negative about him/her. I can't get with that line of thinking.

Super 8


Hear my stuff here


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Originally posted by Coaster:

wow super8 dude, you use reverb a little?

You lost me, Coaster. What'd I do wrong now?


Originally posted by LanceMo:

Super 8, that is the best avatar ever dude!

Originally posted by Nursers:

I agree Super 8's avatar kicks arse.


Thanks. Glad you like it.

You would not believe how difficult it was to string a giant whistlepig up between those smoke stacks. But I think the results were worth the effort. :D

Super 8


Hear my stuff here


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And your avatar is so appropriate to how GWB is the most corrupt, because he's willing to sacrifice the ehalth and well being of his onw people's children for the sake of his political career:




"Mercury is considered dangerous to humans because the consumption of contaminated fish can lead to brain damage in infants and fetuses. In order to implement its trade-scheme, the Bush administration is now reclassifying mercury into a less stringently controlled category of the Clean Air Act."


The difference between Saddam and Bush is just a matter of degree. they are obth evil.

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Under the Bush administration, pollution and environmental laws have been rolled back. Also, very questionable war-as-foreign-policy adventures have been undertaken, with murky results at best. National debt has reached new heights.


Under the Clinton administration, the plans for the W-88 475-kiloton nuclear warhead were leaked to China because of security lapses. Intelligence contingencies which ensure national security were gutted. Rather than dealing with Osama Bin Laden by disabling his terrorist operation before he was able to perpetrate an attack on American soil (after the African embassy bombings), the administration settled for blowing up some tents and an aspirin factory with Tomahawks and calling it a day.


Don't get me wrong, it all sucks. But which of these is "evil" seems to depend much more on the political leanings of the beholder.

Current live rig: Roland RD700SX, Hammond XK-3 with Leslie System 21, and Muse Receptor. Also a Nord Stage 76 other times instead. And a Roland FP-7 for jazz gigs.

HOME: Kawai MP8 + a bunch of VI's.

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clean air act = environemental devastation

reform = privatization



Newt Gingrich GOPAC Memo to GOP Politicians


Language: A Key Mechanism of Control


As you know, one of the key points in the GOPAC tapes is that "language matters." In the video "We are a Majority," Language is listed as a key mechanism of control used by a majority party, along with Agenda, Rules, Attitude and Learning. As the tapes have been used in training sessions across the country and mailed to candidates we have heard a plaintive plea: "I wish I could speak like Newt."


That takes years of practice. But, we believe that you could have a significant impact on your campaign and the way you communicate if we help a little. That is why we have created this list of words and phrases.


This list is prepared so that you might have a directory of words to use in writing literature and mail, in preparing speeches, and in producing electronic media. The words and phrases are powerful. Read them. Memorize as many as possible. And remember that like any tool, these words will not help if they are not used.


While the list could be the size of the latest "College Edition" dictionary, we have attempted to keep it small enough to be readily useful yet large enough to be broadly functional. The list is divided into two sections: Optimistic Positive Governing words and phrases to help describe your vision for the future of your community (your message) and Contrasting words to help you clearly define the policies and record of your opponent and the Democratic party.


Please let us know if you have any other suggestions or additions. We would also like to know how you use the list. Call us at GOPAC or write with your suggestions and comments. We may include them in the next tape mailing so that others can benefit from your knowledge and experience.


Optimistic Positive Governing Words


Use the list below to help define your campaign and your vision of public service. These words can help give extra power to your message. In addition, these words help develop the positive side of the contrast you should create with your opponent, giving your community something to vote for!













common sense










eliminate good-time in prison





hard work























pro- (issue): flag, children, environment, reform

















Contrasting Words


Often we search hard for words to define our opponents. Sometimes we are hesitant to use contrast. Remember that creating a difference helps you. These are powerful words that can create a clear and easily understood contrast. Apply these to the opponent, their record, proposals and their party.


abuse of power

anti- (issue): flag, family, child, jobs







"compassion" is not enough





criminal rights











failure (fail)

















permissive attitude


punish (poor ...)


red tape









status quo







urgent (cy)





--_ ______________ _

"Self-awareness is the key to your upheaval from mediocrity."

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Do you people honestly believe that any ole' swinging-dick can be president? This fucking world is so damned over-populated now that we as a species have-not-a-chance of survival (in hell) into the next two or three hundred years, let alone thousand! Some-one "must" have thier hand on the helm of this ship(not Bush), or it's going down, and I'm almost sure, with my low 131 IQ that it's not BUSH!


If all the corrupt "fucks'" that permeate the fabric of our destiny, are only wanting the emotional credit-card spending and subsequent debt.to make themselves "rich", then this world is not-worth-fighting for. AMEN.....

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Originally posted by alcohol_:

The difference between Saddam and Bush is just a matter of degree. they are obth evil.


Move to France. Stop complaining and get out. Go where you feel safe. Surround yourself with like minded thinkers. Be happy.


This country obviously bothers you. So before your hatred of our president causes you serious mental harm..move.


Can't you imagine the warm glow you would feel sitting in a cafe in Paris surrounded by like minded friends who all hate the american president? Wouldn't that just warm the cockles of your heart? Why not give it a try?


See if Alex Baldwin will give you a lift.

Mark G.

"A man may fail many times, but he isn't a failure until he begins to blame others" -- John Burroughs


"I consider ethics, as well as religion, as supplements to law in the government of man." -- Thomas Jefferson

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It would be more patriotic for me to help relieve George Bush from his job as President.


The Country doesn't bother me, it's the ignorance of some of it's citizen's, mostly George Bush supporters. However, truth will prevail, it always does in the long run, and the oppressive destructive mantel of Republican politics is on its way out. GWB is the gasping dying breath of evil and ignorance.

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The whole system has been corrupt since its earliest beginnings. Its always been about money, the Revolution was about money. Think about it, who was getting taxed? The poor working stiffs scratching an existence from the land? Nope, the wealthy merchant class. It was a gentlemans war all along. The Civil War......all about revenue, just so happened that human rights issues were at the center of that revenue. So you can never place blame on a particular party, everyone of them is beholding to someone, and back room decisions made for and against you and I will never cease to be with the current system. So if you want to start blaming, theres alot of room to throw shit at. Even if I do in fact think Dubya is a puppet, albeit evil. :)

The thing that surprises me is how working people on either side of the isle can be duped and seperated with ease by the power machine. Somehow the people must awaken from this bad dream and take back the country, make them accountable.

Ever see the PBS commercial, where they flash pictures of the White House, national parks, ect....and they flash the script "THIS BELONGS TO YOU". We ought to start believing that.

Down like a dollar comin up against a yen, doin pretty good for the shape I'm in
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