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EV ZXa1 directionality question

Tobias Åslund

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It's probably 800W peak, but it still doesn't match the power consumption, as you point out.


I think the more true spec to look at might be the "max SPL" rating, which is 123 dB for the ZXa1. As a comparison, the 350W 10 inch RCF Art 310 has a 127 dB max SPL... So again, the ZXa1 is probably not as powerful as they claim.


Still - 123 dB is a lot of power, especially if you use the speakers as monitors, on stands a couple of ft from your ears... if you with that setup have trouble hearing yourself, I would say you have as serious hearing disorder...

Too much stuff, too little time, too few gigs, should spend more time practicing...!  🙄

main instruments: Nord Stage 3 compact, Yamaha CP88, Kurzweil PC4, Viscount KeyB Legend Live

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I wish they'd give both figures: peak and continuous. For me, the peak matters more, really, especially with piano, or organ with percussion. Headroom is crucial for these or any percussive sounds, and far more demanding on a system than droning tones.


I'm surprised AnotherScott likes the sound of a Behringer 212A. I talked a bandmate into snagging one of these, and the first time I heard commercial CD music through it I regretted it. Compared to my JBL112M it sounded like crap, tinny yet with no crispness in the highs. (The JBL isn't considered a top dog either, not in the same class as the EV and QSC speakers discussed here.)


On the other hand, I've played a friends FP4 through it at blues jams, and while it's not great, it does the job, so I wouldn't criticize someone for buying/using it. But as a recommendation ... ICK. Really, used as a stereo speaker it sounds really and obviously bad: worse than a KC550. I don't have golden ears and am often left wondering when others make subtle distinctions between top-rated gear. This isn't that: this is night-and-day. I made sure to adjust the tone controls to the best setting.


I'll be using it as a practice monitor in the near future and will report back. I expect it to be good enough, but not what I'd recommend except as a lowest-cost solution and as I said, good enough to get the job done.

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II think the more true spec to look at might be the "max SPL" rating, which is 123 dB for the ZXa1. As a comparison, the 350W 10 inch RCF Art 310 has a 127 dB max SPL... So again, the ZXa1 is probably not as powerful as they claim.

It looks like EV does the same thing QSC does... it is apparently cost-effective for them to use an identically powered dual channel amp in these things. So QSC's 1000 watts is based on a 500 watt amp to the LF driver and a 500 watt amp to the HF driver, and EV is probably likewise 400 to each. However, high frequencies do not have the same power demands, so probably only 50-100 watts are being used for the HF driver, and the other 300+ or 400+ watts serves no purpose beyond looking good on paper.


But you should not assume that if a 350 watt system gives you 127 dB max SPL and even a 500 watt system give you less, that the latter company's amp is not as powerful as claimed... it is more likely that the first company is simply using a more efficient speaker or cabinet design (in which case there is usually some other trade-off, like flatness of frequency response, distortion level, size of cabinet... every design is always a balance of compromises).

Maybe this is the best place for a shameless plug! Our now not-so-new new video at https://youtu.be/3ZRC3b4p4EI is a 40 minute adaptation of T. S. Eliot's "Prufrock" - check it out! And hopefully I'll have something new here this year. ;-)

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My point is that if you are only drawing 0.6 amps at 120 volts (according to their specs), that is a maximum theoretical input power of 72 watts. One cannot output more power than is input - so this spec has to be wrong.


I could believe that it can draw 6 amps.




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EV weighs in on 90 vs 100.


I emailed EV Customer Support on this question.


What I wrote:

"I'm a keyboard player & vocalist looking for new amplification. I've pretty much decided to go with a pair of ZXA1s, but I'm still struggling with the 90 vs 100 thing.


I play two kinds of gigs at present: Keys in a blues band and solo vocal & piano - all 1930s & 40s standards. The blues band plays mostly small to medium clubs; I go thru the main PA in the larger clubs and outdoor venues. The ZXA1s would be used to amplify my keyboard rig - mostly organ with some piano and EPs. The solo act is mostly dinner music in restaurants and corporate event background music. The ZXA1s would serve as the mains for the keys and vocals.


I've heard lots of conflicting opinions on the subject so decided to go to the source; which ZXA1s would EV recommend to best suit my needs, the 90s or the 100s?"


EV's response:

"100 would be best for the application."


