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Tube Amp??


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I was thinking Laney, too. I have played through a Krank, and was highly impressed. Not being a metal guy, I wasn't probing for death gain, but the Krank was built like a tank, and roared like a lion!
Never a DUH! moment! Well, almost never. OK, OK! Sometimes never!
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...I was saying alot of DD's early tone was owed to his Parametric EQ.


The noise gate is a little more integral to KK's tone, and is built into his signature marshall. Indeed it is made for 'stop on a dime' chug-a-lug.

What a horrible night to have a curse.
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This is a blowout deal on a metal amplifier I've been eying for a long time now. :( Sadly I have no money, but for a 40-watt tube amp that is supposed to be all-about metal but not ridiculous metal, this seems to good to be true.


Wow, that looks pretty cool, and pretty cheap! I wish I had seen it when looking for a $400 metal amp for my buddy's wife to get him for xmas... :thu: Find the money mate! It has to be worth not eating for a few weeks :D

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Revo, I was checking that amp deal out yesturday. I looked into them alot about a year ago. They seemed to be targeting the market that I was looking for.


The headroom availability is what interested me, but their reliability is questionable. I haven't heard anything overly good about their guitar amps. Aparently they make a good bass amp though.


I thought it sounded like a good amp to handle my 7-string as well, but without playing one first, I just can't do it. Has anyone played one of these?


I know I am asking for help on amp selection and you guys can only speculate the type of sound I'm going for... Using NI Guitar Rig, the tone that makes me grin is from a modeled Bogner Uberschall with a Tube Screamer up front. I don't have anything 'dimed' but it's pretty goddamned heavy sounding. Also with the POD XT live I've been pretty happy with the Bogner model included in the metal pack software upgrade.


With NI Guitar Rig I actually have it setup so that the volume control on the Tube Screamer is tied directly to the input level from my guitar. It's a pretty sweet system. I have the gain at about 60% on the amp, so it's always quite distorted sounding and crunchy. When I really dig into the strings the Tube Screamer comes to life and it starts to breath fire. This allows me to control the amount of gain coming out of the amp with my right hand. It's only "stooopid heavy" when I have my guitar volume at full (using EMG's too) and I pick really hard. I absolutly dig this tone and setup, but I can only use it practicing. It's also pretty cool because when I'm not playing, it's dead quiet, and I only turn the TS on for single note riffs, it sounds to messy for chords. For thrash metal, it's the shit.

What a horrible night to have a curse.
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This is a blowout deal on a metal amplifier I've been eying for a long time now. :( Sadly I have no money, but for a 40-watt tube amp that is supposed to be all-about metal but not ridiculous metal, this seems to good to be true.


Maybe it's just me, but that thing doesn't look to be particularly well-built.

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Weird. I heard about construction issues, but never anything else. You'd think more people would review metal amps these days. I would love a class A Matchless-type boutique more than anything, but I can't believe no one makes a metal amp in the 30-watt range. Pardon me for liking metal and not blowing the roof of my house or the neighborhood.


So far the closest thing I have come up with is a Marshall DSL401. Problem is, for 1200 bucks, I think I'll pass. I can buy a Rivera for that price, as well as several other amps, and to me, Marshalls are very much one-trick ponies. You have a great gainy channel with various levels of intensity, but beyond that, you have a half-assed clean sound and an EQ that leaves a bit to be desired (at least on their combos).


Maybe the three of us (Xplorer, Griff, and I) should lobby some amp company to start producing affordable tube amps for metal.


Rivera Clubster 45


This won't give you metal, but it delivers some pretty sweet higher-gain Marshallesque tones and a great Fender-like clean to boot.

Shut up and play.
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engl's are expensive. but will really knock your socks off. if you're going to spend money for something like a bogner or a dual. who both really need an overdrive to get a tight metal tone, the engl is just really ballsy alone imo. the powerball that is, the invader is just amazing for everything. but way too expensive for me. [rackmount dual rectifiers are really nice also.] you might also want to look into framus's stuff. but that also is expensive. please do not buy a krank.
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See, I'm not a typical metal player anyway. I don't look for gobs of gain - not that it's a bad thing, it's just that my playing style doesn't demand it.


