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found my stolen guitars


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thanks ya'll

I did have to pay $599 for the G&L

but I got them back

they made 2 arrest's

both minors but they are in big trouble

here are some pics

the last one is all my guitars

2 mim strats





Why do you lay down? I say that it beats standing up! whats got you feeling so down? I hold up my empty cup!
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:thu: Great looking LP! And I've wanted a natural finish ASAT since it was called the Broadcaster! (Until Fender told Leo he couldn't use the trademarked name on his G&L products. ;) ) That was the early 1980's... Only Tele I ever considered until a few years ago. They were just so much better quality than the Fender product I played back then. :thu:

It's easiest to find me on Facebook. Neil Bergman




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Now I have a question for you; how would you describe the difference between your two Strats? Since it looks like the only real distinction is maple fretboard vs rosewood fretboard, I'm just wondering what kind of playing difference you perceive on them.


Enjoy that LP & ASAT. They're looking as happy to see you as you are to be holding them.


Scott Fraser

Scott Fraser
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dude I'm so thrilled


the rose wood has a darker tone


the maple is bright


I like the sound of the maple better

but the rosewood plays better

so in short I love them both

Why do you lay down? I say that it beats standing up! whats got you feeling so down? I hold up my empty cup!
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dude I'm so thrilled


And we're all thrilled for you.


the rose wood has a darker tone

the maple is bright

I like the sound of the maple better

but the rosewood plays better

so in short I love them both


Cool. Makes sense & sounds right. I've got a maple Strat & have always wondered if it would be worth getting a rosewood fretboard model for a different flavor, or if it would be so similar as to just be redundant.


Scott Fraser

Scott Fraser
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Hey there Miro, the IP cameras go into a box first that has a hard drive in it....so it is kinda like it's own computer that then can communicate with your remote computer and also record to disc.


This is my limited understanding of it.


Costco has models from $499 on up through $1500 or more. A pro system I saw once was $2500 and it had like weeks of video storage. They work on motion sensors if you want to save disc space and also have one or more camera's with night vision capability.



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dude I'm so thrilled


And we're all thrilled for you.


the rose wood has a darker tone

the maple is bright

I like the sound of the maple better

but the rosewood plays better

so in short I love them both


Cool. Makes sense & sounds right. I've got a maple Strat & have always wondered if it would be worth getting a rosewood fretboard model for a different flavor, or if it would be so similar as to just be redundant.


Scott Fraser


Yeah, they are different, but not so much that a little tone control tweek won't make them pretty much the same.

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Wonderful to hear that you got them back - especially the LP.



This is just further proof to me that the laws in this country are engineered in such a way that those who try to do things the right way end up getting screwed, no matter what they do.


It's always your problem if somebody steals from you. Banks tell you it's not their fault that checks came in that obviously didn't match your signature, it's on you to recoup your NSF fees from the person who forged the checks. A pawn shop accepts stolen property, but it's on you to recoup from the thieves whatever the shop wants to charge you to buy back your own damned instrument. Um, hello? Accepting stolen property is a federal crime?


+100 :thu:


OMG, you guys are actually agreeing on something? :o


I know, but only on two things ...this subject and support of our troops! two things out of possible millions of subjects is not a bad ratio!




We only butt heads on music. Right is still right, no matter what you have in your iPod. ;)

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I work in a pawn shop and this discussion came up today because of this thread. When we take something in we ID the person get a right thumb print and that info gets uploaded to the local police every night, if a report has been filed w/ police and there is a hit the police confiscate whatever was stolen, the criminal will have to pay restitution to us, however, the item sits in an evidence locker until the issue is settled by the courts, sucks I know. People will come in and say that something is theirs and want it back, they need to prove it is theirs, receipts etc, we just dont give things to people when they say it belongs to them, which sucks for the honest people. I am glad you got your guitars back I would be very upset if mine got stolen. There is nothing better than being reunited with a lost loved one.

all chucks children are out there playing his licks


*Bob Seger

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Glad you got your guitars back, Benny.


