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MIDI HELP!!!!!!!!

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hi! I have been recording for a while but never have learned much about midi.....I have a Triton, Digital Performer, a hardware drum machine (boss dr770), a software drum machine(Battery),a soft synth(Absyth) a soft sampler(Kontakt), and Live........i don't really know the first thing about setting these up to talk to each other.......i would like to trigger sounds from the software synths/samplers/drum machines using my Triton and Dr770 and also use the Triton as a controller and record sequences on DP's sequencer and edit later....BLA BLA BLA......i know most of you probably think i am a dumbass but i have never really learned this part of music......is there any suggestions on good books or tutorials that you can recommend?.....or just tell me how in the hell do i learn all this stuff?!?!?!....pardon my ignorance once again........ and by the way, an apology for those who expected this to be another bush-hating political topic......didn't mean to let you down!!!!! thanks Nathan
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I'm gonna take it for granted you have a midi interface, either one that's a function in your sound card or a stand alone one, pci or usb or firewall. If you don't you need one of them. You can take a look at [url=http://www.midiworld.com/basics.htm#intro]MIDIWorld[/url] there's some basic info about midi Cakewalk sells some books on their site. [url=http://www.cakewalk.com/Products/Books/MIDI.asp]Midi Books[/url] Type midi basics tutorials into any search engine and you'll get more reading than you have time for. Good luck

William F. Turner




Sometimes the truth is rude...

tough shit... get used to it.

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remember you have 16 MIDI channels. If the controller is sending on channel 1, but the sound is assigned to channel 2, that isn't going to work. My other advice is simply to get ONE of your sound pieces working FIRST. It's much easier than trying to make them all work at once. Once you figure out how to get 1 of them working, you should be able to figure the rest out without too much difficulty. Also remember that MIDI is NOT bi-directional. The signal flows ONE way through a MIDI cable. So make certain that you have your MIDI OUT's and MIDI IN's attached properly.

Super 8


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Since you're running Digital Performer we all know you have a MAC :) Now please let us know what kind of external MIDI/Audio Hardware do you have besides of your synths and modules. What's you MIDI interface? Audio Interface? With that info some of us might try to create a "route" to patch your studio.

Músico, Productor, Ingeniero, Tecnólogo

Senior Product Manager, América Latina y Caribe - PreSonus

at Fender Musical Instruments Company


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OK.... first thing you need to do is turn of local control on the Triton. Sometimes this is called midi out mode, or sometimes I/O midi. It should be in your manual. this will disconect your keys from the internal sound module on your keyboard, ie it wont make any sound when you play it. Then your keyboards midi out goes into the computer's midi interface, where your software, DP in your case, will channelize the midi data and send it back out to the Triton's midi in. At this point you can play through the sequencer, any other way and you aredouble monitoring, hearing both what your playing and what is beeing sent from the computer. Now you can select in your sequencer wherever you want the tritons midi performance to go, ie back to the triton for it's own sounds, or to another midi port for any other external hardware, or to an internal soft synth. Hope this helps
Chuck Moore
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sorry i wasn't more clear with my gear.......I have a Fastlane usb midi interface(2 in 2 out) I have a Triton, a Dr 660, Kontakt, Battery, Live, Absynth(demo)...and will be getting more and more soft synths and samplers as they come out.............I also have DP 3.11 and a 500mhz G4 Powerbook .......what i want to do is be able to record sequences in DP...triggering sounds from the software from my Triton and DR660 and also use the knobs and buttons as controllers......i see other people doing it but i have absolutely no idea how in the hell midi really works.....i have been looking for some books and your tips so far have been helpful....i really need to understand this language because it is preventing me from doing a lot of things i want to do.....thanks again! N8
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Where do you live? Find someone local (music store/local recording studio) and pay them some dollars to come over, hook it up for you and then show you how to hook it up yourself and run it. You must have some cash with that gear list. Don't cheap out when it comes to learning to use it. I am sure most of us on this forum could have the thing wired and rocking in a couple hours provided everything is not a spagetti mess. You need a local mentor. Maybe consider trading off gear use for HELP. Maybe someone on here lives near you.
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Do what Chuck Moore said. I'm not sure exactly how those particular softsynths interface with DP, but there should be help for such issues on the websites (like NI's website, and so on) if MIDI isn't reaching the programs. But what Chuck said is what you need to do to get MIDI to DP. Make sure you've got FreeMIDI (or OMS if those other programs require it) and the MIDI interface drivers installed. And last but not least, visit http://www.unicornation.com . Many knowledgeable people there. I have to disagree with deanmass about paying someone to do if for you. I think you should learn how to do it, by doing exactly what you're doing here: asking questions.

"And then you have these thoughts in the back of your mind like 'Why am I doing this? Or is this a figment of my imagination?'"


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I bought a fastlane usb interface a long time ago, which i ended up using about once. Its now in my closet rotting away. If you weren't using motu software, you had to run freemidi AND oms. Total bullshit and a pain in the ass to make work, so why bother. Freemidi blows.
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Your usb midi interface might need a special driver to run in OS X. I'd check out the manufacturer's website. You will also need a list of names. I'm not sure wht DP does now, but Pro Tools uses XML for names instead of OMS. OMS does not work with OSX.
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