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Gig Report - Richard Bona - London


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Jazz Cafe is a great small venue. Elevated gallery were folk can sit and eat and the ground floor pit for standing only. The stage is wide but not deep. The ground floor audience are a few meters from the band indeed the guitarist was within touching distance.


Bona came on late and I was one of several people who booed when he came on. Standing for 2 hours is no joke the t**ser.



Bona is from Cameroon and whilst his bass playing is exemplary (he is an example of a non-shredder) in many ways his voice is his most exceptional gift. The sound doesn't seem to necessarily come from his mouth. He has an extraordinary vocal timbre and range. At one point he played a duet with himself! He sang and played bass in unison at great speed and then sang a harmony over the bass line. There was an audible gasp from the audience.


I'm unfamiliar with Bona's repertoire but his songs seemed to fall into the cuban/african jazz genre with trumpet! That's one for Alex to consider. The band included bass, drums, percusion, guitar, trumpet and keys. The other musicians were all, as expected, top notch. I have to mention the trumpeter from Brooklyn (Delor?) who managed to create the sound of a brass section on his own and slotted in perfectly to the music/mood.



Yes Bona can play alright. He was playing his 5-string Fedora and was able to play fat grooves with very fast ghost notes as well as blistering Benson-esque jazzy runs. No slapping, little chords, very little harmonics - just solid. He played both standard thumb resting on pickup finger picking as well as classic-guitar thumb and finger plucking technique as I've seen Sting and others do. Tone-wise he sounded very neutral. He was playing through a Walter Woods into an Ampeg 4x10. I wouldn't say his tone was that exceptional and would be interested to hear what the rest of the London lowdown gang thought.


Weather Report/Jaco Tribute

Yup, Bona did a medley of WR and Jaco tunes and one particular tune from Jaco's original solo album, which was exceptional. I'm hoping Phil will fill in the name of the tune.



Possibly the biggest worldwide age and race mix of people I have ever seen at a gig. There were teenages through to Jazz veterans, Africans, French, and Portugese obviously :).


London LD was represented by Davo-London, Phil W, TimR, DavidMPires and DavidMP's good lady.



There were a lot of quiet solo singing moments in the gig where you could hear the audience noise and I didn't think this was the right gig/venue for some of the music Bona selected. He came on late, which is just annoying and unnecessary.


When the band first kicked off my first thought was this is no repeat of the Zawinul gig, where the band grooved like I'd never heard before. But I warmed to more sparse sound and enjoyed Bona's vocal pyrotechnics. I absorbed Bona's bass playing filing away in the memory the nuances and groove.


Strange but pleasurable. Bit like oysters.



"We will make you bob your head whether you want to or not". - David Sisk
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Great review, Davo. Thanks!


Remarkable when musicians get to that superstar/diva mindset and feel like they can walk on 2 hrs. late with impunity. Bona is one who's been referred to as the Second Coming of Whoever lately and maybe it's gone to his head. No doubt he has the skillz, but...


You guys over there have got it goin' on. I gotta move to London!



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Davo did you stay right to the end? We missed you.


The last few numbers included some slap and some fantastic grooves with the whole band really going for it.


I don't know any of his music but was really impressed with the dynamic range being used. At the beginning he was singing so quietly and the audience were silent.


There was also an overly long bongo solo that didn't really go anywhere but was technically awesome.


The high point was probably when all the musicians left the stage and Bona put down his bass and used a looper to recreate a choir. Building up from a single vocal line. Inspired!


I'll definitely go to see him again but might not rush my dinner so quickly and I'll stand nearer the bar.


Did he have a midi synth bass? There were two cables connected to it.

Feel the groove internally within your own creativity. - fingertalkin


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First it was a great night, I believe Bona is near to perfection on using bass and voice together his vocal range its just amazing.


Bona has a great sense of humour and took it quite well when someone (stupid) said he was trying to be Jaco, unnecessary comment I think. Maybe that's the reason I prefer gigs with not many musicians some end up saying silly stuff.


