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O.T. Replacement Parts

Paul K

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At least not as much as my grandma did. However, she was cursing in Yiddish so they didn't know exactly how bad the curses were.


Anyway to get a list of those curses, with definitions and correct pronunciation? Seems like it might be a good thing to have as a hedge against the advent of any sort of joint replacement surgery and the physical therapy attendant thereto...

Always remember that you are unique. Just like everyone else.





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Glad to hear that you're home, Paul. My father had that procedure about 10 years ago, and it sounds like you're well on the way with your recovery. From what I recall with his recovery, walking around was actually pretty helpful. And you're gonna love those physical therapy folks!

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"My concern is, and I have to, uh, check with my accountant, that this might bump me into a higher, uh, tax..."

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The hits just keep on coming (Ha! I didn't even tell you about passing out in the hospital on Friday morning...I'd tell you about it, but I was passed out) Anyway, after feeling real good on Sunday, yesterday morning at exactly 5:00am I got myself a lumbar puncture headache. I don't have MS, but this link describes it well:




So I spent all of yesterday in bed totally miserable. Tylenol or even Percocet didn't touch it. Was Dx'd this morning, and 20 minutes after some caffeine tablets and the first dose of methyl-prednisone, I started feeling like a human being again. Wow.


The hip feels great. I'm even walking with a cane for short distances. I still can't sleep on my stomach yet, though.


It's like Rocky says, "This getting old thing ain't for sissys."

Things are just the way they are, and they're only going to get worse.

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Update on my condition. I'm doing well. I put the walker in the closet for next month, as well as the toilet seat riser. (But next time I re-do a bathroom the commode will be one of those taller ones.) No pain meds since I licked that lumbar puncture headache thing. I can walk up and down stairs like a big boy, and will be able to sleep on my stomach tonight. I could have gotten away with only two weeks off work without much trouble; but I took three since I didn't really know. And with one hip done, I can sit on the couch for two hours without getting antsy. During the surgery, they twist you around like a damn pretzel; so much of the healing for the first 10 days involves just the healing of the bruised muscles. I had bruises down to my ankles. The PT hasn't been an issue yet; really it's been kinda easy. I'm really glad that I'm thin and strong; It'd have been another story if I wasn't able to just haul myself around by my upper body strength for the first five days.


And with me not doing anything much (no snow shoveling, lawn mowing, walking, etc.), my remaining original hip feels pretty good. It's tempting to blow off the second surgery, but I'm betting I'll regret that come summer. I'm pretty sure I'll be able to hit driver again; it'll be nice to not have to always hit my second shot with a damn hybrid club. I expect I'll even be able to stand at a gig if I so choose.


Thanks for all the encouragement from my friends!



Paul K

Things are just the way they are, and they're only going to get worse.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I'm back at work today. That's good, but it's still work. Canes are for sissys. I'm more comfortable than before, and I'm back to being almost 6 ft tall; The other day in the bathroom I said to myself, "Who's that tall guy in the mirror?" I "walk around the midline" waddle thing much less than before. Going up and down stairs is easier than before. Pretty spectacular. I'm all in for the second hip in two weeks.

Things are just the way they are, and they're only going to get worse.

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The left hip was installed this morning. So far, smoother than the first. I attribute it to eating more often. In real life, i eat 5 or 6 times a day, so three meals doesn't do it for me.



paul k

Things are just the way they are, and they're only going to get worse.

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Man - I've never even had a tooth implant. Can't imagine having two hip surgeries in a matter of weeks...


Glutton for punishment or just wanting to get it done with.. I wish you the best and hopes for a quick recovery (again).


Confirmed RoscoeHead

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Going home as soon as my wife makes it here. Pleased to report that this hip was a walk in the park compared to the first, where i felt like i got hit by a truck. My leg isn't all black and blue, it has way more strength than the 1st, i'm more mobile. A pleasant surprise, as i thought the first one was "normal". I'm almost a week ahead in comparison. Glad I didn't wussy out on doing the second. My spouse's support was important to say the least; thanks Linda!


I miss my guitars and my dog. Who's a good girl! You're a good girl! Yeshyouare!



Things are just the way they are, and they're only going to get worse.

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Pleased to report that this hip was a walk in the park compared to the first, where i felt like i got hit by a truck.

I'm also betting that you have less pain with the new hip than you did the old.



"Paranoid? Probably. But just because you're paranoid doesn't mean there isn't an invisible demon about to eat your face."

Harry Dresden, Storm Front

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Glad to hear you're headed home soon, Paul. My father had both hips done, too. And he had both surgeries only a few months apart. He had a very similar experience: the first one was rough, but the second was a lot easier.


So how long unti you're doing stage dives at some gigs?

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"My concern is, and I have to, uh, check with my accountant, that this might bump me into a higher, uh, tax..."

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it's great to hear how well you came through surgery. if only there were words to describe what it feels like the first time they get you out of bed for a walk. if a person can make it through that i figure they can make it through about anything.

my wife almost threw-up watching me get up the first time and promised to not be in the room when i have my other hip done.

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  • 2 weeks later...

11 day post-op hip #2 update


Well, I've totally obliterated my insurance deductible for the year; nothing wrong with that. I had a little setback on wednesday. While getting up off the floor during my workout/PT, I pulled my new joint out of place just enough to get that "Oh shit!" feeling. Like when you're playing with your dog and you accidentally smack him on the nose just a little too hard and your dog says, "That's it, fella. I'm done playing for the day." My wife said I was white as a ghost. It wasn't a total dislocation; it popped back into place right away. But it left me with a sore hip, sore leg, and swollen ankle for a couple extra days. Not gonna do that again. I'm still ahead of where I was at this time for the first hip, so that's good. Unless I twist it funny, I'm pain free; hooray for that, eh? I'll be standing at gigs before you know it.


I asked the surgeon why this one was so much easier than the first. He just shrugged his shoulders and said that he had no idea. These things just happen.

Things are just the way they are, and they're only going to get worse.

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Late to this, but good to hear the recovery is going (fairly)well. Definitely take the recovery slowly, regardless of how good you feel. Patience, my son... :D

Just get well soon!







I'm a lot more like I am now than I was when I got here.






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