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My new fish (pic heavy)....


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Hi Everyone!


Just picked up my new bass I've had on order for about six weeks.


It's a Warwick Corvette STD Fretless Passive with Thomastik Infeld Jazz Flats ;)


Arrived last week.


Sounds great :D


Tomorrow night I have an assessment for my improvisation class....I'm considering living on the wild side and giving it a go!






























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That is lovely! I don't generally like the Warwick body styles, but that seems to be one of the more conventional-looking ones. I really dig that natural finish. I wish more manufacturers went with that simple look.
Here's a tip: Try to eat everything. You'd be surprised how much is edible.
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I hate you I hate you I hate you.


Now that i was going gas free for some months.




"And then the magical unicorn will come prancing down the rainbow and we'll all join hands for a rousing chorus of Kumbaya." - by davio



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I really really couldn't decide whether to put rounds or flats on it. I eventually decided on TI Jazz Flats (which are lovely by the way)....


I love the sound of the TI Flats, but I really like a roundwound fretless sound too...I'm almost thinking I can see a second fretless in my future to be strung with some nickel roundwounds.





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Nice looking bass... I really dig the passive Warwicks (love my Streamer STD fretted passive).


I guess that brings up a question. Are Warwicks that hard to find in Oz? Is there anything special about it that you had to order it or was there no one around that had one in stock?

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Hi NUTT - Not hard to find...Warwicks are reasonably popular here. It's just that they didn't have one in stock in my preferred configuration (passive, fretless, black hardware), and had to include it with the next order from Germany. Nothing particularly exotic about it.




Phil: RE the TIs - I do love them. Great strings - really smooth flat feel, mellow and warm, but still very musical, and not "thumpy" (unless you want them to be :D ). They really sing!






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Do you know what gauge the strings are? My (limited) experience with TI is that they tend to be on the smaller side. One set I had used worked out very well - the thinness did not reduce the sound and thump and was very pleasant to play.




Acoustic Color


Be practical as well as generous in your ideals. Keep your eyes on the stars and keep your feet on the ground. - Theodore Roosevelt

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Tom: The gauge of the strings are .100, .070, .056, .045 ...so definitely thinner than the 45-105 DR Sunbeams I'm used to. No problems in the nut - they seat in the slots nicely. I can feel the difference, but it doesn't bother me, and the tension is fine too. They really feel wonderful, and sound warm and full too.


DCR: Thanks so much for the kind words about my photos. They were just a few quick shots with the bass sitting on a piece of black material laid on the floor near our lounge room window in available light. I'd dearly love to be involved in photography, but I doubt it'll ever be more than a hobby at this point - with a mortgage to pay and little mouths to feed I'd better keep the day job ;) If I can take some nice photos of basses that a few people enjoy every now and then that makes me happy.



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I played my new bass in my improvisation class tonight. We had an assessment where we had to improvise over a blues piece. I wasn't sure about taking the new fretless - but thought hey....now's as good a time as ever!


The bass sounded wonderful, and I was thrilled with my playing and intonation. My teacher even payed me a very nice compliment at the end of the class, which meant lots.


Can't wait till next week!




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...No problems in the nut - they seat in the slots nicely. I can feel the difference, but it doesn't bother me, and the tension is fine too. They really feel wonderful, and sound warm and full too.

My feeling as well - about the nut, tension, and fullness.


And dcr is right - those are good shots. There are many ways to use that skill (for both fun and profit). Give it some thought (like school sports?).




Acoustic Color


Be practical as well as generous in your ideals. Keep your eyes on the stars and keep your feet on the ground. - Theodore Roosevelt

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After my music class last night, I had a late rehearsal with my band - and took the fretless to that as well.


I would normally take my fretted bass to that gig, but I was really surprised how well the fretless worked in that context too. You can really make it sound just like a big warm fretted bass, and pop a few fretless eccentricities in here and there where it sounds nice. Quite useful actually ;)


One thing I noticed though - at the higher volume levels rehearsing with my band, the hum from the passive single coils is pretty nocticeable.


I've known about this with the Passive MEC pups for a while - I love the tone, but they're single coils and not RW/RP, so they're not hum cancelling when both pups are turned fully on like a Jazz bass would be.


The control cavity on Warwick Basses is shielded quite well, but they neglect to shield the pickup cavities sadly. No matter - I'll shield and ground the pickup cavities over the next day or two, and that should reduce the hum to tolerable levels.


Interestingly, at lower volume levels in my Improvisation class and Jazz Ensemble the hum wasn't noticeable at all (a bit more treble was tolled off in that context too).





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