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Should I Stay or Should I Go?

Corner Pocket

Should I stay or Should I go  

45 members have voted

  1. 1. Should I stay or Should I go

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You decide.


I will not apologize for my postition that I am unable to place a higher value on one group of innocents over another. It is unfortunate that knee-jerk reactions bring out the worst in people, but I cannot be held responsible for the words of others.


Yeti said in the original thread: "Never Forgive, Never Forget, No Mercy." While those words were not directed at me, they seem to sum up the general attitude in this forum towards my unpopular position.


There were stories from the news services CP and AP yesterday that were questioning the level of 9/11 memorial services. The services seem to be abused for political gain, and there are questions about the timing of Gen. Petraeus' report.


There is a lot of hate in this room. I don't think I belong.


Perhaps a mod can delete the offending thread and we'll all go on our separate ways.






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I'm not sure I agree with this Paul. If you want to stay, stay, if you want to go, go. Of course a poll is going to bring you mixed results and really be of no real benefit.


I believe you crossed a line. Not for having an opinion, but for the way and the timing that was used in distributing that opinion. You upset a lot of folks and that is going to be hard to live down. It's up to you whether you want to stick around and attempt to mend fences or move on to a new place.

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I'm not sure I agree with this Paul. If you want to stay, stay, if you want to go, go. Of course a poll is going to bring you mixed results and really be of no real benefit.


I get the feeling that I'm no longer welcome or wanted. The easiest way to find out is to ask. If my participation here is going to be the equivalent of talking to a wall, tell me now and I shall not waste anybody's time or bandwidth. This isn't a popularity contest or something for an ego massage....I'm just trying to find out if the party is over and I've worn out my welcome. It's not the first time and it won't be the last. Just ask my 6 ex-wives!!!


(The last sentence is a joke, I'm happily married for 10 years to my first and last wife.)






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Your choice, dude. I'm not choosing for you. I don't really much care either way. You really kind of need to get over yourself a little. To tell the truth, I'll be surprised if you get any votes at all. You didn't give enough choices....you only gave the option of "Leave" or "Stay"....you need another one that says "Who cares? Do what you want to do.".


If you want to stay, I'm good with that....I don't have a problem with you, personally. I think you may have an inflated view of your own worth, but that's no skin off my nose. If you want to go...well...."See ya!".

"And so I definitely, when I have a daughter, I have a lot of good advice for her."

~Paris Hilton




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I'm not going to vote on your poll, and the biggest reason is that BOTH of its two options are, well, insulting to you yourself, Paul!


Whether you were right, wrong, neither, either, or both in that-which-needn't-be-dragged-out-again, I think that you don't need to be punished, by anyone- including yourself.


Stick around, you've been here a long while, everybody gets into some crap or another sometime- let it go by, let's get on with better times here!

Ask yourself- What Would Ren and Stimpy Do?


~ Caevan James-Michael Miller-O'Shite ~

_ ___ _ Leprechaun, Esquire _ ___ _

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I'm not going to vote on your poll, and the biggest reason is that BOTH of its two options are, well, insulting to you yourself, Paul!


Whether you were right, wrong, neither, either, or both in that-which-needn't-be-dragged-out-again, I think that you don't need to be punished, by anyone- including yourself.


Stick around, you've been here a long while, everybody gets into some crap or another sometime- let it go by, let's get on with better times here!


Well, see....here's the deal. This horse was dead as a doornail. It was a dropped subject. Corner Pocket is the one that keeps kicking it. If he would just shut up about it and go on about his life, no one would have ever suggested that he leave the forum and it would all be forgotten and over with.


This "vote" is the most ridiculous pity-party I've seen in a long time.

"And so I definitely, when I have a daughter, I have a lot of good advice for her."

~Paris Hilton




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Just go, dude. This site was in harmonious operation before you showed up, it will continue long after you leave. I suspect you'll find sites more in line with the kind of posting you want to do elsewhere, anyway, and that will make you and everybody else happier than if you stick around. Do everyone a favor. Just go.

Always remember that you are unique. Just like everyone else.





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I was sorry to see you leave last time, and wouldn't want to see you leave again. I missed most of the vitriol before it was yanked, but would certainly have done the same as Craig.


You don't "get" 911 because you perceive it as a remote event without influence on your life. That is woefully short sighted....tried boarding an international flight lately? That event was an attempt to undermine the strongest nation on Earth. People in less powerful countries should be grateful their homeland wasn't targeted by terrorists - they wouldn't have fared as well. Democracy itself was assaulted, not just a country resented by others for its success and trade dominance.


I agree with others that this can go away on its own, but no more salt in the wounds of the grieving, OK?

Never a DUH! moment! Well, almost never. OK, OK! Sometimes never!
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Survival in this forum is a matter of balance as I've learned it.


You're only as welcome as you are generous with your wit or knowledge.


This is a global village and there are some gifted and intelligent people here...


Moronic behavior just begs for a brick in the head.


If you can't offer something purposeful or know members well enough to know your boundaries.. it's best to simply visit and read and see where you can contribute rather than causing a riot with every comment.


that's just life.



