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Looking for input on next guitar

Goalie Blues

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Looking for some advice from the masses on what my "saving-up" target should be. I want to get a dual humbucker guitar with some crunch to it, preferably with a thick body to hold some sustain to it.

Right now I'm not into any specific genre of music, but I like jazz, blues, country, rock and metal. My favorite bands are Zeppelin, the Beatles, Rush, AC/DC, BLS, Metallica, Brad Paisley, Clapton, Hendrix, BB King and SRV.


Currently my arsenal consists of a Strat clone, and Tele clone, and Ibanez Artcore, an Epiphone acoustic and a Peavey Raptor EXP I'm currently reassembling from a bag of parts I picked up.


Right now I have my eye on either a Les Paul or Explorer. I am on a somewhat budget ($700 would be my max), so I aslo am looking for advice on none big-name models that are more economical but still have good sound.

Ask not what your guitar can do for you, rather ask you can do for your guitar without provoking a divorce or a visit from the police.

- with profound apologies to JFK

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Get the Explorer. They have good balance, tone and feel really good.


OK, but I've seen alot of manufacturers that make exlorer-like guitars (Hamer, Dean, ESP, Peavey).

Are any of these a good idea or should I stick to Epiphone (or pay the extra $$$ for a Gibson)?

Ask not what your guitar can do for you, rather ask you can do for your guitar without provoking a divorce or a visit from the police.

- with profound apologies to JFK

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Or get one of the Japanese LP clones, Tokai, or Edwards (possibly Burney).


That being said, I've know three very accomplished players who where guitar techs at fairly large guitar stores. When they bought a dual Humb they all bought PRS SE guitars. (However, I know two of them eventually changed out pickups. One just put a set of Seth Lovers in his and says it now sings plugged in as well as it did unplugged.)

Raise your children and spoil your grandchildren. Spoil your children and raise your grandchildren.
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Given the parameters you've listed, nothing within your budget has impressed me more than the PRS SE line. If you were OK with a thinner bodied bolt-on, the Godins are in a class of their own. Ya might snag a worn LP Studio in the $700.00 range, as well. I'm delighted with mine.
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I want to get a dual humbucker guitar with some crunch to it, preferably with a thick body to hold some sustain to it.


Here's another approach...


Find a guitar that you really like AFA looks and playability...then just toss in a couple of "crunch" pickups. :)


That said...I find that when a guitar comes with a pretty defined crunch sound...it's hard to get away from it.

I think it works better if you start off with a more neutral clean/crunch guitar...and then work the additional clean/crunch at the amp...not the guitar.

But, YMMV.


The Artcore guitars, like what you have (I have 2)...come with some sweet sounding Pups, IMO. They have a light vintage growl that can be accentuated with the right amp/settings...but they also go super clean if you need it.

I really love the sound of the Artcore ACH pickups. The neck has a sweet chunkiness to it, and the bridge doesn't take you head off with that super-over-wound screech...it just kicks things into a nice overdrive...

and through the right amp...they both kick butt. :)


miroslav - miroslavmusic.com


"Just because it happened to you, it doesn't mean it's important."

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Depending where you are in Canada, you might check out the Sparrow Rat Rod Pro or something from Godin Guitars like an LG or Freeway. Or perhaps an Epiphone Elite LP would fit the bill if you can find a used one on sale.


I live in Montreal, so I can't swing a dead cat without hitting a store with Godins in them. Thanks for reminding me about them, I had completely forgotten. I'm definitely going to check out those sperrows too.

Ask not what your guitar can do for you, rather ask you can do for your guitar without provoking a divorce or a visit from the police.

- with profound apologies to JFK

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Ok, to answer your questions specifically, your next guitar will have one of these, although the location may vary. No matter where it is located it will look like this: http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b48/ellwood1/138-Install-Input-Jack.jpg


i was thinking that! :D


well i will drop a few names for the 700.00 and under price.

PRS SE single cut

Godin LG hmb or sp90

Reverend warhawk

Yamaha AES620

Gibson faded sg

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Ok, to answer your questions specifically, your next guitar will have one of these, although the location may vary. No matter where it is located it will look like this: http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b48/ellwood1/138-Install-Input-Jack.jpg


i was thinking that! :D


well i will drop a few names for the 700.00 and under price.

PRS SE single cut

Godin LG hmb or sp90

Reverend warhawk

Yamaha AES620

Gibson faded sg


Literal translation!! LOL!!!! :eek::D:snax:

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Ok, to answer your questions specifically, your next guitar will have one of these, although the location may vary. No matter where it is located it will look like this: http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b48/ellwood1/138-Install-Input-Jack.jpg


i was thinking that! :D


well i will drop a few names for the 700.00 and under price.

PRS SE single cut

Godin LG hmb or sp90

Reverend warhawk

Yamaha AES620

Gibson faded sg


Literal translation!! LOL!!!! :eek::D:snax:


Not to be an ass, but that's an output jack. ;):D



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Ok, to answer your questions specifically, your next guitar will have one of these, although the location may vary. No matter where it is located it will look like this: http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b48/ellwood1/138-Install-Input-Jack.jpg


i was thinking that! :D


well i will drop a few names for the 700.00 and under price.

