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Of all the gin-joints in all the world...


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Last Friday my band played our usual pub covers gig at The Hob, a music and stand-up comedy venue in south London.(Yeah, yeah, and with us you get both at the same time...)


It's a good gig for us as this is a reasonably high-profile venue for this part of town. We played in the main part of the bar while a private fancy-dress party was taking place upstairs.


We finished the first set with 'Framed', played as a rollocking blues shuffle. As I made my way to the bar I was accosted by a neatly-dressed bloke in a pin-stripe suit. "Bass player, yes?" he asked, "I know you - you're Graham."


Now experience tells me that when a stranger in a suit stops me like this it is not normally a good thing.


It's usually a prelude to being asked for money/taxes/blood/my soul/an interview at the police station.


A second glance made me notice two things. One, this chap had a drink in his hand, an amiable smile and a painted-on moustache. And he didn't really look like a bank manager/taxman/doctor/preacher/policeman.


It turned out he was our very own Alex Claber - forumite, funky bassist and designer of a highly-regarded series of lightweight cabs. And, last but certainly not least, one of the brethren of The Shirt .


By pure coincidence Alex was at the party and had wandered downstairs to have a look at the band. I guess he then recognised me from my avatar and the pics in Dave's 'Shirt' website.


We had fifteen minutes or so to chat about bass and related subjects. It would have been great to chat for longer but I soon had to get back to it and start our second set. I don't know if Alex stayed for any more as I couldn't see much past the stage lighting.


It was quite some coincidence. Alex doesn't even live in London but in Brighton, some 60+ miles away. (I know that's peanuts for you US guys but it's a fair old distance for our small island.)


I know various forumites meet up but has anyone else just 'bumped into' another forumite in this way?





www.talkingstrawberries.com - for rocking' blues, raw and fresh!
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That's cool Graham. Sixty miles is a good distance to travel no matter where you're from, although our island (US) is a bit larger than yours.

I traveled to Kansas City a few years ago to visit family and met up with Picker while I was there. He was nice enough to take me to the local GC, then we went for BBQ at KC's.

It would be fun to see Mike again and to meet other forumites as well.

Visit my band's new web site.









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I walk 60 miles.... that's nothin'....


cool story.


In the snow. Uphill. Both ways.

Do not be deceived by, nor take lightly, this particular bit of musicianship one simply describes as "bass". - Lowell George


"The music moves me, it just moves me ugly." William H. Macy in "Wild Hogs"

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I kill hookers with a chainsaw and keep the leftover parts in the trunk of my car.


Oh wait, wrong thread.



"To fight and conquer in all your battles is not supreme excellence; supreme excellence consists of breaking the enemy's resistance without fighting."

--Sun Tzu

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I keep trying to connect with Davio in Boston (even though he misquotes me) but no luck yet. Speaking of which, where's Captain Kevin Cutthroat these days?

I don't misquote anybody...that was taken directly from one of your posts. Besides, last time we tried to connect you petered out last minute because you had to wash your hair or something (even though Capasso showed up with last week's shampoo still lingering). :D


Last I talked to Kevin he was still having computer problems plus working 87263487 jobs and playing in a busy band.

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So did you ask Alex why he stopped posting?


Not as such, but he did say that he was very busy with the Barefaced Cab business as well as his day job. He also moderates some of the discusion on Basschat, a UK bass forum.


He's even put his band on hold for the present.


And, of course, you'll remember that he's not long married...





www.talkingstrawberries.com - for rocking' blues, raw and fresh!
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That's cool Graham. Sixty miles is a good distance to travel no matter where you're from, although our island (US) is a bit larger than yours.

I traveled to Kansas City a few years ago to visit family and met up with Picker while I was there. He was nice enough to take me to the local GC, then we went for BBQ at KC's.

It would be fun to see Mike again and to meet other forumites as well.


Bring your bad self over anytime, brah. It was a pleasure hanging with you at GC. And you paid for the BBQ, dude, so what more could a forumite ask?

Always remember that you are unique. Just like everyone else.





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