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I don't usually care for "reality TV", but I have spent the evening watching "LA Ink". It's a show about these tatttoo artists in LA, and the stuff they go through. They had Scott Ian from Anthrax, and Frank something-or-other from My Chemical Romance getting large and rather elaborate tats from these ladies, who are all really good at what they do. Watching all that made me wonder how many of us here have tats, and how many? Is anyopne like really into tats?

I don't have any tats, but my older brother got one last year, and it kinda has me thinking about it; maybe a Flying V with a cross on it or something, high up up on my arm. But wow, tats ain't cheap! I can't see spending a lot of money on something like that, but from what I've read, getting a cheapo tattoo is very much like getting a cut-rate appendectomy; in short, not a good idea...

So, what do youse guys know about tats?

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All I know is I saw a recent headline about something along the lines of "tattoo remorse fuels tattoo removal business boom".


Personally I think that for some of us who are hoping to still be around for awhile, it's a questionable thing to do on any prominent part of the bod.


I don't have any and am not considering any.


Then again, maybe I should get Bluesape and Ellwood's opinions.....should I go ahead and get a really large flying V tattoo on each forearm?

Just a pinch between the geek and chum



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All I know is I saw a recent headline about something along the lines of "tattoo remorse fuels tattoo removal business boom".


Personally I think that for some of us who are hoping to still be around for awhile, it's a questionable thing to do on any prominent part of the bod.


I don't have any and am not considering any.


Then again, maybe I should get Bluesape and Ellwood's opinions.....should I go ahead and get a really large flying V tattoo on each forearm?


I would say YES! make sure it's has a Gibson logo on the headstock though! you don't wnat to go through life with a imitation guitar tat! go with the best ink that's GIBSON INK! :rawk:

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I have a lot of tattoos! If you ask someone with many tattoos we will tell you it's just one big tattoo. I actuall have some work that was done by Cat Von D (L.A. Ink) as well as some work that was done by Chris Gaver (Miami Ink). Chris is considered by tattoo artist to be one of the best. Cat is known as a top portrait artist. I guess if I had to count them individually I would say I have about 25-30. Yes it hurts. The more work you have done by an artist, the better they get to know you and the less it cost.



If you can't say it in 12 bars... then it can't be said!

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Tattoos can be inexpensive. You can get a small, single colour tattoo for around $30.


I have one large tattoo on my right arm. It's larger then I wanted, but it's three colour and the guy did it for me for $30 because he liked our band.


The only advice I can give is, think about what you want really hard. When you have decided, wait a year or two. If you still haven't changed your mind, then get it.


Never get band names, girl's names (unless it's a daughter) or anything that is currently "trendy" as it may go out of fashion and leave you regretting your decision.

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Japanese tattoos are classy. Lots of red. But I don't have any. I don't like needles.


Gangland tatty's must come off one way or the other if you quit the gang. It won't be your decision either. Unless you're respectfully retired. Like, you took the fall and did time for it.


Soldiers who've been through a tight situation and came out of it alive may never want to never forget that day. That's a good reason.


If I was a surviving fire fighter from 911, I'd have one.

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All I know is I saw a recent headline about something along the lines of "tattoo remorse fuels tattoo removal business boom".


Personally I think that for some of us who are hoping to still be around for awhile, it's a questionable thing to do on any prominent part of the bod.


I don't have any and am not considering any.


Then again, maybe I should get Bluesape and Ellwood's opinions.....should I go ahead and get a really large flying V tattoo on each forearm?


I would say YES! make sure it's has a Gibson logo on the headstock though! you don't wnat to go through life with a imitation guitar tat! go with the best ink that's GIBSON INK! :rawk:


Here's a recent tattoo a good friend got (no tattoo's for me, thank you very much!!). This meets the "ellwood criteria", I'd think!! LOL





"There once was a note, Pure and Easy. Playing so free, like a breath rippling by."






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Our dummer's son does ink. http://www.myspace.com/johanntheimpailer (didn't notice until now he misspelled impaler....)


Other than the pain, I don't have any particular objection to tattoos, but I've never thought of a design I couldn't live without nor a place to put it that made sense. Maybe when I'm old and retired...






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I have a tattoo, a serial-number in my ear from when I used to be a K-9 corps dog with the MPs in Alaska...


