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Boston Gig Spam!!! - UPDATE: Gig Report with pics and video


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I can't believe I didn't think to post this before now!


Who: Ozone Jones (my blues band)

What: First Show Ever...which is scheduled to rock faces off and cause violent outbreaks of dancing like fools

When: Thursday, December 18th 10pm-1am

Where: The Middle East in Boston (472 Mass Ave) on the Red Line between Central Square and M.I.T.

Why: Because we like you...M-O-U-S-E...


Website says $3 parking with validation. I don't think there's any cover. Come listen and buy drinks so they'll like us and want us back! :)


This being our first show, there should be media following so don't bother checking out our MySpace or Purevolume yet unless you just want to send a friend request.


Hope to meet some of you local yahoos there!

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I'll give plenty more notice next time. I promise.


Cool. Upstairs, Downstairs or in the Bakery? They have a few rooms with live music.

Heh...I knew somebody would ask. I'm not totally sure. I know it's not Upstairs because there's a big rock show on the schedule. I'm guessing the Bakery/Corner. I'll let you know for sure when I can get a hold of my singer...he lined up the show.

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Just wow.


Quite an eventful night. Not anything anybody expected. A lot of good and a lot of bad.


More info tomorrow/later today after sleep. Pics too.


Bottom line: I love blues musicians and CaptainCutthroat(sp?...I'm too tired to check)/Kevin is awesome.

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Hmmm...intrigued. If there is no gig report on the LDL, did a gig even occur?!?!




Well, not to hijack, but Bluez Preacher did a gig last Sat. night, another private party for the same guy who hired us in August. Myron does BBQs (www.overthehillfarm.com) and can be seen in our vid of "Superstition" (on my MySpace) walking by and swinging a big knife. By all accounts we rocked the house big-time and he's already booked us for a pig roast in May. Great BBQ, nice people, no fistfights.


Now back to Davio. What about it, Big D? I'm very familiar with where you played; having lived in the Boston area for a number of years I'm sure I must have puked in the alley beside the Middle East at least once. Although I used to spend more time at Jack's in Central Sq. (no longer there, I think).



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Recreation of last nights events from my point of view.

I get "not so good news text from Dave" as I am leaving practice to head to the gig. I will not say what it said, Davio will explain later. Parked my Jeep, walked down an alley, maybe the same one Chad threw up in, we'll never know, and on the iron fence...noticed this.....



A closer look reveals that SOMEONE from the forum MAY have been going on a gorilla advertising/vandalism campaign...


or it could just be a coincidence....


Then I walked in to The Middle East (that is the name of the club, I am not a teleporter although how freakin' cool would that be!) And I saw this man and The Shirt.



Great gig and considering the circumstances, excellent gig! Everyone else in here has no clue yet of what transpired. Oh the suspense they must be feeling!

Carvin Bunny Brunel Signature 5 String, ESP LTD 5 String, Ampeg SVT3, Ampeg 4x10 and 1x18




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Ok...the gf hasn't uploaded the pics from her camera yet so they will follow hopefully a little later tonight.


Sooooooooo, the night started when we left a bit early to get there and grab some munchies. Gig was supposed to start at 10pm, the rest of the guys were coming from farther away so they were planning on showing around 9 to set up PA and make sure everything was good. I show up at 8:30 and they're already there and our drummer is storming out as I walk through the door. Turns out he looked at the place (which was a small-ish restaurant/bar with a little wedge of a stage in the corner) and got pissed because it wasn't what he expected and didn't think he'd be able to fit his enormous drum rack (6 or 7 piece kit) and 50,000 cymbals and whatnot onto the tiny stage. I had been trying to reason with him for the last several weeks about cutting his kit back to a minimum but he wouldn't have any of it..."This is the way I play," etc.


In hindsight it's almost comical. Apparently he told the singer (who lined up the gig and is somewhat active in the local blues community) that he "set [him] up for failure." His words to me upon departure were "I'm 59 years old. You think I need this sh*t?" Classy.


We had no idea what to do. The guitarist brought 2 friends with him, the gf and one of our room mates came with me and I knew Kevin was coming and the singer had a couple of his hip cat local blues legend friends coming.


The singer walks down the street to a blues club that he frequents and looks around to see who's there and finds this cool old rasta dude that he knows that's played professionally and has been playing blues since the 60s. Singer offers him money for an easy pickup gig. He shows with a stripped down kit of kick, snare, hi-hat and ride at about 10:10...I'm kinda looking forward to this. Guitarist is worried because he doesn't think somebody can just pick up the set list and go without rehearsing. I talk him into doing it because hey, we're here and it could be fun.


Long story not as long as it could be: 3 sets later, everybody loved the show.


A lot of the songs went entirely too fast (I think the drummer just wanted to get it over with :) ) but we were able to make it happen.


I must admit, I was a little apprehensive about playing with the drummer because I'm fairly new to playing blues and I know the level of musicians the singer hangs with, but I really enjoyed it.


Some funny bits about Cecil the Drummer: he has a rubber chicken hanging in front of his bass drum, is cool enough to pull off the sunglasses at night and not look like a douche, guitarist asked him when he first showed up if he played the blues...he just smiled and said "that's funny," and after each set he just hopped off the stage and went to the bar for a cup of tea and more or less ignored the rest of the band...but he made a point of coming over to me between the first and second set and said that I sounded really good. The thing that made the night worthwhile, though, was when we were packing up after the show and Cecil shook my hand and asked me if I knew where the little blues club where the singer found him was. He told me that they have a blues jam every Sunday and Wednesday and he'd like me to come out. I noticed he didn't invite Mr. Loud Guitar Face. The singer introduced me to some of the local "royalty" who came out to hear him and they all seemed to dig my playing. I still can't get over that.


