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Official NBA 2008-2009 Thread

Dave Bryce

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. . . 0 (that's ZERO!!!)



:thu: :thu: [font:Impact]Los Angeles Lakers WORLD CHAMPIONS!!![/font] :thu: :thu:








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Well, that was decisive! Hate to see the season end, 'cause NFL week one is a long way away.


Congratulations to the Lakers and their fans.




The first of a 4-peat!!!

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I award the MVHW to Jeff!!!


Congratulations sir!!! You are the champ!!!


I could never have done it without your guidance. You, sir, are the Phil to my Kobe.

















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Hey Los Angeles,


We'll see your NBA Finals and raise you a Stanley Cup, a World Series, and a Super Bowl Championship.


Yours Truly,





Hey gluttons, stop bogarting those championships! :mad:


Can't a brother from Arizona get more than one? :rolleyes:







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Now run along and enjoy your- what was it? A Stanley Cup? How cute.


We men are here to talk basketball. :D


That's fine with me. The men in the REST of the country get to talk about FOOTBALL, too. Now go and sip your Decaf Kobe Frappucino.




The Black Knight always triumphs!


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Congrats on #15 !!!!!


It was great to see Kobe mature not only has a leader but has a man. He has such a different swagger or attitude than a few years ago. What a great leader and inspiration he's been for guys like Ariza. Gasol is now Kobe's Scottie Pippen. Pau Gasol=world class basket ball player. Who says you can't come home again---FISH!! What a great series for him. Like Magic said at the end of the game.."Kobe Byrant, the best player in Basketball". Of course Phil....well they worked it out to co-exist with one goal, to win a championship. Congrats on passing the great Red Aurbach, I know that means a lot to him.


My only negative I came away with is, the Lakers REALLY need to get a different spokesman for the team, especially on a National stage, other than Joey Buss. In his short meanderings, he came across has an arrested development, golden-spoon 30 something that showed little respect for the tradition of the game and especially the rich Boston Celtic legacy. It hurt a little more with Bill Russell and Kareem standing in foreground looking on. They must have been thinking, this idiot is the future owner?! Yikes. It cheapens the organization to let someone like that open his mouth.









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