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New Musical Terms

Ross Brown

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New Musical Terms: (Please add you own)


This one was coined by my lovely wife.



Monkey Scratch. Noun.


Monkey Scratch is the term for the bass line produced when the bass player is playing and singing a song for the first time. Monkey Scratch is the bass line. The term comes from the fact that the bass line could have been just as easily produced by a monkey scratching the bass with his hands.


"When I take a stroll down Jackass Lane it is usually to see someone that is already there" Mrs. Brown
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Talent Jockey. Noun.


When one member in a band plays so deep in the mix that it is difficult to discern that they have no talent. For example, when there are two guitar players and one of them lays low so as not to stand out. Trouble occurs for Talent Jockeys when one or more members of the band are unable to come to rehearsal and the rest of the band insists on having the rehearsal anyway. The term Talent Jockey is not to be confused with the common I dont know the material because I didnt practice phenomenon.




"When I take a stroll down Jackass Lane it is usually to see someone that is already there" Mrs. Brown
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Lugged. Verb


To foul up so bad when trying to perform a musical passage as to not only render it unrecognizable, but to actually cause pain and/or grief to the listener. exp. "He lugged that up so bad, half the audience left due to lower bowel instability."

You can stop now -jeremyc

STOP QUOTING EVERY THING I SAY!!! -Bass_god_offspring

lug, you should add that statement to you signature.-Tenstrum

I'm not sure any argument can top lug's. - Sweet Willie


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Cornacious, cornaciated; adj.; the public performance of musical passages and/or tunes so hackneyed and/or overused that an entire band is embarrassed and/or humiliated. Ex.; "You just cornaciated the entire band, dude!" or, "What, play THAT cornacious piece of crap?"



Always remember that you are unique. Just like everyone else.





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Fretboard Diarrhea (noun)

A chronic condition caused by repeated and extensive soloing of a stringed instrument. Commonly effecting guitarists and occasionally bass players. Patients with advance conditions are known to experience strange lapses of time and/or consciousness of the key or chord structure a piece is being played in.


Quarantine is the usual treatment although advance cases seem to respond well to a steady regiment of taint smites.


Prognoses is usually spotty at best.


Lydian mode? The only mode I know has the words "pie ala" in front of it.


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I guess I could presume that the result of one who has lugged would be called a lugge.




Lugged. Verb


To foul up so bad when trying to perform a musical passage as to not only render it unrecognizable, but to actually cause pain and/or grief to the listener. exp. "He lugged that up so bad, half the audience left due to lower bowel instability."

I have basses to play, places to be and good music to make!
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What to say when someone plays an original song that sucks for you and asks you what you think.

"Hmmm....that's interesting."


Have to say I have used that one on several occasions already :)


Hey! I own a great instrument!


Please FSM, this is a family-friendly forum so ... Oh wait, I see what you mean now :)

"I'm a work in progress." Micky Barnes


The Ross Brown Shirt World Tour

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Mustang Moment: the point during the last song of the night that you suddenly realise that you've been playing it completely on autopilot while thinking about the load out and what you've got in the fridge at home.

Feel the groove internally within your own creativity. - fingertalkin


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When a song is played and butchered so bad it gets shelved but someone insists on trying it again and again


3-chord banger


the perpetual blues jam, usually in E, A or G, where no one is leading, no one knows where to stop, and the vortex of endless soloing and noodling sucks out all enthusiasm.

"Political language... is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind"- George Orwell
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Beetlejuice That part in a lame metal guitar solo where the guitarist plays a series of upper-register triplets because they ran out of licks. "Oh, here comes the beetlejuice part." Or, "Oh man, he's beetlejuicing. I guess the solo section is a little too long for him."


Blickum The cliche drum fill found in most hard rock song. Usually used in pairs.


Boggle The sound created when a talented bassist tries a little too hard to be heard in the mix.



"To fight and conquer in all your battles is not supreme excellence; supreme excellence consists of breaking the enemy's resistance without fighting."

--Sun Tzu

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Re: "beat off" - that could easily be misconstrued in these political correct times.....

It might inspire someone to start a crusade... or do a TV program with the talking heads tsk, tsking......


Seriously, it can easily happen that you enter a beat early or late, but hopefully you'd notice and not play the rest of the song that way... or else that the singer and/or rest of the band would adapt to YOU!


Cornacious? I'm from Iowa, and we are PROUD OF OUR CORN!!!


