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Why cords get tangled up

jeremy c

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Strands of Christmas lights. They are the absoulute worst. Next would be long extension cords. All of my instrument cords are only six feet, no problem. Oh course I can't stray too far from the amp. ;)

Rocky :snax:

"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb, voting on what to eat for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb, contesting the vote."

Benjamin Franklin

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No no. I find this very reassuring about the human race. Sure it's hardly Noble peace prize research but it's good to ask these questions. I for one find my ipod headphone leads a real pain. The worst ever was an expensive Sennheisser earphone(spelling?) with thin wire and different lengths for each ear etc etc. This got tangled up without any provocation at all.



"We will make you bob your head whether you want to or not". - David Sisk
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Strands of Christmas lights. They are the absoulute worst. Next would be long extension cords. All of my instrument cords are only six feet, no problem. Oh course I can't stray too far from the amp. ;)

Rocky :snax:


Cords that run from PA to speakers are not my friend...

"When I take a stroll down Jackass Lane it is usually to see someone that is already there" Mrs. Brown
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How tangled your cords are is related to how much time you have to set up....



Actually, I find it to be more related to who did teardown the gig before.

Things are just the way they are, and they're only going to get worse.

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Interesting reading. I forwarded it to a guitarist I know whose cord is always so twisted what started as a 20' is a 4' halfway through the night.

Every time he adjusts his amp or stomps something he continues the turn until he comes around to face the crowd again.

Basically he spins.

"He is to music what Stevie Wonder is to photography." getz76


I have nothing nice to say so . . .


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even worse is when the tangle is made up of two or three coiled, telephone-like cables... ever happened to anyone? Really frustrating if that sums up to "five minutes to go" set-ups....

Brought to you by Juancarlin.




Instagram: @JuanCarlinMusic

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This string walks into a bar and tries to order a drink. The bartender takes one look at the string and bellows, "Get out of here! We don't serve your kind!" Dejected, the string leaves the bar.


The next day the string returns to the same bar and again tries to order a drink. It did not fare any better. Again the bartender yelled at the string to get out.


On the following day the string tried a new approach. It ratted out its hair and confidently took a seat at the bar and ordered a drink. The bartender angrily confronted the string and asked, "Aren't you that same string I told to get out of here before?"





To which the string calmly replied, "I'm a frayed knot!"


(Nothing original here. Move along now.)

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This string walks into a bar and tries to order a drink. The bartender takes one look at the string and bellows, "Get out of here! We don't serve your kind!" Dejected, the string leaves the bar.


The next day the string returns to the same bar and again tries to order a drink. It did not fare any better. Again the bartender yelled at the string to get out.


On the following day the string tried a new approach. It ratted out its hair and confidently took a seat at the bar and ordered a drink. The bartender angrily confronted the string and asked, "Aren't you that same string I told to get out of here before?"





To which the string calmly replied, "I'm a frayed knot!"


(Nothing original here. Move along now.)

Ah, the lame joke, always good fun.

I have half a mind...
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