That confirmed my gut feeling on the subject as it relates to my specific needs and settled it for me. I'll be ordering the 100s.

Hammond SK1, Casio Privia PX5-S, SpaceStation V.3, Behringer B1200D, 2-EV ZxA1s

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Well, I got my EV ZXA1's.


I ordered only one but they shipped me two. Oh well. The only reason I ordered only 1 was so I could try it and return if I didn't like it.


So Michelle -- you're safe. I like it fine :D


At least for my purposes. Since I'm playing in a band, I'm not so concerned about covering the very low end but that would be an issue for someone doing solo piano and wanted the entire range. These things are very small. Practically the same size as my Stagepas 300.


I don't know what my expectations were. It may have been too hyped because I thought maybe my Roland FP7F was going to sound like an acoustic. But that's not going to happen. I wished it for a moment though :)


It's much, much better for piano than the Stagepas 300. Covers the piano range very well except maybe the bottom octave. Maybe you'd need a bigger speaker for that. Beyond the extreme lows, I'm surprised at the clarity of the bass. I was so afraid to hit the bass on the Stagepass 300 because it would be boomy. Here it's clear. High end is very good too. Middle, well, I may need to EQ this a little, depending. I did this direct from the keyboard and mono.


Volume was quite good even for a single cab and I have 2 cabs (I plugged in only 1.



Hamburg Steinway O, Crumar Mojo, Nord Electro 4 HP 73, EV ZXA1


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BTW - I just discovered that I got the 90's. So they didn't even give ma a choice and shipped me the wrong initial order.


Though as discussed here, the 90's are probably a better choice since they may have more reach (less wasted energy).

Hamburg Steinway O, Crumar Mojo, Nord Electro 4 HP 73, EV ZXA1


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Look at it this way: they're more flexible, too.


When you're using them as wedge keyboard monitors, turn the horns so the horizontal gets the 90 degrees (assuming you'll place yourself in the 50 degree sweet spot vertically). I'm assuming that this is how the rest of the band hears the keys, too.


When using them vertically as small mains, again, turn the horns so the horizontal gets 90. Make sure the audience is in the sweet spot of the 50 degrees vertically.


When using as personal vocal monitors, I'd do the opposite: 50 degree horizontal, 90 degree vertical. Gives the vocalist more room to go forward and back, and when everyone has their own monitors, you don't need the wide coverage.


Get the idea? For different situations it could go the other way.


My JRX100M's are 90 or 100 by 50. I often use them as wedges. They sound fine to me and out front, but the guitarist on the other side of the stage can't hear me well. I'd like to be able to rotate the horns! When there's more room I put them on stands and back a ways, which works better, but takes quite a bit of room. Generally that only happens outdoors.

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OK, I don't get this. So they tell you that you can rotate the horn for 90 x 50. So only the horn is subject to this directionality?


What about the bigger speaker? That's not directional?

Hamburg Steinway O, Crumar Mojo, Nord Electro 4 HP 73, EV ZXA1


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OK, I don't get this. So they tell you that you can rotate the horn for 90 x 50. So only the horn is subject to this directionality?


What about the bigger speaker? That's not directional?

Basically correct. Lower frequencies are not as directional as higher frequencies.

Maybe this is the best place for a shameless plug! Our now not-so-new new video at https://youtu.be/3ZRC3b4p4EI is a 40 minute adaptation of T. S. Eliot's "Prufrock" - check it out! And hopefully I'll have something new here this year. ;-)

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Correct. I forget what the crossover frequency is (my specs are at home), but it's probably well within the range where directionality is less focused.


My only criticism of the cabinet is that it doesn't really have flush sides and edges, making it a bit unstable if stacked atop something hard, or if used to support something small like a cup holder or cheat sheet.

Eugenio Upright, 60th Anniversary P-Bass, USA Geddy Lee J-Bass, Yamaha BBP35, D'angelico SS Bari, EXL1,

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Interesting fact about directionality. That explains why you can hear those cars with the heavy bass playing hip/hop while waiting at a traffic light. :) (LA thing).


I'm worried about the 1/4" input. When laid down as a monitor, it seems like it's putting pressure on the plug. Maybe I have to use a guitar style cable.


