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OT: Hilliary's In Bagdad

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[quote]Originally posted by alcohol_: [QB He's exorcising George Bush from the office of the Presidency. It won't be soon enough.[/QB][/quote]You might be right. But I think Hillary is gonna throw her hat into the ring at the last minute and steal the show for herself. Of course, then it'll be up to Nader to save us all!!! Gooooooooo Nader! :)

Super 8


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I'm not a big fan of Hillary, but IMO, she's not that dumb. Objectively speaking, Bush is likely to win in 2004, no matter who the Dems put put to challenge him. The smarter political move for Hillary is to 1) keep her promise and serve her whole Senate term 2) run for reelection to the Senate and 3) run for President in 2008 when she doesn't have to face an incumbent.
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[quote]Originally posted by Philip O'Keefe: [b]Objectively speaking, Bush is likely to win in 2004, no matter who the Dems put put to challenge him. [/b][/quote]You really think Bush is that strong? Maybe I've been hanging around here too long, but from my vantage point I think a lot of people are not too happy with him.

Super 8


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I remember they said daddy Bush was unbeatable. It scared a few dems off from challenging him. But then guess what? Some unknown dude from a small southern state decided to challege Mr Unbeatable, and because the giant killer was a musican and could play "Heartbreak Hotel" on the sax, he was elected. Of course Daddy Bush had that "wimp-factor" thing goin for him pretty strongly, whereas, the heroic figure who rode in for the challenge match was a cool guy who could actually play a sax, and with shades on too. So the next time you are making fun of a horn player, stop and think, you could be looking at the next president of the United States. And this is really true if the only challenger on the other side is named Bush. You laugh, but it's been done before. Bush is no match for Hilliary, she'd send Bush back to Texas and make him work on his ranch. I think Dr. Dean, could whip Bush too. You know, like father like son, they're both "wimp factors." That dress-up crap don't sell. Everyone knows Bush is a chicken-livered guy who hid out so he'd never see active duty or any real danger. Plus, the guy can't balance a budget or keep a checkbook straight. Mr. Wimp Factor gave the American Taxpayer a screaming debt load that would choke a horse.
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Well Johhny, Super 8, time will tell. IMO, most of America is pretty happy with Bush Jr and I don't think Dean will / can beat him... but again, time will tell, and no amount of discussion / debate / argument here is going to really matter. But as you said, right after Gulf I, no one thought Bush Sr. could be beat with his all time high approval ratings. What eventually beat him was the ecconomic issues, which seem to be doing a significant about face this time around. Personally, I think that musicians in general tend toards the more liberal political positions and the majority viewpoint here is not really representative of American society as a whole (where musicians and artists make up only a small percentage of the overall population). A similar mistaken perception is easily observed in military circles, where Bush is more popular than in society as a whole. Johnny B, you may argue that, and I know that there are exceptions, but I feel fairly confident that I know more active and retired military personnel than you do, and they overwhelmingly are Bush supporters. Again, only time will tell. I'll buy you both a beer if Dean wins the general election. :wave:
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In business the onus is on the person who already has your business. If their product services are less than ideal they give the customer reason to jump. Promises sit better than failures. Bush has liabilities all around him that he didn't face against Gore. During debate against a partisan, Bush is going to lose. It's going to be easy to get him on the war in Iraq. Bush argued that the war was necessary to stop the passing of WMD, yet the evidence that he and Powell provided turned out to be false. Bush loses on this one. The next is the economy. GDP increased and that is supposed to mean jobs, but Bush has lost over 3 million jobs since he took office and new workers are coming to the job market. The rate of job creation has to be extraordinary to make up for the job loses so far. Job creation is lagging behind GDP. I think it's a reasonable speculation that Bush is vulnerable on the economy too. Bush partisans are losing the arguments. The facts stack-up to well against them and Bush partisans sound more and more desperate and like WOW, incoherent shrill babbling.
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[quote] but Bush has lost over 3 million jobs since he took office [/quote]This figure is distored. Yes, there have been 3 million jobs lost, but there have also been jobs agained in that time frame. Try factoring that in and coming up with a figure that is close to the truth. Do you get all of your talking points from the democratic debates? You cant post bad figures and propaganda all day, we will call you on it. BLA BLA RIDE THE DONKEY :wave:
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All these posts to this thread and no mention of this yet: "Americans are wholeheartedly proud of what you are doing, but there are many questions at home about the [Bush] administration's policies... We are fighting an enemy which has a lot of impact by relatively small numbers and we've got to provide security throughout large countries. That's not easy with the force numbers that we have." -Hillary, as reported by AP, Reuters, Al-Jazeera... We can argue about the acceptable level of dissent during wartime [i]at home.[/i] You can say whatever you want to [i]over here. [/i] But to go straight to the war zone where our boys are being shot at and tell them that not everyone at home supports what they're doing is unconscionable. She is perfectly within her rights to make such statements back home. But to make them [i]from a war zone[/i] is at best ignorant and callous, and at worst Hanoi Jane-level treason. When you visit a soldier in a war zone, all you need to say is, "We all love you, and we think you're doing a fine job, and thank you." If there's any doubt about whether he should be there at all, [i]he[/i] knows it better than anyone, and he'll tell [i]you.[/i] I mean, come on - she's a god damn [i]United States Senator!![/i] She should know better, but that leaves aside the disgust she and Billy Bob have always felt for anyone in uniform. It's also funny what a different report I get on our progress in Iraq from the papers, as compared with the dozen or so soldiers on leave and reservists I've spoken to. All I'll say is, don't believe everything you read.

