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Different Tones for Different Venues?

Paul K

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Ladies and Gentlemen


The Steely Dan band had a successful outing this weekend, did Cornell's class of '79 reunion. Old farts love Steely Dan. Keith Olbermann was a no-show, but these things happen. My singing was a good step in the right direction. However, my playing observation was a little frustrating. I'd used a bass with PJ config and flatwounds for the last couple of practices, and it was just totally right. But on stage under a tent with the bass not thru the PA I felt buried in the mix. But at the same time, turning up louder would have just made me too loud. I needed more zing. I intend to use a brighter strings next time out, either the ground wounds on the Synapse, or the tapewounds on the Cort Curbow that has an on-board 3 band EQ.


We've chatted endlessly about different tones for different music, but never about different tones for different venues. How do you guys and gals change things up depending on where you're playing?

Things are just the way they are, and they're only going to get worse.

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I'm constantly fiddling with my EQ and/or changing basses, even in the same room. But that might be due to my lack of experience and too many years of loud bands and construction sites. What did you say?!!!
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I'm with Jeremy on this one - EQ for the room, even moreso if you don't have FOH support.

Also, tape wound and ground round strings are going to be less 'present' than round wound strings. But, overall, the total sound of the band is probably more important than what you hear (or perceive) on stage, especially outdoors. It's great to have a 'friendly' set of ears in the audience if possible. Bottom line (pun intended), if the band was well received - you did your job. Sometimes you just can't be all things all the time, eh?


Confirmed RoscoeHead

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I was just debating this with myself today as I was going back and forth between active and passive. I could find uses for both, but I prefer my active tone. I prefer it for rock, jazz, church, etc.


I tend to leave my bass set and send "my sound" to the FOH and my amp. I let the FOH guy worry about it from there, and I EQ my amp for stage/room/monitoring needs.


It seems I am alone in this - having one tone for all gigs. Most players seem to have a bass/tone for every occasion. I tend to have one sound for all occasions. I mean, I make subtle changes, bu tit's all under one umbrella tone. I guess I can get away with it as I'm not "big time" or doing sessions or what have you.


Guess I got a little OT. Maybe it should be a different thread.

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I like to get my amp placed just so, then after that some EQ and/or tone adjustments. Seems that I usually have to get used to the tone on any given day.

Some days though, the humidity or the overall volume of the band just make it harder to hear yourself, let alone any semblance of a tone you like.

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I change the eq on my amp for each room in which I play.



The knobs on my Ashdown are very large and make it a snap. I never touch the preamp if I can possibly avoid it.

Oddly enough my rig sounds the same in every bar I play. Set-up, tune, wail.


Outside is always a pain. If you can't be heard without to much stage volume you should be in the PA. I do a few a year and even the small ones have me in the mains.

Next time insist.


"He is to music what Stevie Wonder is to photography." getz76


I have nothing nice to say so . . .


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I'm always amazed how the tone changes depending on what you are playing with. I notice this when practicing through a PC and if I start to add percusion or piano or even human sounds - the sound of the bass changes.


So, I've always preferred roundwounds and so you can tone them down if necessary. You really can't go the other way.



"We will make you bob your head whether you want to or not". - David Sisk
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I never adjust my eq in a room unless it is a really boomy room. I set my tone how I like it and send a post eq signal foh. I have never had any complaints about my signal/sound. I do believe that you should set your tone how you want to hear it for the reason that if your happy it will translate to your performance.
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Thinking about it more: This weekend was one of the few gigs I've played with the flats, as it's always been the groundwounds in the past on all my basses. My Ashdown Superfly amp has that blasted 9 band digital EQ that when you move the "slider" it takes 3 seconds for the change to happen. So EQ changes on the fly are close to impossible; I just want two or three knobs and I want it now, damnitall. It never bothered me in the past since I usually started off too bright but could easily dim the harsh with on-board tone controls.


Perhaps the flats will be limited to small gigs and practice room stuff. Was frustrating how the sound was so perfect in the rehearsal room, but so not perfect at the gig; this all coming from a non-tone freak. And to think that I thought bottom end would be the problem since the room had no corners or walls.

Things are just the way they are, and they're only going to get worse.

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I fine tune my EQ for each room. I try not to make any radical changes. I always run the bass controls the same - although I'll fiddle with them for certain tunes. Usually just a case of wanting a bright tone or muted tone depending on the 'mood' of the tune.


As far as the amp, I usually start off by taking out low-end (the knob that says "bass"), finding the volume and clarity I want and then bring the low-end back in to suit the room.


The real wild card is when you play outdoors. They're aren't any 'acoustics to speak of since there's nothing for your sound to reflect off of. Your sound just seems to dissipate out into infinity. I just try to get my sound the way I like while I'm standing next to the amp/rig.






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indeedly... Outdoors=Crap bass sound, unless you have lots of speakers available.




"And then the magical unicorn will come prancing down the rainbow and we'll all join hands for a rousing chorus of Kumbaya." - by davio



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I'm always amazed how the tone changes depending on what you are playing with. I notice this when practicing through a PC and if I start to add percusion or piano or even human sounds - the sound of the bass changes.




YES!!! Thank you. I agree...

"When I take a stroll down Jackass Lane it is usually to see someone that is already there" Mrs. Brown
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I'm always amazed how the tone changes depending on what you are playing with. I notice this when practicing through a PC and if I start to add percusion or piano or even human sounds - the sound of the bass changes.