Paid by the note? As a translator, I'm paid by the word, so I certainly understand the concept. If I were paid by the note in a real band, well, there might be a few less rests!

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Instrument owner

not to be confused with someone who can actually play the thing.


How's his playing?

He owns a great guitar.


I always play a POS...does that mean I can actually play?

Or that my playing isn't any better than the instrument?

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Instrument owner

not to be confused with someone who can actually play the thing.


How's his playing?

He owns a great guitar.


I always play a POS...does that mean I can actually play?

Or that my playing isn't any better than the instrument?


Nah, just that owning an instrument and being able to play it are not mutually inclusive.


We've all seen the guitard who can barely play chords, has no sense of rhythm and sorta plays one basic pentatonic pattern and thinks he's Santana's long-lost twin.

"Political language... is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind"- George Orwell
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Five Beat Fill Noun.


Term used to describe a momentary sonic characteristic drummers can employ unknowingly playing an extra long fill. Ie, He had a few Five Beat Fills but overall he played well. Not to be confused with Beat Off, since Five Beat Fills are momentary lapses and a Beat Off can last quite a while. Five Beat Fills can also happen to guitar players on the turnaround in Mustang Sally (in this situation the drummer and bass player just wait it out). Guitar players can also Beat Off.

"When I take a stroll down Jackass Lane it is usually to see someone that is already there" Mrs. Brown
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But do we guitarists beat off in five, like "Take Five"? I guess if we're playing that song, or a handful of others.


Or if you're playing fusion, and it's a badge of honor and/or rite of passage to do fast, tricky unison passages in 13/8, regardless of whether the melody or harmony is any good.


But at least it's PROGRESSIVE... LOL

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dream theatrical: Having limited or niche appeal.


Yeah, I went there. :-}


carriered: Stumped by gear purchase indecision, manifested by confiding in peer musicians and participation in the ongoing purchase-sale dialectic.


rizzoticism: Participation in the ongoing gear purchase-gear sale dialectic.


overplaying/underplaying: Playing more/less than someone else thinks you should, regardless of whether they're right or wrong or in any position to judge. Often such judgment comes from instrument owners (see above).







Fanboy? Why, yes! Nordstrand Pickups and Guitars.

Messiaen knew how to parlay the funk.

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overplaying/underplaying: Playing more/less than someone else thinks you should, regardless of whether they're right or wrong or in any position to judge. Often such judgment comes from instrument owners (see above).





That's just cold.... :facepalm:

"When I take a stroll down Jackass Lane it is usually to see someone that is already there" Mrs. Brown
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Baroque - What most bass players are after the rent is payed.

Cantata - The inability to ata.

Consonance - The letters that aren't vowelce.

Diminished Fifth - My dad's bottle of scotch after I found the key to the liquor cabinet.

Homophony - A straight guy who pretends to be gay to get a job in the chorus.

Klangfarbenmelodie - A tune written by Mr. Klangfarben.

Metronome - An urban dwarf.

Minstrel - The wrong time of the month to bring home a new bass.

Polonaise - A sandwich spread made from chickens.

Relative Pitch - The meatball your Uncle serves up to your little sister at the family softball game.

Tutti - A prefix. Usually followed by "frutti".


Wokka wokka wokka!


Push the button Frank.
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Here's some taken from a very old post...



A style of bass played by those who accept that they are not good enough to be guitarists



A style of bass played by those who cant accept that they are not good enough to be guitarists



A style of bass played by those who are too lazy to move their hand up and down the neck



What bass players often have too much of


Bottom End

See Body



See Body



Dont worry about this one, it never happens to bass players



Nickname for a younger and better bass player that steals your gig



Most effective method of dealing with a youthful guitarist



The shape of the neck after over-enthusiastic truss-rod adjustment.



Pre-gig intake of food, drugs and/or alcohol



The end result of too much Load-in


Root note

When all else fails.


Minor Second

Root note played on a fretless


Sixteenth Note

The partial note played when your finger slips off the edge of the fretboard



A group of people looking at a guitarist or singer.



Used to tidy your hairo before going onstage


Covers Band

A group of three or more musicians who are bored but get paid


Originals Band

A group of three or more musicians without paying gigs


Pushing the boundaries

A term used when playing music that nobody else likes



A clicking device which loses or gains time when you play along with it.


Diminished Scale

Played when a string breaks mid-tune



What you should have done to your fingernails before you went on stage





www.talkingstrawberries.com - for rocking' blues, raw and fresh!
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