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OT: Poll-Is Bush Selling Out To Special Interests

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[quote]Originally posted by Johnny B: [b]Vote "yes" if you believe that Bush and Cheney with their no-bid contracts and attempts to privatize medical care etc. are selling out the government to special interests like the insurance industry and big oil. Vote "No" if you believe that Bush and Cheney are hard-working and very honest politicians.[/b][/quote]They should get one more guy and they can have their own axes of evil.Fucking evil doer' :evil: :evil:
The story of life is quicker then the blink of an eye, the story of love is hello, goodbye.
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JohnnyB, This vote doesn't count. It's almost unanimous here, even with the pro Iraq War types, that the Bush administration is beholden to the corporations and the Bush administration looks at government as a means of wealth transfer from the general population to their special interest political donors.
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[quote]Originally posted by KHAN: [b] [url=http://home.mn.rr.com/t1camp1/Focus.swf]This will explain it all.[/url] [/b][/quote]Man that would be one hell of a salad too toss!
The story of life is quicker then the blink of an eye, the story of love is hello, goodbye.
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That was great suprise and certainly a funny flash, but maybe it represents what Bush and Cheney really think of the American Public. Anyway, so far this poll says Bush and Cheney are for sale to the highest special interest bidder, Oh, I forgot, Bush and Cheney like those no-bid deals, maybe it's sealed bids, nah, how about secret bids, or secret offshore accounts...Now we are getting close...the ultimate way for these guys to get their bribe money...secret, untraceable, offshore accounts...maybe some of that unaccountable 87 billion will find it's way back there... Thanks to all who voted.
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[quote]Originally posted by bluestrat: [b]"Honest Politician" is an oxymoron. Never has been and never will be an honest politician.[/b][/quote]You're wrong. There are, have been, and always will be, honest polititians. Because no matter how hard the rest of the polititians try, they keep falling through the cracks. Of course, they are so few in number, and with careers so short lived, nobody is really sure who they are... Whitefang
I started out with NOTHING...and I still have most of it left!
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[quote]Originally posted by whitefang: [b]You're wrong. There are, have been, and always will be, honest polititians. [/b][/quote]THANK YOU!!! As for Bush... Hell, I don't know. Maybe... I definitely think he has an itchy trigger-finger. Do I trust him? Hell no... I didn't vote in the thread because it's a yes or no answer, and I don't feel that I can positively answer one or the other. Right now, I just feel that this whole Iraq thing was pushed on us. It has not turned out right at all. I think we should have handled it through the UN.

Super 8


Hear my stuff here


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The republicans don't have a monopoly on selling out the American people. The dems are just as guilty, just different special interests. So I vote "yes" to the entire government selling us out. This all started long before Bush was even old enough to wipe his ass. He's just another in a long list of criminals we call leaders.
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The Dems are not just as guilt. That's stupid, sophomoric, knee jerk cynicism. If you remember, we had a budget surplus just 2 years ago. Federal spending has gone up 16% since Bush took office. Half of that is security oriented, so it can't all be blamed on 9/11. With the increase in spending we've huge tax breaks, that mostly benefit the wealthy and a consequent budget deficit. The Republicans are firmly in charge of our federal government and we now all know that the term "Big Spenders" is a moniker properly hung on Republicans. Worse, the abandonment of essential programs is turning the USA into a banana republic. "America a couple of decades from now will be a place in which elderly people make up a disproportionate share of the poor, as they did before Social Security. It will also be a country in which even middle-class elderly Americans are, in many cases, unable to afford expensive medical procedures or prescription drugs and in which poor Americans generally go without even basic health care. And it may well be a place in which only those who can afford expensive private schools can give their children a decent education." Paul Krugman http://www.motherjones.com/cgi-bin/print_article.pl?url=http://www.motherjones.com/news/dailymojo/2003/11/11_505.html
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[quote]Originally posted by Michael Jackson's real nose: [b]I think it's only proper to point out that the accused are not actually selling out---they're selling [i]us[/i] out. Think about the difference...[/b][/quote]So pua little salt, alcohol then dirt into the wound and don't bandage it.
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Super, that's funny. But check out Mr Low's new avatar, he now looks like he's an insane person whacked out on LSD and meth and he's ready to attack some little boy. Isn't it now established that he is some kind of pervert? You know, the giant sucking sound coming from his place and all that. I wonder if the local police are using Megan's Law and letting people in the neighborhood know about the pervert next door. I know I would not let my kid near him, not even 100 yards away. Plus, he might have some kind of infectious disease. Good people need to be warned to stay away from him. He's bad news.
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C'mon Wow, don't go away mad, just go away. By that I mean, don't come up here and talk politics with the big people. I see you changed your avatar from the insane blinking eye to one of your jammies. That's real sweet. But again, children should not talk politics with the big people. A little nap will make you feel better. But that's not new, as your brain has been sleeping the whole time Bush and his jerks are stealing the American people blind. But I can set aside our differences and rise above it, so, I'm gonna wish you a happy T-day, seasons greetings and best wishes for the new year. Who knows, maybe someone will give a cool Hendrix CD for X-mas.
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