(deep breath) Here I go again. "Bobby" should suffer a penalty if he stole the guitars. But I'm troubled by the depth of feeling about the sort of vengeance that some feel ought to be visited on him for his misdeed. Caning? Chopping his hand off? Throwing him in prison hoping he'll be raped? They're electric guitars; mass-produced electric guitars. We get very attached to our instruments, but holy moley! And this kid is a minor. Are we to believe that none of us here ever did anything stupid, possibly illegal, as adolescents, that we're ashamed of now?


So let the little pisher pay restitution. Let him do some community service. Maybe he'll learn a lesson. If he doesn't, believe me, he'll do other stuff that'll get him serving time eventually as an adult.



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This is what was said Chad "That's why some Middle Eastern countries have lower crime rates, because if he had been caught over there, he would be missing a hand."


It's fact, I don't think anyone said this should be done in Western society? However Caning would have been pretty much the equivalent of what my father would have done to me for stealing anything from anybody!

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Great thread - and great hearing you got back your stolen guitars. Unfortunately I wasn't so lucky - last year someone stole one of my customs - have yet to get it back. Found out over 1 million instruments are stolen every year in the US and less than 2% are recovered. I started posting stolen instrument notices in an attempt to help musicians get back their stolen gear - and it seems to be working. Helped recover over $100,000 in gear since Sept of this year. I just started posting the notices on this site - the stolen bass on the first post was just recovered! There is a sticky for the posts in The Downstairs Lounge Forum. For a complete list of stolen gear - and to get an idea of how many people are getting ripped off, check out the full list on any of the sites I've been posting on:

The Gear Page: http://www.thegearpage.net/board/index.php

Guitar Trade: http://www.guitartrade.org/forum/index.php

Ultimate Guitar http://www.ultimate-guitar.com/forum/index.php?

Guitar Forum: http://guitarforum.net/

Harmony Central http://acapella.harmony-central.com/forums/index.php

Myspace.com/screamingstone (post bulletins and blogs)

and www.screamingstone.com (the main site)


Please spread the word about the stolen instrument posts - the more people seeing the posts, the better chance we have at getting more gear back into the hands of the musicians.


Rock on.


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It's fact, I don't think anyone said this should be done in Western society? However Caning would have been pretty much the equivalent of what my father would have done to me for stealing anything from anybody!


Do you remember the Chatham grocery stores back home?


Well when my brother and I were kids, he stole a Matchbox car from the place while going shopping with my mom.


My dad found out, kicked his ass and took him straight to Chathams to apologize to the manager. After that was done, he kicked his ass some more. LOL!


My brother... always learned things the hard way. LOL!


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Congrats, Benny! What a great Christmas "gift", to have been reunited with your guitars.


As for punishment? I'd excise one testicle. That wouldn't be half bad!! LOL :eek:;)







"There once was a note, Pure and Easy. Playing so free, like a breath rippling by."






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I can't believe I got them back!

Thanks all for your comments.

I really don't care what happens to

those 2 boys who got caught with my guitars.

That's up to the Judge.


I will be much more careful with my guitars.

scratch that one down as lesson learned.

Thank You God for my guitars back.


On the better note

the Les paul I bought when I was 16.

cut a deal with the music store that I took Lesson at

and bought the guitar for $600.

My parents paid for half for birthday present.

so I gave my dad $300 and he wrote a check for $600.

I am 32 today so it has been 16 years and that check

still hasn't posted.

my dad gave me back my $300 after a year.

I know the music store got their money cause I asked them.

so It must have got lost at the bank.

so I either stole the guitar or God

really wants me to have this Gibson.

either way I have a reiceit and it's mine.

Why do you lay down? I say that it beats standing up! whats got you feeling so down? I hold up my empty cup!
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