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Need Help ASAP with "6 That Suck/6 That Rule" Feature

Editor Boy

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Okay, need to finish "6 That Suck/6 That Rule" for redesign issue fast.




[1] Guitar Stars who SUCK with short reason WHY they suck.


[2] Music that RULES and Why.


[3] Something about the Music Gear Industry that RULES.


[4] YouTube videos that RULE, and YouTube videos that SUCK.


Thanks tons for quick assistance. Want to put this puppy to bed!





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Guitar star who sucks-John McLauglin; he can play like a house afire, but almost every time I've heard him, he's had the worst tone imaginable.


Music that RULES; The Blues. Simply because it does.


Music Gear industry currently rules at making the highest quality low-cost electric guitars that I have seen in 40 years of playing. Wish they'd had Agile & Xaviere guitars around when I started playing...


YOU TUBE videos that rule; Shucks take your pick. Even the ones that suck are good for a laugh...


Help you out at all, Mike?

Always remember that you are unique. Just like everyone else.





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Guitar stars that suck Dave Navarro . pretty boy who has yet to play anything great(not a bad player just never really played anything great), more famous for who he married then divorced than great guitar work. JMO



Music that rules The music from Woodstock 40 years ago and still influencing people. I wasn't even born yet, and I am middle aged and still learning about it.


Music gear that rules: Tune-o-matic steady even after all these years hard to beat. Does its job and has a low failure rate.


\You tube vid that rules as well as guitarist who rules ,


1997 PRS CE24, 1981 Greco MSV 850, 1991 Greco V 900, 2 2006 Dean Inferno Flying Vs, 1987 Gibson Flying V, 2000s Jackson Dinky/Soloist, 1992 Gibson Les Paul Studio,


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[1] Guitar Stars who SUCK with short reason WHY they suck.

John Mayer. Gets all this press for supposedly being a hot player while pumping out bland pop songs that are about as deep as a mud puddle. So he can also play some generic blues licks . . . who cares?


[2] Music that RULES and Why.

METAL!! Some of the only "rock" music around today that still actually rocks.


[3] Something about the Music Gear Industry that RULES.

The Fender Telecaster is 60 years old and is still the best guitar around. Leo got it right the first time.


[4] YouTube videos that RULE, and YouTube videos that SUCK.

That vid of the Korean kid playing Pachabel's Canon in D SUCKED.


Canon in D


It went viral and family members were sending it to me. Obviously they had no idea that neoclassical shred came and went over 20 years ago. And he's just not that good.


This vid of Yngwie playing "Far Beyond the Sun" is so much better. Sure it's over the top

but that's always been the point of neoclassical metal.


Far Beyond the Sun


"You never can vouch for your own consciousness." - Norman Mailer
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[2] Music that RULES and Why.


Adventuresome new music, like that from, for example, Them Crooked Vultures, The Mars Volta, Derek Trucks Band, Jim Campilongo...


Any honest music that DOESN'T depend largely on auto-tune pitch-correction and "artists" picked largely for their appearance, choreography, and connections.


Almost ANY of the performances by all manner of artists broadcast on the Later... with Jools Holland TV series. More of that, less of the mediocre crap we usually get handed.


[3] Something about the Music Gear Industry that RULES.


The fact that much of it- for guitarists, anyways- seems to be more and more quality and ideal driven, with an increasing variety of great sounding pedals, amps, pickups, strings, and other accessories; somebody's always building a better mousetrap, and often actually does. Or, vintage designs and materials are scrutinized to plumb their secrets for what does and doesn't result in great tone and playability.

Ask yourself- What Would Ren and Stimpy Do?


~ Caevan James-Michael Miller-O'Shite ~

_ ___ _ Leprechaun, Esquire _ ___ _

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[1] Guitar Stars who SUCK with short reason WHY they suck.


Can't think of any right now... Guess I'm being more of a "glass full" guy today. ;) Sorry!


[2] Music that RULES and Why.


Fingerstyle, a la Tommy Emmanuel, Doyle Dykes, Laurence Juber, Pete Huttlinger and Adam Rafferty.


The level of expertise is SO high with these guys and many others, it's engaging and interesting and so full of vibe and feeling. These guys have taken Chet Atkins, Jerry Reed and a plethora of other classic players and raised the bar significantly while making it all look easy. (I can only wish it were so!)


On a different note, I've been mixing a lot of rockabilly, none of which can be pigeon-holed into one sound and most all of it is great. Earthy and tough, sweet and sassy and a lot of hard edge to many of the groups.