PRS SE single cut

Godin LG hmb or sp90

Reverend warhawk

Yamaha AES620

Gibson faded sg


Literal translation!! LOL!!!! :eek::D:snax:


Not to be an ass, but that's an output jack. ;):D


We need a poll!

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Looking for some advice from the masses on what my "saving-up" target should be. I want to get a dual humbucker guitar with some crunch to it, preferably with a thick body to hold some sustain to it.

Right now I'm not into any specific genre of music, but I like jazz, blues, country, rock and metal. My favorite bands are Zeppelin, the Beatles, Rush, AC/DC, BLS, Metallica, Brad Paisley, Clapton, Hendrix, BB King and SRV.


Currently my arsenal consists of a Strat clone, and Tele clone, and Ibanez Artcore, an Epiphone acoustic and a Peavey Raptor EXP I'm currently reassembling from a bag of parts I picked up.


Right now I have my eye on either a Les Paul or Explorer. I am on a somewhat budget ($700 would be my max), so I aslo am looking for advice on none big-name models that are more economical but still have good sound.


Goalie.....do youself a favor...consider selling a cople of the clones, and buy a Gibson Les Paul. If you want to do all of the genrae that you list, consider thr '57 classic pickups. They will do all of what you listed as your playing styles.


It's easy to start out buying clone guitars as a way of having decent guitars at a reasonable cost. However, at a certain point you end up owning a bunch of pretty good clones, where you COULD HAVE a couple of really good guitars that the clones want to be.


Food for thought.



"There once was a note, Pure and Easy. Playing so free, like a breath rippling by."






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Looking for some advice from the masses on what my "saving-up" target should be. I want to get a dual humbucker guitar with some crunch to it, preferably with a thick body to hold some sustain to it.

Right now I'm not into any specific genre of music, but I like jazz, blues, country, rock and metal. My favorite bands are Zeppelin, the Beatles, Rush, AC/DC, BLS, Metallica, Brad Paisley, Clapton, Hendrix, BB King and SRV.


Currently my arsenal consists of a Strat clone, and Tele clone, and Ibanez Artcore, an Epiphone acoustic and a Peavey Raptor EXP I'm currently reassembling from a bag of parts I picked up.


Right now I have my eye on either a Les Paul or Explorer. I am on a somewhat budget ($700 would be my max), so I aslo am looking for advice on none big-name models that are more economical but still have good sound.


Goalie.....do youself a favor...consider selling a cople of the clones, and buy a Gibson Les Paul. If you want to do all of the genrae that you list, consider thr '57 classic pickups. They will do all of what you listed as your playing styles.


It's easy to start out buying clone guitars as a way of having decent guitars at a reasonable cost. However, at a certain point you end up owning a bunch of pretty good clones, where you COULD HAVE a couple of really good guitars that the clones want to be.


Food for thought.



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Goalie.....do youself a favor...consider selling a cople of the clones, and buy a Gibson Les Paul. If you want to do all of the genrae that you list, consider thr '57 classic pickups. They will do all of what you listed as your playing styles.


It's easy to start out buying clone guitars as a way of having decent guitars at a reasonable cost. However, at a certain point you end up owning a bunch of pretty good clones, where you COULD HAVE a couple of really good guitars that the clones want to be.


Food for thought.


Definitely food for thought, but I think I'd end up getting quite a bit of flac from "she who must say her piece" if I decide to sell them. I have a reputation for getting jazzed about something, buying an expensive item and losing interest, so this to her would look like a pattern re-emergence.

I think I also might have given the wrong impression when I said "clone". My Strat is actually a G&L tribute Legacy that I'd hate to part with. The Tele is an actual "clone" which someone was able to fool me into thinking was a Fender USA and I subsequently traded a Gibson faded SG for.

I'd like to get a Gibson if I can afford it, but I'd really hate to sell any of what I already have.

Ask not what your guitar can do for you, rather ask you can do for your guitar without provoking a divorce or a visit from the police.

- with profound apologies to JFK

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While I'm not a big LP fanatic...I happend to see this new deal at Musican's Friend for an Epiphone Limited Edition, LP Custom Plus.

Man, that's a sweet looking guitar....and not a bad price!


Only $550!!!




Here's the MF link...they have a limited quantity...so move quick:



miroslav - miroslavmusic.com


"Just because it happened to you, it doesn't mean it's important."

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While I'm not a big LP fanatic...I happend to see this new deal at Musican's Friend for an Epiphone Limited Edition, LP Custom Plus.

Man, that's a sweet looking guitar....and not a bad price!


Only $550!!!




Here's the MF link...they have a limited quantity...so move quick:




Thanks Miro, but I'm currently cashless, plus I can't buy anything from MF because they don't ship to Quebec, Canada. I have found a site here in Canada that sells Epi LPs and when I have the scratch that's where I'm going to go.

Ask not what your guitar can do for you, rather ask you can do for your guitar without provoking a divorce or a visit from the police.

- with profound apologies to JFK

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Let me throw one more in there. An early 80's Ibenez Artist. They are getting pricey. You could get lucky.


I bought one new for $250 in 82. I thought it was the most under rated guitar I ever played. Dual Humbuckers, solid body and one of the best necks I have ever played. It had all the LP crunch without the $.


The only complaint was the gold plating was too thin and flaked off easily.



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