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OT: Great Day For Exxon, BP, and Haliburton

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Well it seems to be official, DNA suppossedly establishes that SH is SH and he was caught in a hiding hole with 750K in cash.


If they bring him to the World Criminal Court, there is a risk he may give up secrets about his dirty dealings with Bush. So, I'd look for an attempt to bring him into a more controlled situation, AKA, a Kangaroo Court of a Puppet Governement.


But one thing is certain:


This is a great day for Exxon, BP, and Haliburton.


Bush and his people sure know how to protect their interests.


At a cost of thousands of lives and over 100 Billion Dollars.

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Originally posted by Cereal:

just a q for the fellers on the board...


has johnny's rants changed anybody's political views?


i'll start



No, but neither have WOW's. Johnny at least uses sentences in his posts. ;)

The Black Knight always triumphs!


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Hey Johnny B - this'll make you feel good. It's a song off the latest John Mellencamp album that I've been adjusting my listening room acoustics with (how 'bout those screens, eh ?), anyway:




It's called 'To Washington' - I think about all youse guys when I listen to it at about 85db SPL in my new flutterless acoustics !


I think you might like it ! :cool:


(PS mastered by Mr. Ludwig - loudest roots music I've ever heard (that sounds good). It can sound good on a system/room but it won't ifn it ain't set up right like mine weren't - still got a mode or 2 to trap though, but the diffusion is pretty much controlled too!)

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Originally posted by Dan South:

Originally posted by Cereal:

just a q for the fellers on the board...


has johnny's rants changed anybody's political views?


i'll start



No, but neither have WOW's. Johnny at least uses sentences in his posts. ;)
He's good at sentences, punctuation, and "bolding"...


Logic. Facts. Intellectual honesty. Balance.


Well, everyone's got SOME room for improvement! :rolleyes:



I'm still "guitplayer"!

Check out my music if you like...



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I know this:


Haliburtan has been doing military contracting since '53.

And how many presidents (past and present) have more than a distant connection to this company?


Isn't anybody starting to wonder what role this company has been playing in the affairs of our government?

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Originally posted by Cereal:

has johnny's rants changed anybody's political views?

Not in the least. What he has taught me is that conspiracy theorists will believe anything negative about those they dislike -regardless of how extreme it is.


It has also taught me that conspiracy theorists do not believe that they are conspiracy theorists.


Also, if you disagree with a conspiracy theorist, you must be one of..... them (cue twilight zone music). :eek:

Super 8


Hear my stuff here


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Don't know too much about all the conspiracy theory, just that WOW is one of THEM!


I do know that Bush and Cheney are guilty of "Conspiracy to Obstruct Justice," which BTW is a federal crime. How? Hiding documents, refusing to honor subpoenas, lying to Congress, things involving major crimes like that.

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Another thing is sure. As many of these dictators around the world are beholden to multi-national corporations, akin to the corporation's puppets, and Saddam and OSL and some in Latin America don't want to play ball with them, they are kicked out or killed. They usu wrap it up in the flag and sell the idea that's it's better for the locals, but again, it's really all about controlling the resouces and the money.


So now, we will see a new leader emerge from the rubble, and do what Exxon, BP, and Haliburton want.

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Howard Dean said today that America is no safer now than before we captured Saddam.


I agree with him.


After all, he's still running for president.

Mark G.

"A man may fail many times, but he isn't a failure until he begins to blame others" -- John Burroughs


"I consider ethics, as well as religion, as supplements to law in the government of man." -- Thomas Jefferson

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Why don't we look at it this way. Let's pretend just for the moment that there was no SH or OBL, and 9/11 never happened. So we are going to set those issues aside. Then ask yourself, "Is America any safer, or even further, are YOU any better off?" I think a good case can be made that "No, you are not better off or any safer," the un-Patriot Act and massive federal spending on wasteful projects that will not benefit Amercians is what you are left with.


However, with the US Supreme Court's recent upholding of campaign spending limits, there is, at least for the moment, a chance of cleaner politics. Politics that are not owned by special interests like Exxon, Enron, or Halliburton.


In a very real way, when you look at US Foreign Policy, the military can be viewed as a police force for huge corporations. It's all about protecting and advancing corporate interests. But then the post hoc rationalizations crop up and the propaganda hits to convince young men and women that they should die for this or that cause. Old men, the ones in the Board Rooms, they don't fight, they loose not a drop of blood. But boy are they happy with all that patriotism---because they get richer off of it. They sell weapons to both sides, take advantage of commodity shortages, sometimes they engender the shortage themselves, and just make tons of green stuff off the whole war deal. It does not matter where the war is, or what the professed issues are, some of these guys are "war profiteers." Ike had a term for them. In fact, President Eisenhower said, "Beware of the Military-Industrial Complex."


We need to heed his warning and be wary of all the hoopla and hype thrown at us.


And in Iraq, the prize is the oil.

Wolfy or someone said well before 9/11 something to the effect that, "Hell man, Iraq is swimming on a sea of oil." I'd say that pretty much summaraizes where the true priorities are.


The rest is all smoke and mirrors designed to give the public something to talk about. Sort of treat the masses out in the public like mushrooms, "Keep them in the dark and feed them bullshit."