Hamburg Steinway O, Crumar Mojo, Nord Electro 4 HP 73, EV ZXA1


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If your worried about the input - just solder an angled plug on whatever cable you have, or get a pre-made cable with angled plug in one end. There's even angled XLR plugs if you would go that route instead.

Too much stuff, too little time, too few gigs, should spend more time practicing...!  🙄

main instruments: Nord Stage 3 compact, Yamaha CP88, Kurzweil PC4, Viscount KeyB Legend Live

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Interesting fact about directionality. That explains why you can hear those cars with the heavy bass playing hip/hop while waiting at a traffic light. :) (LA thing).


Not just LA - "drive by" problem here too. Can't get the ice cream vans to stop playing their tunes.

I'm the piano player "off of" Borrowed Books.
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those cars with the heavy bass playing hip/hop while waiting at a traffic light. :) (LA thing).


No, not just an LA thing. Fortunately, though, the fad does seem to be dying out; it was way more common 10-15 years ago. Likewise with modified Hondas - the streets were filled with them and their loud-ass exhaust pipes and subwoofers. I'm so glad these fads are going away. Here in SoDak anyway...


Stuff and things.
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Cool, Jazzwee, glad you like it! You will need to EQ. Depends on the piano. I like Roland's piano sound, but comparitively speaking when pitted against my Kurz PC2, it has a much warmer, fuller sound. Generally this is more information in the 100-350Hz bandwidth, I believe (I'm sure Mark or others here can correct if I'm wrong). I have a Roland FP4, going off memory of my observations/comparisons when I was playing it/first got it.


It's not as simple as boosting that range on the Kurz or cutting it on the Roland, of course. And you certainly DON'T want to try to make your Roland sound like Kurz triple-strike. But for your speaker, it's using its bandwidth to produce all information you're giving it, and that is why I bring it up. Because when I tell you that I boost the low end a bit, it has a different affect that it would if you just did that for the FP7. There is more low and low-mid information there already, I'm thinking, so you'd have to treat your sound differently. Obviously it's best to try various settings and let your ears will tell you, but I'm guessing if you try cutting a little in the low-mids it might bring out the lower bass a bit. Whatever you do, I can't imagine that you will be unable to tweak to get the sound you want out of this thing.


I had the same reaction you did ... that's why I still use the word "boxy" for pretty much every speaker (I don't find that in my studio reference monitors, but I ain't gonna ruggedize those and start gigging them). But for the price, weight, size, and sound quality combination they present, I think the EVs are the best things I've come across for the job.

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"I am not certain how original my contribution to music is as I am obviously an amateur." Patti Smith

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FWIW last month I filled in on a funk-jazz gig, where I brought my Electro and played organ, Rhodes, and Wurly sounds. It was a low-volume gig (private, indoors), but I was wondering if I would be lacking it power and "oomph" with the EV. I was surprised to find that it sounded great. Clarity I expected, but I worried about it lacking character. I don't know why, since the Nord has plenty of character ... seemed fine to me. For a bigger gig/louder sound, though, I wouldn't use this as a go-to speaker for organ.

Original Latin Jazz

CD Baby


"I am not certain how original my contribution to music is as I am obviously an amateur." Patti Smith

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EQ control on the keyboard is limited for sure. So some other way is needed. Though I'm being picky. It's good enough for me to gig without EQ.


The problem is that I'm not a real big DP guy anymore and maybe like Dave Ferris I'm trying to make the DP sound like an acoustic. So I need to adjust my thinking. At the moment, it sounds pretty close to what I hear on my headphones. That's a major accomplishment I think.


BTW - this thing is loud enough for my purposes. And I have 2. I don't want to sound like a rock band :)


Hamburg Steinway O, Crumar Mojo, Nord Electro 4 HP 73, EV ZXA1


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At the moment, it sounds pretty close to what I hear on my headphones.

Assuming you've got decent headphones, that's really about the most you could ask for out of a PA speaker! If you're not so happy with the sound in the phones either, then the problem is with the keyboard and not the speaker. EQ might help... but you might just be on the road to a new keyboard. What are you using now?

