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Earth, Wind and Fire...wow...

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I went and saw them this evening. What an unbelievably great show - it reminded me what it was like when people actually had to be accomplished musicians to be in a band... ;) You'd figure Verdine White would have slowed down a bit with age. Nope. He jumped and thumped all night. You'd figure that Philip Bailey might have had some trouble hitting those reeeeeeally high notes. Nope. He was as good (if not better) than I've ever seen him. MAN, that guy can sing! :eek: Top notch musicians, tighter than hell, funkier than all get-out. If they're coming anywhere near you, definitely check them out! :thu: dB



:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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I've got their DVD - Live from Japan or Tokyo or something to that effect. MY GOD IT ROCKS!! I'm glad you saw them in person. WOW. I might, perhaps, maybe even choose to see their show over a Steely Dan show! :eek: (Of course, I've seen the Dan three times!) :D Gas :cool:
"Music expresses that which cannot be put into words and that which cannot remain silent." - Victor Hugo
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[quote]Originally posted by Is Soundscape: [b]What about Maurice??? How was he? Did he do some kalimba bits?[/b][/quote]He wasn't there. It was advertised that he would be, but he was a no-show. Guess he wasn't feeling well... [quote]Originally posted by Is There Gas in the Car?: [b]I've got their DVD - Live from Japan or Tokyo or something to that effect. MY GOD IT ROCKS!![/b][/quote]Yeah, I have both of their live DVDs. They're excellent. They are truly an amazing band. [quote][b]I'm glad you saw them in person. WOW. I might, perhaps, maybe even choose to see their show over a Steely Dan show! :eek: (Of course, I've seen the Dan three times!) :D [/b][/quote]Yeah, I've got two Dan shows under my belt, with my third coming up 10/1... :thu: dB



:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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[quote]Originally posted by Dave Bryce: [b]... You'd figure that Philip Bailey might have had some trouble hitting those reeeeeeally high notes. Nope. He was as good (if not better) than I've ever seen him. MAN, that guy can sing! :eek: ... dB[/b][/quote]This is where too many old groups loose it. I don't know anything worse than seeing an older pop start trying to put on shows when the voice has been shot. Robert PS: I did not know you were allowed out of the Keyboard Corner. :p

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[quote]Originally posted by Rabid: [b]PS: I did not know you were allowed out of the Keyboard Corner. :p [/b][/quote]I'm actually a charter member of SSS from back in the days when it was on AOL, so every once in a while Craig lets me out a post or two up here... ;) :D dB



:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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Dave, Where'd you see them? I just did them last fall at the Hollywood Bowl. Great show.

Seriously, what the f*ck with the candles? Where does this candle impulse come from, and in what other profession does it get expressed?

-steve albini

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[quote]Originally posted by gearmike: [b]Dave, Where'd you see them? [/b][/quote]They played at a really small venue - the Thousand Oaks Civic Center. I guess a few of them (including Philip) live right near here, so it was kind of a neighborhood show for them. dB



:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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A few weeks ago, I walked into J&R Computer World in downtown Manhattan to return a malfunctioning Firewire PCI card. When I walked out of the store, there was a band playing in the small park across the street. I kept walking to my subway stop, half listening to the band, until a thought hit me: "Wait a f***ing minute - is that Earth Wind and [i]Fire[/i]?!?" It was. Playing in the middle of the street. I was late for an appointment, so I couldn't stay long, but what the hell: a few minutes of an unexpected EW&F concert will brighten anyone's day. Well, mine, anyway.
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I think it was a couple of years ago I was in NYC wasting time at Manny's when I heard from behind me, "Henry! What are you doing?!" It was my friend Robert Brookins. I had played some cuts for him on guitar in his studio and he used to come to most of my gigs. He's a great R&B producer, writer and singer. He was playing with EWF (still is) and invited me and my wife to their taping at the Sony soundstage for a VH-1 concert/special. Really cool stuff like this happens to me every once in awhile. It blows my wife's mind. We were just on a little vaca. Those guys slam. He introduced me to every one in the band and the sax player and I started a correspondance about some future projects that never happened. I just saw him on the "Today Show" a couple of months ago. He was singing lead on one tune. Maurice basically doesn't do the band any more except for very important gigs. He produces from the sidelines. I think he's still the corporate leader. CEO or something.

All the best,


Henry Robinett

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I had worked with Drew on that show with EWF. During the set, I had to tear down my recording rig and pack it up for travel. I did sneak out for a couple of songs though. Excellent band. :thu: I don't believe Philip was in the lineup that day. Maybe Drew knows better.
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I've seen them about five times, with and without Maurice, and they've been top-notch performers time after time. Last time was at the Greek. No Maurice, but Sheldon Reynolds was rockin', Phillip was utterly amazing, and the rhythm section (Verdeen and Sonny Emory) killed. And those horns...those unbelievable horns. :thu: - Jeff
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[quote]Originally posted by Jeff the Weasel: [b]And those horns...those unbelievable horns. :thu: - Jeff[/b][/quote]Well Jeff, There's a few reasons those horns may have been unbelievable...

Seriously, what the f*ck with the candles? Where does this candle impulse come from, and in what other profession does it get expressed?

-steve albini

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[quote]Originally posted by gearmike: [b] [quote]Originally posted by Jeff the Weasel: [b]And those horns...those unbelievable horns. :thu: - Jeff[/b][/quote]Well Jeff, There's a few reasons those horns may have been unbelievable...[/b][/quote]What?

All the best,


Henry Robinett

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I didn't hear that MW died either... [quote]... :thu: I don't believe Philip was in the lineup that day. Maybe Drew knows better.[/QB][/quote]Tinder Arts, In case you forget, we did the show the night prior, pulled down, set up for EW&F (I think you were all snuggled in by then :) ), by the time I left the venue it was 4 am. Unless I forget,I think I was back at work by 12noon. Don't they have a DVD out?
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[quote]Originally posted by NYC Drew: [b]Tinder Arts, In case you forget, we did the show the night prior, pulled down, set up for EW&F (I think you were all snuggled in by then :) ), by the time I left the venue it was 4 am. Unless I forget,I think I was back at work by 12noon.[/b][/quote]As I recall, Boys II Men were the headliner on Saturday, then the preset happened for EWF until the wee hours. Since we weren't recording them, I was luck and got to go sleep. Fourplay was the group just before EWF, and after the Fourplay set, I did a little playback for the band and then struck my gear while EWF was playing.
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Maurice is still alive. He's is supposed to be performing with them. At least that's what he said in an interview. Can't wait to see them. Without Maurice, they are a great band. With Maurice they are an exceptional band.
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[quote]Originally posted by CP: [b]Maurice is still alive. He's is supposed to be performing with them. At least that's what he said in an interview.[/b][/quote]Yeah, it was advertised that he'd be at the show I just saw, and yet he wasn't... :mad: The show was still totally amazing. :thu: dB



:keys:==> David Bryce Music • Funky Young Monks <==:rawk:


Professional Affiliations: Royer LabsMusic Player Network

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