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Van Halen, Roth reunion tour


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Yes, it is... they played it at the Café Wha? gig and it was on the track listing for the record that I saw.


It isn't unusual for bands to dip back into the catalog of left behind songs... in fact, due to what's called the "young male genius syndrome" most creative people throw out tons of ideas from their teens to late 20/early 30s and then slow down to a trickle (for a number of social and personal reasons) and then spend the rest of their careers refining the left-over ideas from that creative spurt period. A lot of the VH songs throughout their early records up to "1984" and maybe beyond were in the first batches of demos, some were recorded a few times for different records and discarded when they didn't fit the rest of the record... or the label decided to hold off and save them to be the centerpiece of later records. A&R used to be more concerned with building and stretching careers than having 5 hits on one huge selling record and rejecting every record submitted after that until the band quits in frustration and the label gets out of having to spend the pre-agreed amount on promotion.


From something I read "Don't Do Me Like That" was the song/demo that got Tom Petty his record deal, but the label wanted to save it until they could build him up enough for it make an impact, so they sat on it until his third record. The Pixies first cassette demo was released a few years ago and had a lot songs spanning up until their final record. I was in a band with a guy who was an early buddy of R.E.M. and he had tapes of early live shows where they played very rough versions of songs they recorded for a decade more. Going through the archives at Wolfgang's Vault a lot of bands were playing songs recorded later in early shows. A friend even showed me a video he bought of footage of the Beatles hanging around on their first Ed Sullivan appearance and tour and John Lennon is sitting in a corner playing a little plastic recorder working out the intro to "Strawberry Fields Forever." I think there's rough demos of the music to "Imagine" from the mid-60s.


Just part of the creative arc. Pull out the rough ideas that come in the deluge period and polish them up.


I don't really dig "Tattoo," the earlier version is better IMO... but I understand they're not 23 anymore so they want to say something different with it.

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Those are some great thoughts, p90jr. I did not realize both songs were early VH. I wonder how many of these will be on the new album? I think that's rather cool- resurrecting old songs.

"Treat your wife with honor, respect, and understanding as you live together so that you can pray effectively as husband and wife." 1 Peter 3:7


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you can amuse yourself and cross check them to find out...




"Different Kind Of Truth" track listing


1. "Tattoo" 4:44

2. "She's the Woman"

3. "You and Your Blues"

4. "China Town"

5. "Blood & Fire"

6. "Bullethead"

7. "As Is"

8. "Honeybabysweetiedoll"

9. "The Trouble with Never"

10. "Outta Space"

11. "Stay Frosty"

12. "Big River"

13. "Beats Workin'"

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  • 4 weeks later...

And of course, their new song was released today...




That song will need to grow on ya... hopefully it gets better than this.


"Tattoo" has indeed grown on me, and there are a lot of great tunes on the new CD. :thu:


"Treat your wife with honor, respect, and understanding as you live together so that you can pray effectively as husband and wife." 1 Peter 3:7


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as a former and present VH fan i can say that the new CD is great. i have nothing negative to say about it. even Tattoo is growing on me. i especially like honeybabysweetiedoll and of course China Town. but that doesn't mean it isn't good all the way through. it is a keeper and one hell of a release.
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as a former and present VH fan i can say that the new CD is great. i have nothing negative to say about it. even Tattoo is growing on me. i especially like honeybabysweetiedoll and of course China Town. but that doesn't mean it isn't good all the way through. it is a keeper and one hell of a release.


"As Is" is a rock'n tune!


The drum intro reminds me a lot of, "I Don't Care Anymore", by Phil Collins.



"Treat your wife with honor, respect, and understanding as you live together so that you can pray effectively as husband and wife." 1 Peter 3:7


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I think this about sums it up:


Regardless, "A Different Kind Of Truth" shows 14 years since the last full Van Halen album, guitar demon Eddie Van Halen remains at the top of his game, betraying no hint of age or wear in his guitar work. All the staples are there: scorching riffs, waves of overlapping notes that dive bomb into deep growls and signature sonic horse wails.


Notably absent from "A Different Kind Of Truth" are the keyboard-heavy songs or power ballads found in the stretch of albums with Sammy Hagar on vocals.


Instead, Van Halen mostly delivers hard-pounding rockers less "Jump," more "Atomic Punk."




"Treat your wife with honor, respect, and understanding as you live together so that you can pray effectively as husband and wife." 1 Peter 3:7


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as a former and present VH fan i can say that the new CD is great. i have nothing negative to say about it. even Tattoo is growing on me. i especially like honeybabysweetiedoll and of course China Town. but that doesn't mean it isn't good all the way through. it is a keeper and one hell of a release.


