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The Day our Guitars Gently Weeped....


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George was a great musician and human being. :)


Had to watch the Paul reaction, I don't know why.

It must have been tough for him.

It was tough for me, especially today. Just came back from a funeral for a good friend who passed @ 45 from sudden heart attack. RIP George and Max


Did you notice some of the comments up on Y/T? :confused:

Some real creeps out there .. :evil:

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Did you notice some of the comments up on Y/T? :confused:

Some real creeps out there .. :evil:


Yes...and it is disturbing to me and I have been getting more and more disturbed by it so I am getting to the point that I am maxed out on the internet. Same for TV and reality movies like Jackass etc...


Paul handled that very well, he was kind to the reporters while obviously having his space invaded....but he did well.


I am sorry about your friend Rickgclef. 45 is too young to pass.


Stamp...thanks for reminding me about George.


The other day I was looking at All Things Must Pass on iTunes....I will go get it now.


A while ago I had an incredibly lucid dream of George while I was in a medical facility I stayed aat overnight...hold on I wrote it down somewhere let me go get it......


May 30, 2006


.......I woke up and the next thing I was aware of was all these happy bubbly people in matching light blue T-Shirts coming in my room to wake me up and they were all cheery, yet professional. They asked me to get dressed etc and then I left the room and was walking through the front area of this building when I saw George Harrison sitting there, surrounded by a few people and he was playing an acoustic guitar, a dark brown sunburst Gibson LG Parlour style. He looked pale and gaunt and his hair was chemo short, but was really cheerful. So I went over and shook his frail hand and this electricity flowed through me, incredible energy. I said to him, "Man you have no idea, as a fellow musician how important this is to me to actually shake your hand" and as I said it I felt really stupid and clumsy with my words.


The next thing I knew I had his guitar in my hands and I started trying to play a Delta type song I wrote, called Number 9 Blues that has some cool intro licks, but I had just woken up and my fingers were all stiff and I was struggling to play it well. I also noticed that this approach was not impressing him like I would want so I switched to just playing a nice chordal groove version of the song. He smiled and said "Let me give you my number so you can call me when we get out of here " and he went off and got some paper and a pen.


When he came back he handed me a sheet of paper with his number and he had also cut out and glued on some cuttings of random pictures from magazines. The bottom one was a picture of the album cover with him sitting in the chair in a garden and the title "All Things Must Pass".


I said thanks, that I would call him and shook his hand again. Again the energy vibe.



It was one of those dreams where I was there...it was so real.


I still have not seen Concert for George.

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Thanks for the reminder. I'm a huge Beatles fan but there was something so much more about George after they split. His music, movies... everything was so positive without coming off like some saccharin sweet, naive idealist. He simply lived his life bringing beauty & laughter into the world while working against poverty & despair. An amazing man I wish I could've spoken to for a half hour, if not forever.


Believe it or not one of the first things that comes to mind when I think about George is the movie Time Bandits. George produced it through Darkhorse pictures. He didn't care if anyone else he knew "got it". He simply wanted to give his comedic friends a place to create.


RIP, George. We still miss you. :(

It's easiest to find me on Facebook. Neil Bergman




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I always felt the most connected to George.


I saw him on SatNiteLive with Paul Simon, playing a Paul Simon song. Paul sang 2 verses, George 1, then Paul the last.


When George sang, it was phenomenally compelling. It is as if time stopped. Then Paul started singing again, and the spell was broken. It gave me an insight into why the Beatles were so powerfull (having talent like that, and all).


I heard that John Lennon was asked on a late night talk show where he came up with words such as those in Help. He answered "That was the cry of me heart."


I always felt that, should I have ever been around George, I would have been able to get on with him well. I was really sad to hear it when he died.

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In "The Beatles Anthology" DVD boxset, chapter 9 of disc 7....there is a short clip of George playing on a Gibson acoustic with a slide player in a room at Apple that is just amazing. I just drug it out and damned if it did not put a huge lump in my throat.


It makes one realize our own age and face our own journey thus far when we look at footage like this.


The scene of Don't Let Me Down and Get Back on the rooftop is just amazing.


It's a good boxset for those who have not seen it.......lot's of footage.



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Thanks for the reminder. I'm a huge Beatles fan but there was something so much more about George after they split. His music, movies... everything was so positive without coming off like some saccharin sweet, naive idealist. He simply lived his life bringing beauty & laughter into the world while working against poverty & despair. An amazing man I wish I could've spoken to for a half hour, if not forever.


Believe it or not one of the first things that comes to mind when I think about George is the movie Time Bandits. George produced it through Darkhorse pictures. He didn't care if anyone else he knew "got it". He simply wanted to give his comedic friends a place to create.


RIP, George. We still miss you. :(


How true. How true.


He did so much for the British film industry.


After The Beatles, he took Music Somewhere Else.





"When the power of love overcomes the love of power the World will know Peace": Jimi Hendrix


The Geoff - blame Caevan!!!

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Yeah, I was sorry to see him go, especially like that. Really my favorite Beatle; and, if you see some old pictures of him when he was a kid and a young teenager, you can see that he had to have been one of the coolest kids in his school! He managed to come off as cool and approachably friendly at the same time. Loved his role with the Beatles, too, they wouldn't have been nearly as good without him; he was definitely underrated all-around.


Thanks for sharing that dream story, Mr. Fumbly'; that was great. I've had a number of dream-experiences (seems to beggar 'em to just call 'em, "dreams") along those lines, I don't tell too many people about 'em very often. Feels very personal and like an experience more than a dream, doesn't it?

Ask yourself- What Would Ren and Stimpy Do?


~ Caevan James-Michael Miller-O'Shite ~

_ ___ _ Leprechaun, Esquire _ ___ _

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Thanks for the kind words Fumbles.


That was a really amazing dream as you tell it and in technicolor no less.


No question Beatles wouldn't have been as good without him.

It's funny you go back to some of the early George songs which were considered weak at the time and of course they weren't at all!


He was a really great slide player, with an unmistakable tone.

I loved all of his solo stuff.

I really wore out "Cloud 9". The best tunes on it are the ones that didn't make radio and MTV/VH1.



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A sad day indeed. Fortunately we will benefit from his contributions to this world for the rest of our lives. For that I am happy.


Ricky, I'm sorry for your loss. As I am knocking on the door of fifty years old, I truely believe 45 is way too young to go.








If you can't say it in 12 bars... then it can't be said!

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I took George's road.... in a sense. Our first dance was to Your Love is Forever after we wed. A simple, benevolent love and an appreciation for the things that touch our hearts and souls.

That's what he taught me...

Can't say the other three taught me anything worth sharing.

But that's me...


His music never seems to leave my heart which makes it easier to understand that he's just some place else.

I still think guitars are like shoes, but louder.


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