So yeah, I'd love a Class A with a nice solid saturation to it, but it doesn't have to be screaming gobs of Mesa-Boogie-style gain.

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Griff I think you and I are on the same page. I own a Boss Metal Zone and never turn the thing up past 9:00 on the gain, so that's where I'm coming from. I like a nice classic, smooth 80s metal tone. Not the oversaturated death metal crap a lot of bands today produce.


On a side note, I have noticed many bands backing off the gain recently. It seems like in the last three years or so, people have figured out you don't need a Triple Rectifier with all the channels cranked just to sound like you're playing modern rock/metal.

Shut up and play.
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I think the Spider Valve could compete with, and put to shame many of the amps mentioned above. I know its hard to believe, but its that good.


Last night was the second time I have practiced with it, with the band and I am just all smiles. No complaints. It cuts through easily as good as my Bivalve and sounds great on any amp model I have tried. I mean GREAT, can't tell it has any modelling in the chain. The Marshall channel sounds just like a Marshall plexi on 10, the metal channel either sounds like a Soldano, or a Duel Rec (exact). I mean you have no idea how blown away I am. It is seriously like i have 12 amps now.


The cleans are ridiculous also. I like the Hiwatt channel alot. It is bluesy, gritty but cleans up nicely with your guitar volume (they all do). Kind of sounds like Joe Walsh or Pete Townsend.


The amp is tweakable beyond belief which is great, but if you just plug into it at low volume and don't know how it works, you might think it isn't all that. You have to crank the master volume and adjust the volume from your channel volume, and don't forget about the eq and presence controls that have to be tweaked manually when going through amp channels.


Ok sorry for the ranting. I am just so excited about it I can't shut up.

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Bingo Revo! If someone is cranking the gain out on a Metal Zone, then they don't really have tone.


I use my metal zone with the gain at about 65% max. I can get alot of bottom from my Jazz Chorus. That rig is SUPER LOUD! I mean, the JC-120 head will cause you serious damage if you crank it. Unfortunatly, you still get lost in the mix. Enter, the tube amp.


Hey Trucks, everyone should own a Sonic Maximizer. They are the ultimate!!

What a horrible night to have a curse.
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I think the Spider Valve could compete with, and put to shame many of the amps mentioned above. I know its hard to believe, but its that good.


Last night was the second time I have practiced with it, with the band and I am just all smiles. No complaints. It cuts through easily as good as my Bivalve and sounds great on any amp model I have tried. I mean GREAT, can't tell it has any modelling in the chain. The Marshall channel sounds just like a Marshall plexi on 10, the metal channel either sounds like a Soldano, or a Duel Rec (exact). I mean you have no idea how blown away I am. It is seriously like i have 12 amps now.


The cleans are ridiculous also. I like the Hiwatt channel alot. It is bluesy, gritty but cleans up nicely with your guitar volume (they all do). Kind of sounds like Joe Walsh or Pete Townsend.


The amp is tweakable beyond belief which is great, but if you just plug into it at low volume and don't know how it works, you might think it isn't all that. You have to crank the master volume and adjust the volume from your channel volume, and don't forget about the eq and presence controls that have to be tweaked manually when going through amp channels.


Ok sorry for the ranting. I am just so excited about it I can't shut up.


Hey Gifthorse, how well does it take pedals?

Then you'll never hear surf music again...
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This is a blowout deal on a metal amplifier I've been eying for a long time now. :( Sadly I have no money, but for a 40-watt tube amp that is supposed to be all-about metal but not ridiculous metal, this seems to good to be true.


For slightly more cash (about $40), you could score a 50 watt Peavey Valve King combo. I'd be happy with that. It also has a fine clean channel with plenty of headroom. It's not death metal saturation, but it emulates some of the Mesa Boogie Mark III/IV sounds I love. I'm really not too interested in death metal tones so much anymore, though I still like a fair amount of saturation in my metal.