I loved the gig, mainly because I knew most of the tunes, and if we had some room I would have grabbed my missus and go for a bit of boogie. :)

The natural Cuban influence was notorious, and it seems to me that everyone in the band is free to experiment and add a bit of himself.


Tone wise I really liked it, it was very percussive in a good way, though I think that you need a good amount of technique to control it, surely is not a usual tone.


I've posted some pics and I have a 30sec video coming up.


If you get the chance go see him, just his voice is worth the ticket.


Davo I'll try to do that looper thing is was doing with your Jamman :D














Apologies for he lack of quality but this was tken with my mobile




"And then the magical unicorn will come prancing down the rainbow and we'll all join hands for a rousing chorus of Kumbaya." - by davio



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Thanx guys for the review. :thu: It's criminal to miss such gigs :)

About Bona's late coming, I wouldn't jump to conclusions slating him yet. It could've been traffic, interviews or a host of other unavoidable circumstances. Yap, 2hrs is a bit much though...


Your phone is awesome mate. The pics are superb! :thu:

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The show sounds like it was identical to the show I saw at Yoshi's in Oakland, CA a few months ago.....he's even wearing the same clothes! He wasn't late a Yoshi's. No one is ever late at Yoshi's....the 8:00 shows there always start on time. Occasionally the 10:00 shows start a little late when the band plays "too long" at the 8:00 show.


I enjoyed seeing Bona much more when he was a member of Mike Stern's group. (Mike Stern/Richard Bona/Bob Francescini/Dennis Chambers). One of these days I'll buy the DVD of this group and give a review.


Bona's playing was astounding with that group and Stern was grinning from ear-to-ear at some of the things Bona did. Stern has a history of playing with some pretty heavy bassists (and I've seen him with lots of different guys) but Bona's playing was up a few levels.


The show with Richard Bona and his own band seemed oddly paced. I own all of his cds and they feature his singing and songwriting WAY more than his bass playing. I think he could organize the set to flow better....things kept calming down and the audience kept waiting for the music to pick up. The tribute to Jaco at the end of the show got everyone excited but seemed added almost as an afterthought.


I held off writing about the Oakland show because I didn't want to affect reactions to London show ahead of time. Actually, I think I might have posted a review a while ago anyway.

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Well I was knocked out at seeing him live at such close quarters, I understand and agree with the comments about the set pace/organisation though. I was very fed up at waiting so long but the music almost made me forget it, although my wife wasn't best pleased at my late return. It could have been the venue, Bona or unforeseen circumstances as to the late start - I think the venue are deliberately vague, perhaps to try to sell s few more beers, I hope not! Couldn't get to the bar anyway - I owe you another beer Davo, call me on it soon.

The venue and sound were great. It affected me a little having seen Joe Z's band playing there only a few months before and nothing could live up to that but this was a very good gig.

Richard had a wonderful raport with the audience and had the gift of making many audience members feel he was looking at/talking to them individually. His bass playing is at an elite level in terms of fluidity and virtuosity. He can obviously play anything he hears and he hears a lot.

Bona plays a lot of notes but grooves incredibly, I enjoyed his approach to the Afro-Cuban influenced material where he played and emphasised tumbao often but within a flurry of other notes and joyous flurries and ghost notes. He plays with a lot of joy. He plays and sings and writes like someone given an enormous and natural talent.

The quality of the songs and his voice led me back to his CDs, I have them all too. I was always very slightly disappointed that, with the exception perhaps of Tiki, they feature his bassplaying a lot less than the show did but I have come to realise that they are beautiful, melodic records in their own right.

To me, his playing and singing exude spirituality and feeling and the experience was very uplifting. I doubt he has found the best context for his talents yet though but it's great to see and listen to him searching.

I was surprised to see more people at this gig than Joe Zawinul's but then Bona is working within a fairly traditional song context, however unconventional and Joe was doing music that sounded like something from the next century so perhaps that's no surprise.