I still think guitars are like shoes, but louder.


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Since I missed whatever the controversy is about I would say stick around. I think a diversity of views is healthy to any group, even when some of those views go against the grain of the majority of the group. Diversity is the sort of thing that makes America a unique & strong place. Whatever this is all about, it will probably blow over. I'm actually glad I don't know what you all are referring to, subject-wise. Back to the guitar discussion...


Scott Fraser

Scott Fraser
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Bah, this is one stupid thread.


What started off as a major gaffe, which could have been solved by a general apology, has become this huge fricking "elephant in the living room" that can't be walked around. Even if we want to talk about other stuff, it just looks like a desperate attempt to clear the air. Oh, and I don't like being asked to be part of some half-assed courtroom thing either, which is what the poll is asking for. There's enough melodrama in the world already, thank you very much.


I votes this thread doesn't get locked, I votes it gets DELETED, that anyone offended PMs CP and asks for an apology, and that we get on with stuff.

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Wow, I only have a slight hint about what's going on, but all I can say is echo the others when they say, to forget about this and move on. I certaintly am not going to add gas to the bon fire that has erupted, but as much as you may not like it, your post did OFFEND members of this board, probably not on purpose, but nontheless, if you want this to be over with, you should at least apologize for upsetting the people who were strongly affected that fateful day.



Never argue with an idiot. They'll bring you down to their level and beat you with experience.





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I was sorry to see you leave last time, and wouldn't want to see you leave again. I missed most of the vitriol before it was yanked, but would certainly have done the same as Craig.


You don't "get" 911 because you perceive it as a remote event without influence on your life. That is woefully short sighted....tried boarding an international flight lately? That event was an attempt to undermine the strongest nation on Earth. People in less powerful countries should be grateful their homeland wasn't targeted by terrorists - they wouldn't have fared as well. Democracy itself was assaulted, not just a country resented by others for its success and trade dominance.


I agree with others that this can go away on its own, but no more salt in the wounds of the grieving, OK?


MY GOD MAN!! Reif, that was so excellant! Love ya brother and thanks :)

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Thx, but it's really saddening to see all this anger again here.


Well, you know the ones that really count in here have disagreements and get sideways with each other once in a while, too. That's going to happen from time to time. But we're always here for each other in the end when it counts. We don't make intentionally inflammatory remarks to each other about things that we know are sensitive or deeply painful....we have respect for each other. Even though we may disagree on some points, we have no desire to hurt or offend each other. We'll see how this goes.


By the way, I wanted to add that I personally thought that Craig did an exemplary job of handling and defusing that little incident. Thanks, Craig....as usual, you are Da Man! :thu:

"And so I definitely, when I have a daughter, I have a lot of good advice for her."

~Paris Hilton




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After Ray :cool: perhaps .....Shoes..... said it best;


"Moronic behavior just begs for a brick in the head."


This entire issue is NOT about a dissagreement....any good person, and I'd say all the "regulars" on our forum, would mourn the killing of an innocent. This is about someone who has displayed what can best be discribed as horrible judgement.


I value all of the varied opinions of my fellow forumites, whether I agree with them or not.


I do NOT value trollish behavior aimed at inflamming negativity.






"There once was a note, Pure and Easy. Playing so free, like a breath rippling by."






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I like to think of all of us as counting, and all able to get past awkward moments. Yes, lines were crossed, covenants were violated, and memories are long. CP's comments have been judged by many here to be malicious, but he maintains no hurt was intended. Again, I never read any of them on that thread, so I can't say.


I will say this: Pi$$ing on sacred ground is asking for trouble.

Never a DUH! moment! Well, almost never. OK, OK! Sometimes never!
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Yeah, I think that getting into a "he said"-"she said" over this will serve no purpose but to prolong the discord. We all read the comments and we were all capable of drawing a conclusion....we can let that result stand on it's own merit. At any rate I, for one, think it's time to just drop it and move on. In the long run, what one person thinks about the importance of that event (9/11) is completely meaningless anyway.


I will make one closing comment, though...then I need to be done with this. If he had a shred of decency about him, and he really didn't mean to offend or inflame with his comments...and it really was simply a bad judgement call with no malicious intent, then he could have at least had the balls to stand up and be a man about it and offer a sincere apology to anyone he may have "unintentionally" offended. Failing that, I think he's full of crap. That being the case...in my opinion, he's one that doesn't count.

"And so I definitely, when I have a daughter, I have a lot of good advice for her."

~Paris Hilton




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CP's comments have been judged by many here to be malicious, but he maintains no hurt was intended.


Yeah.. and that's a load of crap too.


Ok... if I'm pissed about something someone said here, you can easily dismiss it because admittedly, I'm not always Mr. Congeniality.


But... you can't ignore the fact that he pissed off many here.


He did what he did to be a troll and he knows it!


There's a big freaking skyscraper about 50 miles from me that's GONE because some asshole thinks I'm the devil for not worshipping "Allah" and value freedom over religious dogma!


To have some moron make light of the situation on a thread that WAS NOT meant for debate was just plain stupid.


Yeah... this clown can leave for all I care.

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