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A reunion? I don't think so!


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Yesterday I went to check out The Red Light Rumors. This band was started by the guitarist of The Dapper Dans, back when we still played. I have seen them 3 or 4 times, and subbed with them on one occasion. They are a great band, and have become incredibly tight from playing and rehearsing a lot over the past year.


Anyway, they headlined the 7th edition of "Maximum Volume" at The Nyx. The Dapper Dans also headlined this event in 2009 and 2010, which I still talk about as the sole occasion where we got asked back to a venue :) It is also the place of which I always say people genuinely loved what we did, and we always drew a crowd.


I was right about all of the above, much to my own surprise: the singer of the band told me that the organizers had approached him for a rockabilly night "featuring The Red Light Rumors and The Dapper Dans" ... Apparently they didn't hear about our timely demise :grin: Since the singer and guitarist of The Dapper Dans are no longer on speaking terms, the drummer has joined the army, and I do not want to go there again, a reunion is a definite no-no :grin: A new rockabilly band, on the other hand, is something I would consider ...

"I'm a work in progress." Micky Barnes


The Ross Brown Shirt World Tour

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I would have taken the opportunity to say 'Why not book my present band instead of Dapper Dans!'..... but that's just me...


I have previously discussed with the present band which types of venues we will and will not play. Otherwise I would definitely have done so.


I had a chat with the guitarist yesterday and we both agreed that we really liked the rockabilly-ish set we played, and miss the genre. So we kind of talked about doing a project of sorts with a similar set, but only do a handful of shows a year (and obviously under a different name, with a different singer ...) It would be a project rather than a band, so less commitment in terms of rehearsals and such.


Not sure what will come of it, and some of you will go :rolleyes: but I kind of like the prospect. Call me a masochist, but at least the biggest "issue" from the past will not be there (i.e. the singer).

"I'm a work in progress." Micky Barnes


The Ross Brown Shirt World Tour

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I played rhythm with a Rockabilly band a couple of years ago - I have a country/rock project with the same singer/guitarist at the moment with me on bass - and I did enjoy it - pity we're a bit far apart...... :)



"When the power of love overcomes the love of power the World will know Peace": Jimi Hendrix


The Geoff - blame Caevan!!!

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G, that'd be cool :) I am thinking of making it a drummer-less trio if the old TDD-drummer refuses. Upright bass all the way. Would need a good deal more practice then, though :)


Guitarist suggested asking the drummer of his other band, and the bassist too (who would play rhythm guitar) but I don't like the notion of it being the entire other band + me.


Ah, like most other projects I have talked about, it will probably lead to nothing anyway ;)

"I'm a work in progress." Micky Barnes


The Ross Brown Shirt World Tour

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