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Funny B3 story


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Just thought I'd recount to you a story my dad told me not too long ago.


In the late 60's/early 70's, when he was in college, my dad played guitar in a rock band. One night they were playing at a club which had a B3 onstage. There was a keyboardist, but he was using his own equipment, so the B3 was left off, but with the lid opened. Plus, the Hammond was in plain view of the audience, while the keyboard player was pretty much hidden (some things never change). For whatever reason, on a few songs, my dad wasn't playing guitar and decided to go over and sit at the Hammond and pretend to play it. He knew the song well enough to make it look believable (plus he could see the keyboardist quite well), and he put on a bit of a show, pulling at the drawbars, and lots of smears, glisses, and assorted craziness. At the end of the night the club owner (who apparently was not informed the B3 would not be used) came up to him and said, "man, you're the best organ player we've ever had in here!"


Just goes to show....what i'm not sure

"Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the face"

-Mike Tyson

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I work a few afternoons a week at a music store. We were playing a DVD of a semi-recent Jethro Tull performance (at the Montreux festival, and it rocks, BTW). The keyboardist had a B3-style cabinet holding some 88-key weighted keyboard and some 61 key board. A customer came in, watched the video for a while, was obviously digging it, and said to me, "There's nothing like a real B3, man." Thing is, the Tull keyboardist was playing an ACOUSTIC PIANO sound at the time. So yes, people listen with their eyes. I should make a collapsable B3 style cabinet to hold my controllers and laptop.

Turn up the speaker

Hop, flop, squawk

It's a keeper

-Captain Beefheart, Ice Cream for Crow

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it's called "showmanship"

and most keyboard players are utterly lacking...


This is exactly why I listen to music, especially in a critical situation, with my eyes closed.


Yorgatron, thanks for pointing out that the public is even more stupid than I originally thought.


(By the way, I played B3 as my primary source of income for several years and did all the schtick. I even used hair gel and a blow dryer - long time ago. :o )



No guitarists were harmed during the making of this message.


In general, harmonic complexity is inversely proportional to the ratio between chording and non-chording instruments.


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There's a guy from my old neighborhood who does the power single thing. A GB crooner with backing tracks. When folks want a band, he hires anybody willing to wear a tux and pretend to play something, but he still uses nothing but the backing tracks. He called me for a "gig" once when I really needed the money. It's not that I'm that picky, but you've got to draw the line somewhere.


I stopped in to see one of my old bands one night. For laughs, I sang a tune sitting behind the sound guy while the chick singer on stage lip synched it. I guess you had to be there.

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