BTW G, I also especially like honeybabysweetiedoll. Great rhythm playing- since I'm a rhythm player. :D

"Treat your wife with honor, respect, and understanding as you live together so that you can pray effectively as husband and wife." 1 Peter 3:7


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I must admit I was extremely doubtful that the bros would be able to get their act together.That all went away about 30 seconds into the new cd.I remember being blown away by these guys seeing them as an opening act in 1978.Last time I saw them was the MOR tour when OU812 came out.I must admit I thought it was over for them a long time ago.Great to see the 3 of them together making great music again.Won't be seeing them live since I have a headfull of unbelievable memories from the early days.They really do need Mike Anthony for the full VH live experience,(his bgv's are important to the VH sound )but it will be interesting to see where they go from here.
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They really do need Mike Anthony for the full VH live experience,(his bgv's are important to the VH sound )but it will be interesting to see where they go from here.


I'm not familiar with the bad blood that obviously exists between Mike and the rest of the gang. But, I would think Mike is sitting back, analyzing this "reunion" for what its worth... in anticipation of any phone calls to return.


But, it's anyone's guess if he would return. I will venture a guess that when they brought Wolf aboard, there was an understanding that he would have to step aside if and when Mike returned. Again, I'm just speculating.


"Treat your wife with honor, respect, and understanding as you live together so that you can pray effectively as husband and wife." 1 Peter 3:7


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Hmm, I dunno. Maybe I'm remembering it wrong, but I believe Mike was booted out - I don't think he quit. As I recall, he was basically dismissed prior to the start of the last tour.


So the bad blood is the result of his 30+ years of loyalty (not to mention his unique contribution to the band's signature sound) being tossed aside like a sack of garbage to make room for a kid who was born into stardom and really wasn't even old enough to begin paying his dues in the first place.


Yep, that would piss me off too, lol.


My ears are haunted.
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Not necessarily defending Eddie on this but I can understand him wanting to pass the torch to Wolfgang. As he sees his time in the spotlight waning, it's only natural he'd want to give his son a leg up while he still can.

I agree that Mike Anthony was a vital part of VH, but I can understand what Ed is trying to do too. Wolf might not ever have an opportunity like this on his own.

I'm not saying it's right or wrong... just saying...



The further a society drifts from truth the more it will hate those who speak it." George Orwell


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it is funny, i was reading an older GW interview with Ed and he wouldn't slag Roth because "he works hard"..yet he quickly pointed out that Mike didn't work very hard on albums, he just sort of showed up and did what was required.


this was from the Fair Warning interview! maybe EVH had issues that went back further than we realize.

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Someone made comments in the `Tatoo` thread-and I can`t vouch for its credibility-that Ed felt that Mike had turned his back on him while he was having troubles and instead thrown his support behind Sammy. Again I don`t know what that is based on but that does sound like something that could blow over, and Wolf I believe still plays with Alter Bridge, there are other things he could be doing.

Same old surprises, brand new cliches-


Skipsounds on Soundclick:


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he certainly does and the riffing is solid. and damn they get a great drum sound and if you listen you can hear Wolfie doing some tasty playing. Dave is in great form and the bonus dvd with the acoustic set is nice to boot.

i have to say the sick intro and Phrygian riffing of Honeybabysweetiedoll is absolute killer.

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Yeah some cool solos compared to the Hagar era. It sounds like he is trying to play like he used to.


Checked out some of the songs. I am still letting it absorb but I want to like it because I am a Van Halen fan bigtime.


I like some of the solos I have heard including the one guitarzan mentioned.

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Yeah some cool solos compared to the Hagar era. It sounds like he is trying to play like he used to.


Checked out some of the songs. I am still letting it absorb but I want to like it because I am a Van Halen fan bigtime.


I like some of the solos I have heard including the one guitarzan mentioned.


man my whole late teens and on were VH VH VH. i am a super fan

as well. this is the only thing playing in my car since i got it. when i heard there was a new album i was was doubtful as i was tired of the Hollywood/ marketing crap from the VH camp.

but Ed has sure kept the fire. as has the whole band, i am so glad to hear Dave. and 28 yrs later it still works.

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...and if you listen you can hear Wolfie doing some tasty playing...



Actually, the rumor mill has Eddie playing bass on most, if not all, of the album.

Just sayin...






I'm a lot more like I am now than I was when I got here.






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man my whole late teens and on were VH VH VH. i am a super fan

as well. this is the only thing playing in my car since i got it. when i heard there was a new album i was was doubtful as i was tired of the Hollywood/ marketing crap from the VH camp.

but Ed has sure kept the fire. as has the whole band, i am so glad to hear Dave. and 28 yrs later it still works.


I haven't seen them since 1988. So, I hope the concert does not disappoint!



"Treat your wife with honor, respect, and understanding as you live together so that you can pray effectively as husband and wife." 1 Peter 3:7


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With an average of $170 for an OK seat... :facepalm:

...I won't be seeing them. I saw them for $8 when they were at their peak in 1979.


The guitar playing and tones are really good on the new album, but the tunes suck. Third rate rehashes of old riffs. I'd rather listen to Oz Noy these days.

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(FKA GuitarPlayerSoCal)

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