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"Personal Monitors"


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Hi all,


I searched, but couldn't find a thread on this subject. There's a zombie from 2003 but that's more about IEMs. So this is my first new thread (be gentle on me...)


I play in a 7-piece band, including 2 noisy guitars, a noisy drummer and a noisy-ish sax. Some years ago I realised that saying "guys, turn down" had no effect. I went to in-ear monitoring (wired, not wireless), and haven't looked back.


I use a Rolls PM351 "personal monitor" mixer/headphone amp (clonk) - it provides a mix of my microphone, keys and an aux from the desk, with a headphone amp for my in-ears. As well, it provides pass-through for mic and keys. There are similar products from ART and Samson, but they don't provide the "instrument in" capability.


Does anyone here use these kinds of products? I find the Rolls very convenient for combining a number of functions in one box.


(As I type, I realise that this may be a possible solution for a recent post regarding a "reverse DI": it talked about a mic in, mic through, and a line out. The Rolls gives a headphone out, not line out, so i's not a perfect fit. In any case, to my shame I can't find the thread in a Google search)


Cheers, Mike

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Hey Mike,


I have a similar (wireless) IEM solution for "me only" which I've used when onstage SPLs get intolerable. But the bottom line is if I have to go that route, I guarantee the band sounds like dung to the audience.


Because that means I'm playing with guys who have no clue about how to utilize dynamics, listening to their bandmates, interplay, leaving space - what I would describe as fundamental musicianship.


So when it's time to pull out the "me only" IEM solution, it's time to have that long discussion or find another band.





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When we did the Easter production at church, we had to use headphones due to all the live mikes on the stage. We set up in a makeshift orchestra pit.


We used that exact model personal monitor system, using headphones.


I have my own monitor mix from the house. But I could never seem to get any consistant level for my keys. So, we sent that monitor mix into one channel of the Rolls. Another channel we ran directly from my Mackie board into the Rolls, then out of that channel for FOH. That way they got a good signal, and I could mix in any amount of Keys I wanted. Worked great.


Now that we no longer have a ton of live mikes on stage, I've brought in the K10 set like a floor monitor, running from the headphone out of the Rolls.


Works very nicely.

"In the beginning, Adam had the blues, 'cause he was lonesome.

So God helped him and created woman.


Now everybody's got the blues."


Willie Dixon






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Hey Mike,


I have a similar (wireless) IEM solution for "me only" which I've used when onstage SPLs get intolerable. But the bottom line is if I have to go that route, I guarantee the band sounds like dung to the audience.


Because that means I'm playing with guys who have no clue about how to utilize dynamics, listening to their bandmates, interplay, leaving space - what I would describe as fundamental musicianship.


So when it's time to pull out the "me only" IEM solution, it's time to have that long discussion or find another band.






THIS!! ^^^

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if I have to go that route, I guarantee the band sounds like dung to the audience.


Because that means I'm playing with guys who have no clue about how to utilize dynamics, listening to their bandmates, interplay, leaving space - what I would describe as fundamental musicianship.


I thought about what you wrote Tim.


Our last gig was in a pub, panelled walls, not much furniture, etc. A very boomy, echoey acoustic. And a very small stage With my IEMs I could set up right next to the drums, no worries.


I suppose I'm saying I use IEMs as an alternative to a monitor speaker and earplugs. I find a low-volume signal in my ear preferable to a noisy, muffled-by-plugs signal 3-6 feet away.


Having said that, I'm absolutely with you on the basic musicianship skills of listening to other band-members, laying out if necessary, thinking about dynamics. I've had that "long discussion" with them before...


I appreciate you sharing your opinions (and all others who relied).


Cheers, Mike.

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