Re: Quiet bits - loved them - especially when it was hard to tell whether he was singing on or off mic. Maybe a bot too much of it though

Re: Percussion/drum solo - I found it exciting but it did take up rather a large chunk of an hour and 40 minute show.

Re: Jaco tune from 1st album - no, Davo, I heard Liberty City (from Word of Mouth? that Bona played on the Jaco big band album and bits of Birdland and Black Market - maybe there was another?

Re: Slap, yeah he snuck in a little her and there and played some righteous slap and fingerstyle funk on the final tune which had some of the rhythmic swagger of Prince's band. I loved his regular thumb and finger plucking though.

Re: Stern DVD - I have that, it's a monster (buy it) - though Richrd plays his best stuff (IMHO) on the first tune. Chambers in incredible.

Thanks for the pics David!

The singing and playing simultaneously were incredible, fluid and relaxed -and he was playing some crazy stuff while singing some great stuff too. I'd not seen any video of him doing that.

David: I told you it was a ramp ;)

(Still don't really see the point of those. Surely somoeone of the near super-human technique of a Bona or a Willis can avoid plucking too hard? What are they really for?)

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Recent gig performance


Re: Horn section. I agree Davo the trumpeter was excellent. Unfortunately I couldn't catch any of Bona's band introductions. The 'brass sections' though seemed to be created by the guitarist, trumpeter and sometimes the keys player all playing in harmony - so little else was needed what with all that Richard was playing.

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I would like to add that was great to see you lot again.


Hope we join again soon.


Maybe for Marcus




"And then the magical unicorn will come prancing down the rainbow and we'll all join hands for a rousing chorus of Kumbaya." - by davio



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as promised here's the video.


It doesn't sound to bad on my pc.






"And then the magical unicorn will come prancing down the rainbow and we'll all join hands for a rousing chorus of Kumbaya." - by davio



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mmmm it sounds better played on the quicktunes though. I#ll see what i can do about it at lunch time




"And then the magical unicorn will come prancing down the rainbow and we'll all join hands for a rousing chorus of Kumbaya." - by davio



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Great one David, shows how close we were to the band.


Regarding thumb and finger plucking - there was a lot of palm mute going on too, wish I could get my thumb and index to work while palm muting!


Tone: mmmm

Richard is one of the more recognisable bassists though that's probably more due to his note choice and his bubbly rhythmic style.


Wish I'd taken the H4.

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Gig line up?:


ATN Stadwijk - keyboards

Ernesto Simpson - kit drums

John Caban - guitar

Samuel Torres - percussion

Richard Bona - bass, vocals

Taylor Haskins - trumpet


(pieced together by detective work looking at extensive recent gig photos from Richard's site) - he's a busy man - check the tour schedule!

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Bona was timely when I saw him at the Jazz Standard in NYC. He started pretty late when I saw him at the Zinc Bar, and the venue is poorly set up for live music.


In general, your reviews match my experiences. His voice is captivating. The rhythms are infectious. There are more bass pyrotechnics than on his CDs.


He's in NYC in November. At the Iridium I think. Nice venue. I may try to make it there. Anyone else from the NYC area interested?







Fanboy? Why, yes! Nordstrand Pickups and Guitars.

Messiaen knew how to parlay the funk.

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I've only recently worked out (OK I'm slow . . .) that if you search youtube and specify by date you can see all the latest additions.


So, if you search for Bona, then click the tab to organise by date, you get a whole bunch of (mostly short, cellphone) videos added in the last few days. I haven't checked them all yet but likely enough there are a few from the Jazz Cafe gig.


This is a whole new media experience - go to a gig and then a few days later - search youtube for video of the gig.

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My video of Bona on youtube if you want to get a better image make it smaller on the toolbar.


the sound is better too




"And then the magical unicorn will come prancing down the rainbow and we'll all join hands for a rousing chorus of Kumbaya." - by davio



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Bona in Portugal 3 days before Jazz Cafe completly diferent gig situation this was a Jazz festival




"And then the magical unicorn will come prancing down the rainbow and we'll all join hands for a rousing chorus of Kumbaya." - by davio



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