(My fave death metal sound of the moment comes from Demilich, and they recorded their only album in 1992 or 1993 with stock JCM 800's! Not to mention, one of the guitarists used a similar guitar that I own, a stock Ibanez RG560. They were tuned to A standard, 3 1/2 steps below the usual tuning.)


I could always insert one of my tube screamers if I needed extra gain anyhow.

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I am not sure Sauce but apparently they designed some of the channels with that in mind. Personally I would just use a footswitch. I mean you have 12 different completely independant amp channels that you can program with or without effects.


I would just set up different ones for different songs. Like they have a Dave Gilmour tone. Set that one for lead on this song with a boost. Then use the Hiwatt for rythm.. I mean I am not really an OD pedal guy.


It has effects that are usable in the presets that they give you. Alot of people bitch that the effects aren't as substantial as in XT or X3, but for myself I only had a wah, a delay, cool cat chorus, and a boost in my last amp setup.


It was a pain in the butt too. All those cords, just the hassle of having to run my boost through the loop with 2 long cords..


This is just simple and your not really settling for anything. It has as much gain as any amp for metal heads and it also does clean and middle ground distorted just as well. So far I can't find any flaws, its creepy. Its like they took it to the next level. Line 6 is going to take over the world, pretty soon they are going to be modeling people...



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Bingo Revo! If someone is cranking the gain out on a Metal Zone, then they don't really have tone.


I use my metal zone with the gain at about 65% max. I can get alot of bottom from my Jazz Chorus. That rig is SUPER LOUD! I mean, the JC-120 head will cause you serious damage if you crank it. Unfortunatly, you still get lost in the mix. Enter, the tube amp.


Hey Trucks, everyone should own a Sonic Maximizer. They are the ultimate!!


Heck, I just use the gain on my Peavey Chorus 212 at around 65-70% saturation. Gives me enough crunch to get nicely annunciated artificial harmonics, while maintaining great definition and clarity in my chops and leads.

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That's really awesome man. Thanks for the detailed report. How legit is the Gilmour tone? This is the wave of the future I guess, and you're ahead of the curve. ;):thu: I'm really curious to try one of these out now. If you're going to be gigging and playing regularly with that monster, let us (me) know how it holds up.
Then you'll never hear surf music again...
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I just used that as an example. Actually I haven't heard it. When I get to practice its usually time to play so I don't have alot of time to check it out. I will, believe me. Maybe tomorrow. It has 200 presets. I got through 3 yesterday cuz I didn't want to waste time when everyone wants to jam and get dinner.


But my buddy out west told me he went through all of them and that was one of them. I think it was Comfortably Numb. He said it had too much gain, but you could dial off the gain and it sounded like it.


I am loving this thing. I will spend a couple hours tomorrow with it trying to find tone presets I like. The trick will be programming it with the right volumes into the footswitch.

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See, I'm not a typical metal player anyway. I don't look for gobs of gain - not that it's a bad thing, it's just that my playing style doesn't demand it.


So yeah, I'd love a Class A with a nice solid saturation to it, but it doesn't have to be screaming gobs of Mesa-Boogie-style gain.

In that case, see previous post.
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That's really awesome man. Thanks for the detailed report. How legit is the Gilmour tone? This is the wave of the future I guess, and you're ahead of the curve. ;):thu: I'm really curious to try one of these out now. If you're going to be gigging and playing regularly with that monster, let us (me) know how it holds up.


I've gigged a few times with it, and the only thing that's caused me fits is the plug on the pedalboard. I'm now having to wrap it through the handle and jerk it tight to maintain connection. The last gig I did with it, the pedalboard started cutting out mid-song, and gave me a delightfully annoying random tremolo effect. Not conducive to a straight ahead metal tune.


I'm considering employing a second amp and an A/B switch, just to keep the tone I like and not having to futz with a dodgy footpedal connection.

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