Anyway, I played the second set (my favorite) with The Shirt and they got pics and I think there's some clips of digital camera-quality video. We even got some pics of the passing of the torch (The Shirt) from me to Kevin...no, we didn't light it on fire.


A fiasco that ended up being a pretty fun night.

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I don't yet know what the future of the band is.


As Del Paxton told Guy Patterson in That Thing You Do, "Ain't no way to keep a band together. Bands come and go. You got to keep on playin', no matter with who."

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...Cecil shook my hand and asked me if I knew where the little blues club where the singer found him was. He told me that they have a blues jam every Sunday and Wednesday ...
Cantab Lounge! Coolest crowd in Metro-Boston!


Glad there was a happy-ish ending to the story, Davio! Mr. 59-year-old drummer was completely unprofessional and should be fired tout suite, if he hasn't already been.




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Good on ya Davio! Perplexing circumstances kept me away but with that update I am sure we'll be getting more gig spam from you.


And thanks for the first pics from CC (Kevin). Good catch on the Getz sticker!


Don't have a job you don't enjoy. If you're happy in what you're doing, you'll like yourself, you'll have inner peace. ~ Johnny Carson
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Pics pics pics...all links for the sake of bandwidth.


What was left of the band sans drummer. The gf sat at a table that put me right in the way of Cecil. Guitarist looking posessed.


Singer swayin' his swag.


Lockin' in with Cecil. You can see the Dickens bumpin' in the back and a nice shot of my dad's old hippy strap...and Cecil's chicken.


Yes, I'm that fast. Old Chinese proverb: "Everybody was kung-fu fighting. Those cats were fast as lightning. In fact it was a little bit frightning. But they fought with expert timing."


Enjoying some crazies dancing back by the bar.


Lookin' like a turd singin' along.


Mr. Loud Guitar Face with one of his sweet guitars. I call him "Stan the Greek" because I can't pronounce his last name.


Probably playing some stupid fill durring a guitar solo.


Cecil's chicken.


Totally awkward shot of Kevin looking trashed and me looking uncormfortable and about to say something stupid...as usual.


45 second video of "If You Love Me Like You Say"...sorry about the quality.


I should also add that getting the drunk 40-something chick (one of the dancin' crazies) between sets 2 and 3 saying "Do you know that song *tries and fails to sing* 'It's because of yooooou...it's because of yooooou...' do you know that one?" was one of the more confusing moments of the evening despite everything else.

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45 second video of "If You Love Me Like You Say"...

Looks like it was a fun gig notwithstanding!


Man, you can even tell in this vid that Cecil knows what he's doing by the way he moves his sticks. Don't despair! Even if Cecil can't do the gigs with Ozone Jones regularly, I'm betting there's a couple of other drummers out there in the City of Boston. Rock on, Davio!



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Congrats on overcoming! Kudos to the singer for knowing where to find someone quickly. The video sounds decent - you cooked along with the new drummer just fine as far as I can tell.


Make sure you go to the jams you were invited to attend. You'll be looking to replace the drummer, and that's not a bad way to "audition" players. Who knows what opportunities might knock?


And next time - it's OK to take the tie off...




Acoustic Color


Be practical as well as generous in your ideals. Keep your eyes on the stars and keep your feet on the ground. - Theodore Roosevelt

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I would like to state a fact for the record. That was only one of two Guinness I had! I guess I have that Jim Brewer "always look like I'm trashed" thing going on. And how terrible of them was it to put Guinness in a Miller Lite glass!


One of the "crazies" was a guy that was completely hammered and kept begging, and by begging I mean screaming, for them to play "Little Wing". "Play Little Wing, you guys do it so goooood!" he would say. I actually thought "Mr. Loud Guitar Face" aka "Stan the Greek" was gonna play a lick from it and he kiiiind of did. You know how Jimi does this quick slide/strum/pick up note right at the very beginning? It's all about a 10th of a second long. Davio's g**tarist did that while super hammered dude was screaming. Then when he didn't go in to the intro, I laughed. Hammered dude was so let down! What would a good show be without the token loud drunk?

Carvin Bunny Brunel Signature 5 String, ESP LTD 5 String, Ampeg SVT3, Ampeg 4x10 and 1x18




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Your drummer is a complete asswipe who should be replaced at the soonest possible opportunity.

You triumphed in the face of adversity and opened some doors.

That's a good gig Davio!

"He is to music what Stevie Wonder is to photography." getz76


I have nothing nice to say so . . .


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one of the best parts is that the guy with the kit the size of Terry Bozio's kit on steroids who refused to play because he wouldn't scale it down to fit on stage was replaced by a guy who showed up with nothing but a kick, a snare, hats, a ride, and a rubber chicken!

Carvin Bunny Brunel Signature 5 String, ESP LTD 5 String, Ampeg SVT3, Ampeg 4x10 and 1x18




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Heh, too funny. Sorry I missed it BTW. 3-4 years ago the (now)wife and I used to frequent the Sunday blues(more R&B really) jam at the Cantab. And often enjoyed Cecil's performances. As I recall he used to get up to drum and sing 'I Saw Her Standing There' if ever given a chance.


You could of done a lot worse on that one. Solid cat.


btw - If you get the chance do try to catch that Sunday jam. The house bassist, Lee, is solid as hell. The cat plays his nuts off and is very cool/humble. If he's still doing it that is.

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