"I had to have something, and it wasn't there. I couldn't go down the street and buy it, so I built it."


Les Paul

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Read the statement again, Jode. She made a very clear distinction about what the soldiers are doing vs. what the Administration is having them do. Personally, I'd be insulted if I were in their shoes & someone came all the way there to pat me on the head & say "Good soldier, everything's OK...". And by the way - Jane Fonda didn't commit treason, so your analogy is inaccurate. Or is it?
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[quote]Originally posted by Johnny B: [b]I remember they said daddy Bush was unbeatable. Bush is no match for Hilliary, she'd send Bush back to Texas and make him work on his ranch. I think Dr. Dean, could whip Bush too.[/b][/quote]Dean, maybe. Hillary, maybe in your dreams. She's too radical. Then again, she [i]did[/i] manage to convince everyone that she is a New Yorker... :rolleyes: [b] [quote] You know, like father like son, they're both "wimp factors." That dress-up crap don't sell.[/b][/quote]You should work at a liberal magazine or something. Everthing you write always sounds like you are trying to sell me on something.

Super 8


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Jode, I don't see where she is arguing for anything in her statement other than to make certain we have enough troops there to do the job. McCain was saying the same thing when he visited. Send more troops. Also, I believe she commented -as others who have been there have commented- that we are making great progress in stabilizing Iraq. So these are positive signs.

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I'm impressed with her guts and bravery, imagine a woman going into a war zone, a danerous place full of terrorists under every rock. It's just like the Bush Devil, sorry, it's nothing more than a photo-op. As least she did not try to pretend she was some kind of fake fighter by playing dress-up, like the Bush Devil. This guy is so phoney and transparent, he's made of plastic, something that Carl Rove simply shapes into what he thinks looks good on TV. Like I said before, it don't sell. And it don't sell to the Marines I know who came home on leave, they'd all like to kick Bush and Cheney's asses. Talk about hating Bush and Cheney, these active Marines hate Bush and Cheney big time. Now what is for sale is the entire Bush Regime, they sell out to the highest no-bidder special interests. And the active Marines know all about this. And they know what is going on back home in the good ole USA. They hate what Bush and Cheney are doing to the country. They used words like "rape" to describe what they see Bush and Cheney are doing. I'd vote for just about anyone other than Bush, even HC or Dr. Dean. I'd vote for McCain over Bush, just about anyone at all could do a better and more honest job than a criminal like Bush. Send Bush and Cheney packing, the sooner the better. ---------------- Save the World Save America Jail Bush Now! You'll be glad you did
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[quote]Originally posted by Johnny B: [b]I'm impressed with her guts and bravery, imagine a woman going into a war zone, a danerous place full of terrorists under every rock. [/b][/quote]You sure are gullible. I mean, you actually BELIEVE Hillary is a woman?
Amateur Hack
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[quote]Originally posted by shniggens: [b]You'd vote for Hillary? Man, that is some scary chit.[/b][/quote]Johnny REALLY hates Bush ([i]eh, don't take that the wrong way [/i] ;) ) I think he'd probably vote for you if you were running and he thought you had a chance of winning. Shniggens in 04... hmmmmm. Ya know it does have a nice ring to it.

Super 8


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[quote] WOW, When I contradict someone, I post my evidence. So if you're gonna say I'm full of !!!!, then prove it. [/quote]I used to try to do this, but you guys post SO MUCH bullshit now-a-days that I will NOT spend my time looking up shit to prove you wrong. I'll just call you on it and let the other posters be the judge theirselves. :idea: Dont get mad that someone actually knows the truth and calls you on it. The figure(3 million) is only 1/2 of the picture, and you are leaving the other half off because it betters your bias case. PLUS, the economy is talking for itself these days. Its getting better and better. You HATE this, dont you?
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Lesbians, homos, republicans, libertarians, independents, democrats, greens, commies, christians, muslims, hindus, buddists, American Indians, chinese, japanese, greeks, germans, italians, jews, hispanics and every other group you can name all get to vote against Bush. I'm certainly going to vote against Bush out of respect for the marines I know who hate Bush and Cheney. But even if these marines did not hate Bush and Cheney, I'd still vote against him. Bush is a diaster. The Mayor of London had it right when he recently said: [b]"Bush and his corporate terrorists are the biggest threat to mankind."[/b] HC or HD over GWB, any day, in a heartbeat. How many times can I vote? Should I move to Florida?
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[quote] "Bush and his corporate terrorists are the biggest threat to mankind." [/quote]Funny, thats the same thing the enimies of the US think. What is your opinion of the Al Qaeda? What is your opinion of Arafat? What about saddam or UBL? I dont actually expect an answer johnny, You have NEVER EVER said one bad thing about these people, but you sure avoid this subject.
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WOW, Bush wants to relax clean air and clean water regulations, knowing that such relaxations will have negative effects on the environment. With such a President, who has little concern with whether we drink poisoned water or breathe polluted air, I think that it's a fair argument to suggest that Bush is a threat to us (people of the United States and all of mankind) along with Al Qaeda. I don't feel hyperbolic about the statement that Bush is a threat to mankind at all. I feel threated by Bush and Al Qaeda alike
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