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Creamware Minimax

Andre Lower

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I finally got to play the Minimax I purchased last June and am stuck with a very basic problem: I bought the Klangbox version (the one without knobs) and therefore can only tweak and store the sounds using the software editor.


Now I found out that two terrible things happened: Creamware went belly-up and my software editor does not work at all! My only chance is to exchange info with someone else that happens to have a Minimax and actually uses the software. Anyone here has it?


Another option would be to locate some user forum on the web, but after googling for some time I could not find any...




"I'm ready to sing to the world. If you back me up". (Lennon to his bandmates, in an inspired definition of what it's all about).
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I followed Tom Fiala's lead and have had the software working for a while by now. Thanks :thu:


Thanks for the website Kavyon, I believe it will help.


I like the MiniMax a lot, but am taking a bash from the difference between Moog's architecture and that of the other VA's I had (Nord Leads, Alesis Micron). Although the Moog is simpler, you really have to have a deep understanding of every parameter if you are ever to have a chance of getting the sound you want.


To be honest, I spent the past three days trying to "port" the hard-earned patches I have in my Micron to the MiniMax, and have not suceeded in a single one! Of course I realize the problem is me, not the MiniMax...

"I'm ready to sing to the world. If you back me up". (Lennon to his bandmates, in an inspired definition of what it's all about).
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I've tried to port just one of my Micron patches to my ATC so far. I wasn't happy with the original and i'm even less happy with the new one. Ah well, I think you've just got to get in the ball park then play to the individual machines strengths & forget about the original patch. Have fun with the Minimax :)
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Well, I suspect we both realize that the MiniMoog is not famous and respected by chance. In my case it's even worse, for most of the patches I covet were originally made in a MiniMoog. Time to learn how to use it...


Have fun with your ATC too!

"I'm ready to sing to the world. If you back me up". (Lennon to his bandmates, in an inspired definition of what it's all about).
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