Maybe this is the best place for a shameless plug! Our now not-so-new new video at https://youtu.be/3ZRC3b4p4EI is a 40 minute adaptation of T. S. Eliot's "Prufrock" - check it out! And hopefully I'll have something new here this year. ;-)

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It's an FP7F which of course is supposed to be top of the line with SN pianos. But like I said, I'm more of an acoustic guy and there's still a huge difference. But that is neither here nor there. Headphone is the only objective measure :)

Hamburg Steinway O, Crumar Mojo, Nord Electro 4 HP 73, EV ZXA1


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Yes, the FP7F is a top of the line piano... but there's still personal taste involved. It is possible you might prefer some of the piano sounds in comparable (but different sounding) models from other brands... the Yamaha CP5 or the Nord Piano, for example.

Maybe this is the best place for a shameless plug! Our now not-so-new new video at https://youtu.be/3ZRC3b4p4EI is a 40 minute adaptation of T. S. Eliot's "Prufrock" - check it out! And hopefully I'll have something new here this year. ;-)

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It's not that AnotherScott. One of the reasons I disappeared from this forum for awhile was I got out of the DP business. I just had a Yamaha P155 for awhile and really spent most of my time on an acoustic. But that has the effect of spoiling me since I'm expecting to control the DP the same way.


I don't want to be an acoustic snob. It's just that I practice hard to refine my touch on the piano and people say I have the 'touch'. But put me on a digital and I can't execute. A DP is really a different instrument and needs to be approached differently. So we obsess over every little detail (like PA's) to seek the holy grail. I dream that every new device is it (what next for me, an expensive mixer?). :)

Hamburg Steinway O, Crumar Mojo, Nord Electro 4 HP 73, EV ZXA1


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spent most of my time on an acoustic. But that has the effect of spoiling me since I'm expecting to control the DP the same way.


I don't want to be an acoustic snob. It's just that I practice hard to refine my touch on the piano and people say I have the 'touch'. But put me on a digital and I can't execute. A DP is really a different instrument

Ah, it sounds like that's a whole different problem, and not one that can be corrected by EQ or finding a piano whose tone you find more appealing. If the issue is one of controlling the dynamics as you can on an acoustic, the limitations are probably more the feel of the action, and the mapping of velocities to different sonic characteristics. Though again, while the FP-7F ranks near the top in these aspects as well, it's not impossible that you might not find something more to your taste. For example, for a less traditional route, there have been posts that rave about the expressivity of a VAX77 keyboard paired with a laptop running Pianoteq... possibly at least partially due to the fact that that combination can deal with finer gradations of velocity (instead of having the 127 level restriction). The VAX77 doesn't feel like a piano, but it also has what you might consider the offsetting virtue of not feeling like a DP action, either.

Maybe this is the best place for a shameless plug! Our now not-so-new new video at https://youtu.be/3ZRC3b4p4EI is a 40 minute adaptation of T. S. Eliot's "Prufrock" - check it out! And hopefully I'll have something new here this year. ;-)

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On single note lines, the FP7F sounds great. It's when you do dense chords that you can't control the dynamics so precisely. Partly it's due to the lighter action but more than that, an acoustic gives you feedback. It's subtle but it's frustrating that you can reproduce the same sound as you could on an acoustic. The SN pianos obviously improve on the dynamics and it's many times better than prior models (like the P155).


But again, how can you duplicate the feedback? I can't even describe it but I can feel exactly the amount of weight each finger needs for a dense chord. I have no reference on a digital since the key responds evenly the whole way.


I know we've gone OT here but even if I used pianoteq or a V piano which has the same gradations of 127 points of velocity, I can feel the difference with a real acoustic action. Maybe the weight isn't linear. I don't know. Escapement helps find the bottom, but you'd have to play extremely slowly to benefit from that.


BTW - I was enjoying playing some stuff using the EV ZXA1 just now (no dense chords so no problems). Really love the clarity. I'm getting a lot of buzz though on cables that worked on the Stagepas 300. So I ordered some XLR-1/4 cables to see if that will make a difference.

Hamburg Steinway O, Crumar Mojo, Nord Electro 4 HP 73, EV ZXA1


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I'm surprised AnotherScott likes the sound of a Behringer 212A.

Not great, but decent, I thought. Especially for the price. But certainly not as good as the EV.

Maybe this is the best place for a shameless plug! Our now not-so-new new video at https://youtu.be/3ZRC3b4p4EI is a 40 minute adaptation of T. S. Eliot's "Prufrock" - check it out! And hopefully I'll have something new here this year. ;-)

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