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Christmas wish!!


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If you could get "that" one beloved bass which one would it be? Let's say that santa is crazy and decided to give you your dream come true bass. You can only have one and you cannot trade for cabs heads or anything.

Post pictures if possible. :rawk:




"And then the magical unicorn will come prancing down the rainbow and we'll all join hands for a rousing chorus of Kumbaya." - by davio



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This one would be nice to see Christmas morning:



If Santa rediscovered his sanity and I got coal instead, no big deal. I'm content with the gear I have and am pretty much GAS free at the moment. :eek:

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Santa, lookey what I found! It's used, less than $900, and would keep me off your back for a couple years:



However, if you're feeling flush this year, you may go the extra mile for a Conklin like this:



- Matt W.
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I still would like a Dammann 5 in red.

And an MTD American J 4 (sorry - J pickups are a new option for MTD, and there are no pics yet - this is a std MTD).




Acoustic Color


Be practical as well as generous in your ideals. Keep your eyes on the stars and keep your feet on the ground. - Theodore Roosevelt

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I want peace on earth, and good will toward men.



Nah. Just joking. I want a fretless synapse 5 sting. Any color; I'll probably paint it anyway.

Things are just the way they are, and they're only going to get worse.

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...hmhmmmmm - wow.


I'm stuck...


I love my Bubinga Corvette, and I have the parts to start my first project bass.


I'm actually quite happy at the moment.


Maybe Santa could bring me a fretless Corvette 4 in Bubinga to match my fretted one if he has one in stock.




Something like this (with black hardware to match mine) would be wonderful.



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One of these would be nice.




Mind you, I've never actually played one, so maybe I wouldn't like it after all.


Or maybe one of these, if I had to have an electric. Wish it came in a 4 string though.



Are Alembics as nice as they look?

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I'd LOVE this for Christmas:




Looks cool, but I don't know... Personally, I'd really miss the cutaway.


Or this




Wow... just wow. Isn't that exquisite? I love the way it looks like a piece of modern art. It's like something Picasso would have come up with! :thu: Think I'll scratch the Tacoma off my list and ask Santa for a Taylor instead!

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I wouldn't mind something like this:


:thu: I wouldn't throw that fish back at all. But I think I would lean a little more toward one of these... http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a138/carpedebass/6_3D.jpg

Love God...Love People!



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One of these in pretty much any color and wood combination, as long as it has the wider neck....Rosoce LG-3005





My wish too. I love my LG3000 so much it's hard to imagine playing any other 5'er.




Confirmed RoscoeHead

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I'd LOVE this for Christmas:




Looks cool, but I don't know... Personally, I'd really miss the cutaway.


The first time that I played one of these was back in 1993 or so. It was at this little music store in Burlington, Vermont, right near where I went to college. The fact that an instrument like this is still making a lasting impression with me some 14 years later tells me that I made a big mistake by not buying it back then. And truth be told, I didn't think the lack of a cutaway was a big deal. I don't tend to play that high up on the neck, and on an ABG I think my playing would be even more of a "meat and potatoes" style, anyway.


Or this




Wow... just wow. Isn't that exquisite? I love the way it looks like a piece of modern art. It's like something Picasso would have come up with! :thu: Think I'll scratch the Tacoma off my list and ask Santa for a Taylor instead!


I played a used Taylor AB-1 within the past year. It's the only other ABG that I've played that I felt compared with the Guild B-30. I really liked this instrument, but I think my heart longs for that Guild.

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I'd LOVE this for Christmas:
Looks like I'll have to take a little drive up to Lansing to test drive your Guild. ;)


You guys are killing me with the 6ers! I have so much GAS I think I could spontaneously combust! :eek:


David, is that some sort of MIDI port? Greenboy would love that. What is that?


Of course once I start walking down that "I'd like to have a 6er" road it always ends up with me wanting to go all the way to a 12. (Only two of these in the world, are there? And rumors of a couple of 13s coming out. :freak: )


Then I start thinking about how difficult that would be to play, especially for solo piano-like arrangements of songs. And then the Chapman stick starts making more sense!


Well, maybe if I hit the lotto I can take Tenstrum's advice and "just take one" of everything! :D

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I have a very realistic view of what Santa is capable of. A $20 Guitar Center gift card is reasonable. The G&L I posted above is not. The Conklin I posted above could be the result of contributions by Getz, Bumpcity, Capasso, Dr. Sweet Willie Looovvve, etc, etc, etc...



(now, that's setting myself up for disappointment. ;) )

- Matt W.
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