I'm tellin' you all the zomby-troof; here I'm-is, the Zomby-Woof! :D

Ask yourself- What Would Ren and Stimpy Do?


~ Caevan James-Michael Miller-O'Shite ~

_ ___ _ Leprechaun, Esquire _ ___ _

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When I was about 5, there was a cop show on TV called "Highway Patrol", starring Broderick Crawford. I remember hearing him on the cop radio, snarling "2150 by" and getting a description over the radio of dangerous criminals he had to catch, and they almost always had a tattoo, or it seemed like they always did. I thought then, "boy, I'd better never get a tattoo!" I guess it was just in case I decided to be a vicious criminal when I grew up; a young guy's got to keep his options open, doncha know?


Anyway, I never got one, and I can't say I felt like I missed much till my brother told me about his. I always think about this girl I knew who had a tattoo of a long-stemmed rose standing up right above her left breast. That was 30 years ago. By now, I'd bet it has a much longer stem...

Always remember that you are unique. Just like everyone else.





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But wow, tats ain't cheap! I can't see spending a lot of money on something like that, but from what I've read, getting a cheapo tattoo is very much like getting a cut-rate appendectomy; in short, not a good idea...

So, what do youse guys know about tats?

I think exactly what you typed. For ME, it isn't worth it. For others, whatever. So, I have a love/whateverish relationship w/ them. On the one side I THEORETICALLY like them, but at the same time (I think it has do do w/ the fact now I'm 30), sometimes I kinda have a hard time taking people who have them seriously (and I'd say 1/2 my "real" friends have them) precisely b/c of what you typed... especially since many of the people I know have them don't really extra dough to spend on crap, but in the end anyone does whatever they want w/ whatever money they got and their body, hence my "whatever" attitude towards them. It's like people who spend too much money on high-fashion, same thing... like spending hundreds just for the sake of cultivating an IMAGE. But then again, maybe for them it's really important to have symbols on their bodies that represent their aesthetic ideas or their ideas about life, etc.

"Without music, life would be a mistake."

--from 'Beyond Good and Evil', by Friedrich Nietzsche


My MySpace Space

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"Tattoo Remorse" WBAGNFARB ;)


Since so many people these days are sporting tats, I'm being a rebel by not having any.

+1 :D Affordable rebellion.


Sometimes I think too many people think they are soooo cool just b/c the have tats. Here I met 2 chicks from my GF's school dept. I can't stand who are into this "you're cool/you suck" teenager mentality (both from "image capital of the world"--LA!) , even though they're either 25 or older. The most annoying one moved away (thank the heavens, what a spoiled self-absorved brat) and the other one I rarely ever see, but as soon as I saw the title I thought about them...in my book, they're people I'd rather not interact with... NOT very smart, pre-packaged, pre-programmed chicks, etc. but the point is they think they're so cool 'cuz they're Rn'R girls w/ tats. Woo-hoo! :D Hilarious.

"Without music, life would be a mistake."

--from 'Beyond Good and Evil', by Friedrich Nietzsche


My MySpace Space

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Here's a recent tattoo a good friend got (no tattoo's for me, thank you very much!!). This meets the "ellwood criteria", I'd think!! LOL



It's really too bad your friend has to walk around with a spelling mistake for the rest of his life :( .


If anyone is thinking about getting a new tattoo with words, please bring a spellchecker (not all tattoo artists are spelling bees).

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Here's a recent tattoo a good friend got (no tattoo's for me, thank you very much!!). This meets the "ellwood criteria", I'd think!! LOL



It's really too bad your friend has to walk around with a spelling mistake for the rest of his life :( .


If anyone is thinking about getting a new tattoo with words, please bring a spellchecker (not all tattoo artists are spelling bees).


I didn't even notice that - "Life's toShort" :laugh:



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Here's a recent tattoo a good friend got (no tattoo's for me, thank you very much!!). This meets the "ellwood criteria", I'd think!! LOL



It's really too bad your friend has to walk around with a spelling mistake for the rest of his life :( .


If anyone is thinking about getting a new tattoo with words, please bring a spellchecker (not all tattoo artists are spelling bees).


I didn't even notice that - "Life's toShort" :laugh:



This space is too small for two o's

"Without music, life would be a mistake."