All wars are about the money. Nothing else matters to the inside decisionmakers. Don't forget that.


So when you carefully "follow the money" you begin to see the truth.

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I will answer soon, I just figured out who it is, and after figuring it out, its like duhhhhh........it was in your face the entire time.


This "forum member" will say I am a liar, so I am gathering my evidence and will present it soon. :thu:


HINT: there are several "forum members " posting under an alias in the SSS.

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Originally posted by Cereal:

just a q for the fellers on the board...


has johnny's rants changed anybody's political views?


i'll start



He has some good point's,opened my eye's on a

few things.He's a tad on the paranoid side.

But I'll still back the Prez until his term

is up. :wave:

The story of life is quicker then the blink of an eye, the story of love is hello, goodbye.
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Originally posted by WOW:

I will answer soon, I just figured out who it is, and after figuring it out, its like duhhhhh........it was in your face the entire time.


This "forum member" will say I am a liar, so I am gathering my evidence and will present it soon. :love:

The story of life is quicker then the blink of an eye, the story of love is hello, goodbye.
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Howard Dean said today that America is no safer now than before we captured Saddam.


I agree with him.


After all, he's still running for president.


I could not believe it when he said it. He is either the DUMBEST candidate EVER, or he is a plant to make a "soon to be named" candidate look very "middle" of the road. :idea:
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Cheney\'s Halliburton Ties Remain

WASHINGTON, Sept. 26, 2003


(CBS/AP) A report by the Congressional Research Service undermines Vice President Dick Cheney's denial of a continuing relationship with Halliburton Co., the energy company he once led, Sen. Frank Lautenberg said Thursday.


The report says a public official's unexercised stock options and deferred salary fall within the definition of "retained ties" to his former company.


Cheney said Sunday on NBC that since becoming vice president, "I've severed all my ties with the company, gotten rid of all my financial interest. I have no financial interest in Halliburton of any kind and haven't had, now, for over three years."


Democrats pointed out that Cheney receives deferred compensation from Halliburton under an arrangement he made in 1998, and also retains stock options. He has pledged to give after-tax proceeds of the stock options to charity.


Cheney's aides defended the assertion on NBC, saying the financial arrangements do not constitute a tie to the company's business performance. They pointed out that Cheney took out a $15,000 insurance policy so he would collect the deferred payments over five years whether or not Halliburton remains in business.


Lautenberg, D-N.J., asked the Congressional Research Service to weigh in.

Without naming Cheney or Halliburton, the service reported that unexercised stock options and deferred salary "are among those benefits described by the Office of Government Ethics as 'retained ties' or 'linkages' to one's former employer."


Lautenberg said the report makes clear that Cheney does still have financial ties to Halliburton. "I ask the vice president to stop dodging the issue with legalese," Lautenberg said.


Cathie Martin, Cheney's spokeswoman, said the question is whether Cheney has any possible conflict of interest with Halliburton, "and the answer to that is, no."


Cheney was chief executive officer of Halliburton from 1995 through August 2000. The company's KBR subsidiary is the main government contractor working to restore Iraq's oil industry in an open-ended contract that was awarded without competitive bidding.


According to Cheney's 2001 financial disclosure report, the vice president's Halliburton benefits include three batches of stock options comprising 433,333 shares. He also has a 401(k) retirement account valued at between $1,001 and $15,000 dollars.


His deferred compensation account was valued at between $500,000 and $1 million, and generated income of $50,000 to $100,000.


In 2002, Cheney's total assets were valued at between $19.1 million and $86.4 million.


Earlier this month, a federal judge dismissed a lawsuit that accused Halliburton and Cheney of misleading investors by changing the way the company counted revenue from construction projects.


The lawsuit was filed last year by Judicial Watch, a conservative public interest group, on behalf of three small investors, who said the company tried to polish financial results by booking revenue on cost overruns before it was certain of getting paid.


Halliburton has contracts worth more than $1.7 billion for its work in Iraq, and it could make hundreds of millions more from a no-bid contract it was awarded by the Army Corps of Engineers, The Washington Post has reported.


According to The Post, while Cheney was defense secretary the Pentagon chose Halliburton subsidiary Brown & Root to study the cost effectiveness of outsourcing some military operations to private contractors. Based on the results of the study, the Pentagon hired Brown & Root to implement an outsourcing plan. Cheney became Halliburton CEO in 1995.



--_ ______________ _

"Self-awareness is the key to your upheaval from mediocrity."

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His deferred compensation account was valued at between $500,000 and $1 million, and generated income of $50,000 to $100,000.


In 2002, Cheney's total assets were valued at between $19.1 million and $86.4 million.


So you are telling me that a man worth 86 million dollars ran for office so he could start WW3 and make 1/2 million on a kickback from Haliburton? I think he could find better investments than that.


HHHhhmmmmmmmmmm...............I gotta think about this one.

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Originally posted by WOW:

Howard Dean said today that America is no safer now than before we captured Saddam.


I agree with him.


After all, he's still running for president.


I could not believe it when he said it. He is either the DUMBEST candidate EVER, or he is a plant to make a "soon to be named" candidate look very "middle" of the road. :idea:
You mean you actually think that the capture of Saddam in a hole has made the US safer? :freak:


I can't even imagine how anyone could rationalize that one...

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