YES!!! Thank you. I agree...


Ross, I'm very glad to be of service!


"We will make you bob your head whether you want to or not". - David Sisk
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Usually I don't do that much with the amp EQ. I may tweak it a little depending on the room. Mainly the midrange. I have a 3 knob Eq on the amp so if I need to it's pretty easy to adjust on the fly. Most the time though I use the Bass Eq mainly by rolling off or adding treble depending on what I need.

Lydian mode? The only mode I know has the words "pie ala" in front of it.


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I guess amp placement is probably the most critical component for me. Since a back injury 2 yrs ago I sit on a stool when I play. I think that in itself changes the sound equation quite a bit, since my height in sitting puts me closer to the height of the amp. I don't need to be as far away from the amp to hear it clearly.

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I don't usually have PA support. I don't usually have placement options. I tend to make adjustments on the amp but I find it difficult to hear what is needed. I depend on our sax/harp guy, who goes out into the crowd to check us. Even though he plays bass as well, he has never commented on my tone (just volume).


The last time we played outdoors was Halloween (in a huge tent). I took no chances and used my two Berg 1x12s AND the 70s Kustom 2x12. The master volume was down pretty low and I think the tone was very nice.


In church, tone is pretty much hopeless. I set the tone so I think it sounds good where I am. I walk 10 feet away, and it's crap (all honk, no lows). I walk 20 feet away, and it's OK. I can only guess what it's like for the congregation.




Acoustic Color


Be practical as well as generous in your ideals. Keep your eyes on the stars and keep your feet on the ground. - Theodore Roosevelt

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My sound varies with the size of the room, the number of people in the room, where they are located in the room (at tables or on the dance floor), the temperature, the humidity, sunspots, phases of the moon, the zodiac, and the feng shui of the band set-up on stage (if there is a stage).


I don't stress about it.

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In church, tone is pretty much hopeless. I set the tone so I think it sounds good where I am. I walk 10 feet away, and it's crap (all honk, no lows). I walk 20 feet away, and it's OK. I can only guess what it's like for the congregation.

IMHO Churches are the worst and hardest rooms to play... especially for bass... You've either got a less than good sound system, poor acoustics, poor electrical system (ground loops everywhere,) a tiny stage and a sound crew with little or no training. Or, as is usually the case, a combination of the above. And every room is very different, so it takes some tweaking to get your tone right each and every time. Some time even the same room can be completely different on different occasions...

I play regularly at several churches here, each with it's own unique set of issues. My solution: I just bought a POD X3 Live and have set up several patches for each room I play... so far it seems to be working out good. Use the copy/paste feature to put the same basic tone on several patches and tweak each one for the room as needed, save it with the name of the church, and go from there.


Before the X3, I was at the mercy of the soundman and the room, because they are all direct to the PA... the amps on stage are just used for monitoring, usually just split off of the signal at the DI box, if used at all.




Aerodyne Jazz Deluxe

Pod X3 Live

Roland Bolt-60 (modified)

Genz Benz GBE250-C 2x10

Acoustic 2x12 cab


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I play regularly at several churches here, each with it's own unique set of issues. My solution: I just bought a POD X3 Live and have set up several patches for each room I play... so far it seems to be working out good. Use the copy/paste feature to put the same basic tone on several patches and tweak each one for the room as needed, save it with the name of the church, and go from there.


Before the X3, I was at the mercy of the soundman and the room, because they are all direct to the PA... the amps on stage are just used for monitoring, usually just split off of the signal at the DI box, if used at all.




That's a pretty good use of a Pod. Interesting...

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That's a pretty good use of a Pod. Interesting...


Most people seem to view Pods as simply multi-effects units,

but they are so much more than just that... and they just keep getting better and better.




Aerodyne Jazz Deluxe

Pod X3 Live

Roland Bolt-60 (modified)

Genz Benz GBE250-C 2x10

Acoustic 2x12 cab


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Was frustrating how the sound was so perfect in the rehearsal room, but so not perfect at the gig.

I don't stress about it.


If I did I might try this.

I tend to leave my bass set and send "my sound" to the FOH and my amp. I let the FOH guy worry about it from there, and I EQ my amp for stage/room/monitoring needs.
That's essentially what Geddy Lee does, except he EQ's his industrial dryers on stage instead. :D
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That's a pretty good use of a Pod. Interesting...


Most people seem to view Pods as simply multi-effects units,

but they are so much more than just that... and they just keep getting better and better.





I played around with a Pod X3 "bean" unit for a while. I got some nice tones. I've tried Pod's before but always gave up on them for one reason or another. Not really sure why. I love the Aguilar model. One sound guy told I had teh best bass tone he had ever heard.

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Yeah, well...you know.


I am quite happy (even though I'd like a little more bottom from my amp but I really don't need it) with my stuff and don't really have GAS for anything right now. I know, no one believes me, but it's true.


That said, I have a cheap fretless that I am not using that I may trade for an X3 for some experimentation.

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We've chatted endlessly about different tones for different music, but never about different tones for different venues. How do you guys and gals change things up depending on where you're playing?


I ask myself, "WWLD?"


Makes the whole issue a lot simpler.



--Dub $$



Fanboy? Why, yes! Nordstrand Pickups and Guitars.

Messiaen knew how to parlay the funk.

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