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OT - My friend's mother-in-law died....


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Weird situation. Yesterday I received a call from a man asking for one of my co-workers on behalf of his 10 year old son. The son and his grandmother (who lived with them) had been in a car accident. His son was shaken and wasn't sure how his grandmother was. I passed the call to his dad.


I spoke to my buddy last night and found out they believe she passed away driving the car, then veered off the road into a pole. The son was seatbelted in the back. He had a bad bruise all along the seatbelt but is otherwise physically ok. Small blessings... could've been a LOT worse. Nobody else was involved in the accident.


Now I'd be lying if I said my friend got along well with his MIL, but despite his differences that has to be a shock. Whatever his issues with the MIL she was close with his son and, of course, his wife.


Although we don't spend much time together outside work I just saw her at a Christmas party they held last Sunday. It's so weird to think she was there and now she's gone. I hate to think my friend's wife, who goes to great pains to dress her house and herself for Christmas, will spend next Christmas and many afterward in pain over her mom's passing. That's not to mention the son..


I don't really know why I'm mentioning this here.. I suppose I've seen this community act more like a close knit one than most of the physically connected communities I've been around. I'm just asking anyone to send good thoughts and prayers their way.



It's easiest to find me on Facebook. Neil Bergman




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I'm sorry to hear that. This will definitely color their Christmas for a long, long time. My condolences to your friends.
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That's rough....it just goes to show how fragile life is....but it is a blessing the young boy was not hurt badly. Please mention that I send my condolences and while I do not know them I feel their pain as I think about them and their their situation. I am very sorry.


I am sure your friend is feeling it....and especially since his wife is going to be having a hard time.


I am adding to this because as I was typing the first part I got rushed to dinner and could not think and type fast enough.


Anyway, my prayers with the family and my thoughts for the son who had to endure this tragedy first hand. I am sure he must be finding it especially hard also. It is awful this had to happen right before Xmas, but then again there is never a good time.

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Thanks... Your kind words are much appreciated as are the prayers. I'll pop in tomorrow or early Sunday and print out the thread before I see them at the funeral.


Peace. And don't forget to hug your family and friends. To quote the Eagles' New York Minute:


And in these days

When darkness falls early

And people rush home

To the ones they love

You better take a fool's advice

And take care of your own

One day they're here;

Next day they're gone


I think I'll leave that out of the print though...


'Night all...

It's easiest to find me on Facebook. Neil Bergman




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I'm sorry to hear that. It seems as though we've seen our share of tragedies in this forum right before the Holidays....that's enough, OK? No more accidents.


My condolences to your buddy and his family....this will be hard on the wife and child.

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Condolences & sympathies to your pal. Christmas can be emotionally trying enough without additional tragedies. This is going to be a rough one all around. A good friend & amazing guitarist just lost with wife to cancer last week, & I heard yesterday that a percussionist I've worked with a lot is in a coma in bad shape after an apparent heart attack. Tough season. Good wishes go out to all.


Scott Fraser

Scott Fraser
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My condolences to your friend and his family. There is never a good time for something like this to happen, but the hollidays make it even harder, if that is possible.


Boy that's really the truth. I don't know about anybody else but I find Xmas time to be a lot more emotionally stressful & vulnerable than the rest of the year.


Scott Fraser

Scott Fraser
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I don't really know why I'm mentioning this here.. I suppose I've seen this community act more like a close knit one than most of the physically connected communities I've been around. I'm just asking anyone to send good thoughts and prayers their way. Thanks...


Yes, good people here.

This is also a stressful time of year for situations such as this. :(


I'm sending prayers to all involved.





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Neil, please send your friend our condolonces as well. Several years back, a very close friend of ours lost her father in the same manner - he was driving along with a friend, pulled his truck over to the side of the road and passed away right there. Yeah, it is always wierd when one minute they are here and the next minute they are gone. Sorry for your friends loss.

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Yeah...a very sad story.


Not meaning to pile on...but in the last month or so, my sister's father-in-law died and one of her oldest friends died , a coworker's brother and aunt diedand another coworker lost his mother...and yet another one lost her aunt!!!


That was an awful lot of death to hear about in such a short period of time...but, that's how it comes some times...in waves.


miroslav - miroslavmusic.com


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Glad that his son's basically alright, though I hope that he can cope well enough with what happened- that's gotta be rough on him. He's old enough to probably understand what's happened realistically, which won't make it any easier and in some ways could make it harder (when kids are real young, it can be a blessing that they might forget or not fully grasp some things). He's the one in this I'm most concerned for- which is not to make light of how his Mother (who's just lost her Mother), Father, and everyone else are bound to be feeling... But, gheeze, this poor kid was banged-up in a crazy car-crash and woke up to find his Grandmother's gone, right around the Holidays... I hope he manages to handle it well enough!

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Thanks everyone for the kind words, thoughts and prayers.


I went to the memorial service on Sunday. It hit her daughter worst, but even she's coping. Her grandson still hasn't really absorbed and released the emotions he'll almost assuredly feel before his grieving is over. He read a letter they found from Grandma, written early this year in the event she passed away. Interesting to hear her thoughts posthumously. It appears to be a comfort to him that she was thinking ahead to the inevitable day she would be gone from his life, in body at least.


I said hello last night with Lilly. (We were driving neighborhoods looking for interesting light displays. I saved theirs for last because I knew it was really good.) They said he didn't want Christmas to come on Christmas Eve, but his attitude had changed when he awoke Christmas Day. He was sad to find presents from his grandmother under the tree, but seems to be feeling better now. I tried to give him the suggestion that at least she was able to give him those gifts before she died. One last act of generosity that outlived her body.


I'll pass along all the well wishes. I'm quite sure they will be of some comfort to my friend and his family.

It's easiest to find me on Facebook. Neil Bergman




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