Last but definitely not least, Western Swing. There is no more catchy sound than a great Western Swing tune and almost any great song can be adapted to it. I'm a bit biased though as several friends of mine play in The Time Jumpers here in Nashville. For those who are unfamiliar, they were an incredible band before adding a frequent guest player recently as an official band member.. Vince Gill.


[3] Something about the Music Gear Industry that RULES.


In the 3 decades I've been something of a gearhead the predominant trend has been that most anything you can imagine in guitar gear is becoming reality but none of the new tech has made the vintage-basic equipment obsolete in the least. There's plenty of room for every opinion in new gear and the integration of instrument gear into recording and live pa gear makes me green with envy for young kids coming up who have a huge selection of relatively low cost, incredibly versatile gear at their fingertips.


[4] YouTube videos that RULE, and YouTube videos that SUCK.


New, YouTube vids? If we're talking all YouTube vids I'd have to nominate Jake Shimbakuro's vid that launched his career outside Hawaii. That is, of course, the park video of Jake playing "While My Guitar Gently Weeps" on the ukelele. Simply amazing and, again, he makes it look incredibly easy despite the technical brilliance.


Don't know any that suck.



Hope some of that is useful, Mike

It's easiest to find me on Facebook. Neil Bergman




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Guitarists that suck, Kirk Hammett. Hasn't learned anything new in 15 years.


Music that rules, NIN and the internet..Allowing video camera's into their concerts has lead to some proquality concert movies for free:http://thisoneisonus.org/.Waiting for some guitarists to catch onto this!(or to find ones that have).


Something about the gear industry that rules, how fast guitar modelling is getting better. Axe-fx! Even people who don't like modelling admit it's not there yet but better then a couple of years ago.


youtube that rules(it's old but I just found it)-great tone!


youtube that sucks

anytime you're trying to look up a video and it's a bunch of chumps playing guitar hero..jeez.


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I'm with Bill 100%, I really don't like the idea of proclaiming anyone as one who sucks. Music is very personal, like that's not stating the obvious, so one persons RULE is another's SUCK. Now something useful:

Music that rules: the Rolling Stones, for helping bring American blues musicians and their music to white America. They've come up with a few decent licks along the way too.


I was born at night but I wasn't born last night...
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There is surely music I don't care for, and musicians who don't play on a high skill level, but I don't care for the word "suck" too much. I guess I've heard it once too often, for too many years... and it makes you sound like an illiterate teenager if you use it all the time.... IMHO.


Of course, I'm leaving myself open to the "Eric sucks" brigade... LOL. But you gotta live dangerously SOME TIME!

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+5 I would move away from the [sucks] word and don't mind who or what is great as opposed to [rules]...


I like both Eric Claton and Derek Trucks not just because they are great players but because they have heart and can blend in and will only take the lead when it's their turn...


+1 on youtube While My Guitar Gently Weeps on the Ukelele, which I had posted on this forum for all to hear last Christmas...


-1 on raising the bar on Chet Atkins and Jerry Reed...can't be done...although I do like Western Swing and the new players mentioned...


on gear, I still submit the tech21 Blonde pedal as [great]...


+1 on Leo getting the Telecaster right but it did require future refinements from the no-caster days and I like the Strat better...LOL...IMHO.

Take care, Larryz
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Okay, need to finish "6 That Suck/6 That Rule" for redesign issue fast.




[1] Guitar Stars who SUCK with short reason WHY they suck.


[2] Music that RULES and Why.


[3] Something about the Music Gear Industry that RULES.


[4] YouTube videos that RULE, and YouTube videos that SUCK.



1)Stars who SUCK Any guitarist who considers him/herself to be an expert on politics, and uses the stage to push their values on others. I pay for the music, not a political rally.

2)Music that RULES 12 Bar Blues. Because it is the bedrock of most Rock and Roll and still lives on today in strength.

3)Gear Industry RULES The growth of the Asian rim market, meaning Korea, Japan, Indonesia AND Chinese capabilities to build an affordable instrument that everybody can afford. Americans hate it, but it's a global economy, folks. Get used to it.

4)Youtube SUCK - Videos where people evaluate a guitar model. Through PC speakers and their amp - no value there. Youtube RULE - The fact that great unknown bands can put their stuff online and have a better chance of being discovered than at any other time in the history of modern music.

Want a custom guitars for prices you can afford? Check out www.tsunamiguitars.com
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