--from 'Beyond Good and Evil', by Friedrich Nietzsche


My MySpace Space

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Here's a recent tattoo a good friend got (no tattoo's for me, thank you very much!!). This meets the "ellwood criteria", I'd think!! LOL



It's really too bad your friend has to walk around with a spelling mistake for the rest of his life :( .


If anyone is thinking about getting a new tattoo with words, please bring a spellchecker (not all tattoo artists are spelling bees).


I didn't even notice that - "Life's toShort" :laugh:



This space is too small for two o's

Ribbon's to short for good spelling :blush: .

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thts to fnny. I thnk itl be fn to strt skpng ltrs in my wrds frm nw on.




Tattoos are ok. They're not a huge deal to most folks anymore. I have a few. It used to matter more to me--getting more, who had what, etc. These days, I'm just not really impressed with them one way or another.


One of my exes had a lot of ink--her whole chest was a Japanese scene with Koi and water and she had ink on her arms and legs. It was... nothing big to me. It didn't make her any less or more sexy or appealing to me. I didn't really notice the tattoos when I met her, believe it or not. Of course, all of her friends were covered with tatts. I ran with that whole scene for a while. People are people... they can look different, but people are people.


Ink is a life commitment, that's for sure. Some of her friends had what we called "career-ender" tatts--on their hands, face or neck. Anyone who had that kind of ink was most likely self-employed (tattoo industry, fashion industry, store owners, or music industry, go-go dancers, etc,) and wasn't particularly interested in getting a job outside of those worlds.


As for the actual tattoo process... yeah, it hurts. That color doesn't get under your skin by kittens licking you after eating multi-flavored popsicles, ya know? But it's not unbearable. Feels like someone giving you a bad sunburn in an isolated area... if that makes sense.


If you ever consider getting a tatt, remember:

1. Don't show up drunk or even slightly lit. You'll move around too much and bleed like crazy.

2. Have something to eat beforehand. You need to have your blood sugar raised a little bit and have plenty of nourishment because the tattooing process causes trauma to your body, and if you don't eat, you are very likely to pass out in a cold sweat. I've seen BIG dudes drop like a load of concrete because they didn't have the foresight to drink a bottle of orange juice and eat a Hershey bar before they sat down to get inked.

3. Don't get something stupid tattooed on you--someone's name (unless it's a blood family member like your mom, dad or kid, etc), a band logo or some dumb-ass tribal mess.

4. If you're a woman, please don't get the damn tramp stamp--that tattoo at the base of your spine/top of the butt crack every stripper gets. It's so played out.

5. Think about what you want to get put on your body for the rest of your life. Please don't get Animal from The Muppet Show, the Tazmanian Devil, Yosimite Sam or Tweety Bird. You'll really regret those. Seriously.

6. A cheap tattoo isn't good, and a good tattoo isn't cheap. Remember that.


On a related note, I have noticed that many "White Pride" skinheads have swastickas and burning crosses tattooed on visible parts of their bodies... I think this is a GREAT idea because I always know that they're idiots before I even have to deal with them.



"To fight and conquer in all your battles is not supreme excellence; supreme excellence consists of breaking the enemy's resistance without fighting."

--Sun Tzu

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All I know is I saw a recent headline about something along the lines of "tattoo remorse fuels tattoo removal business boom".


Personally I think that for some of us who are hoping to still be around for awhile, it's a questionable thing to do on any prominent part of the bod.


I don't have any and am not considering any.


Then again, maybe I should get Bluesape and Ellwood's opinions.....should I go ahead and get a really large flying V tattoo on each forearm?



A Flying V alter becoming the central fixture in your home would be sufficiently respectful! :D:wave:

Never a DUH! moment! Well, almost never. OK, OK! Sometimes never!
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All I know is I saw a recent headline about something along the lines of "tattoo remorse fuels tattoo removal business boom".


Personally I think that for some of us who are hoping to still be around for awhile, it's a questionable thing to do on any prominent part of the bod.


I don't have any and am not considering any.


Then again, maybe I should get Bluesape and Ellwood's opinions.....should I go ahead and get a really large flying V tattoo on each forearm?



A Flying V alter becoming the central fixture in your home would be sufficiently respectful! :D:wave:


+100 :cool::thu:

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