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Gear and Musical Reality of Now


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The "Herbie" Rhodes was primarily a matter of him tweaking and playing the hell out of it. Nowadays, Herbie does fine with an acoustic piano, Rhodes, OASYS or Motif.


Frank McComb didn't dial into the "Herbie" Rhodes either. He merely played the SV-1 very well maybe incorporating Herbie-isms along the way.


Electronic instruments will always be similar to cloning. Close but not quite. Even if Dolly looks "right", it will expire and/or be superseded by a "better" model.


If you dig a piece of gear enough to buy one, make the best music possible with it. At least until something better comes out. Hopefully, the new piece is backwards compatible.


Whatever great music and/or musicians of the past are just that...yesteryear. However, like a library, the urn of influence and repository remains.


I know Weather Report isn't coming back. Two principles are no longer here. Shorter has moved on with his musical life.


Yet, nothing prevents musos from making and selling music today. No matter how we feel about their music, younger musos are a reminder of it.


Regardless of age and/or musical interests, use talent, technology, knowledge and influences, etc., to make music.


Folks are still listening. Even if/when they are talking and/or making love connections in the process. ;):cool:



"The greatest thing you'll ever learn, is just to love and be loved in return."--E. Ahbez "Nature Boy"

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Folks are still listening.

With that statement comes freedom and responsibility. Freedom to create before an audience. Responsibility to do the best our abilities allow us to.


Amen, brother.




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The "Herbie" Rhodes was primarily a matter of him tweaking and playing the hell out of it. Nowadays, Herbie does fine with an acoustic piano, Rhodes, OASYS or Motif.


Frank McComb didn't dial into the "Herbie" Rhodes either. He merely played the SV-1 very well maybe incorporating Herbie-isms along the way.


Electronic instruments will always be similar to cloning. Close but not quite. Even if Dolly looks "right", it will expire and/or be superseded by a "better" model.


If you dig a piece of gear enough to buy one, make the best music possible with it. At least until something better comes out. Hopefully, the new piece is backwards compatible.


Whatever great music and/or musicians of the past are just that...yesteryear. However, like a library, the urn of influence and repository remains.


I know Weather Report isn't coming back. Two principles are no longer here. Shorter has moved on with his musical life.


Yet, nothing prevents musos from making and selling music today. No matter how we feel about their music, younger musos are a reminder of it.


Regardless of age and/or musical interests, use talent, technology, knowledge and influences, etc., to make music.


Folks are still listening. Even if/when they are talking and/or making love connections in the process. ;):cool:



I certainly hope you are compiling these posts into some type of collection that you can publish at a later date for the benefit of all future musos. :thu:



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Hey Joe, that is an idea. Hopefully, a future generation of musos will have better luck with the search engine and/or Google. :laugh:


Years ago, I was all about the sound of music. Nowadays, my thoughts are consumed with this philosophical sh*t, er, aspect of it. :D


Seriously, while it is food for thought, every muso inevitably has to "go through" that arc from discovery to reality for themselves. :cool:



"The greatest thing you'll ever learn, is just to love and be loved in return."--E. Ahbez "Nature Boy"

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