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Nail care


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Now, I keep care of my nails. However....



A Salt Lake City woman who held a Guinness World Record for her long fingernails before they broke off in a car crash says it was the most dramatic event of her life.


But Lee Redmond, who lost the fingernails in February, says it's now much easier to do things and her hands seem to fly with the weight of the nails gone.


The 68-year-old won't grow her nails out again, saying it took 30 years the first time and she may not live for another 30.


Redmond hadn't cut her nails since 1979 and entered the Guinness World Records book in 2002 for longest fingernails on a woman.


The Guinness Web site says her nails measured a total of more than 28 feet long in 2008, with the longest nail on her right thumb at 2 feet, 11 inches.





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Hehhehh- at first I thought that meant they were around 28 feet long, not a combined total of 28 feet, with the longest one bing just under three feet; I was trying to picture these 28 foot fingernails and wondering how in the Hell she managed at all...


Yeeeah, that'd get in the way of learning to hold down that 1st-position F9, huh? :freak::D


Lucky if that's all the "injury" anyone sustained in the car accident...


What I'm wondering now is, was she driving?? If so, how??! Did her nails cause the accident, or exacerbate it?


____________ http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_ERGrznxTIwo/Rn1QCQuK--I/AAAAAAAAEdg/rZYGzdLFmqs/s400/Lee+Redmond,+World%27s+Longest+Fingernail+Woman.jpg

Ask yourself- What Would Ren and Stimpy Do?


~ Caevan James-Michael Miller-O'Shite ~

_ ___ _ Leprechaun, Esquire _ ___ _

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FWIW, I remember a one-time male record-holder (well, he wasn't going to be able to hold much of anything in his left hand) beng a guy from India with long nails on his South paw. I don't think he's gonna be setting any records on guitar, sitar, banjo or ukulele, but he might have a chance with a pedal-steel - if he can sneak up on one:


_____________________ http://thelongestlistofthelongeststuffatthelongestdomainnameatlonglast.com/images/nails.jpg


I did a Google-search to find that pic and swipe ehhr borrow it's URL; funny thing is, it was posted on a thread where some guy had posted a question about fingernail-length for playing guitar on a decorative/designer handbag forum :freak: ; not surprisingly, the vastly overwhelming majority of replies posted were moronic "ewe I hate lawng nailz onna guy" responses... :rolleyes:


I also ran across this pic (link below), of the aforementioned Lee Redmond, and a Melvin Booth, apparently the current male fingernail-length record-holder; I just have to wonder, why? I mean, is it surprising that I'd wonder why?


_____________ Longest nails duo pic

Ask yourself- What Would Ren and Stimpy Do?


~ Caevan James-Michael Miller-O'Shite ~

_ ___ _ Leprechaun, Esquire _ ___ _

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