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Good amount of money = Bass


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Yeah I Took your advise last time when you said not to by a cheap ass bass. This time I reckon I got a good amount of money to get a good one. I was just wondering what you all thought about the Ibanez SRX590 or would you say that I'm wasting my time? If anyone has any suggestions please do tell. :)

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Dude, go play one and see what YOU think...that's what really matters. If you like how it sounds, plays, feels, looks, and YOU sound good playing it, who cares what anyone else thinks?


Good luck,



Old bass players never die, they just buy lighter rigs.

- Tom Capasso, 11/9/2006


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Yeah, To the shops I've been none of them sell Ibanez bass guitars, so I thought I'd ask to see what others knew and what there experiences with them were like.

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Ibanez is a great brand for getting higher quality instruments without paying a fortune for it. The Ibanez SRX590 is a nice instrument, but I would not pay 318 GBP. I am sure you could find a better deal somewhere.


My first bass was an Ibanez GAXB150, that I bought off eBay for $70 (roughly 35 GBP). It played great, stayed in tune, and I learned a bunch from it. I am not saying to buy a beginner's bass, but you could put a little more effort into you search to get an Ibanez that's in your price range.


A couple of things to consider:

1) If your in a band, think about an amp upgrade over a bass.

2) If your not in a band think about an amp upgrade over a bass.


I believe a quality amp will go along way in making a decent bass sound credible. If you feel that your equipment is sufficient (300+ watts for a band or a quality combo for practice), then turn your sites on a killer bass.


Even though I mostly play my Fenders now, Ibanez never steered me wrong. So my advice is to check your monetary position, become comfortable in your amps, then buy a killer instrument that is right for you. Some suggestions would be:


Fender Standard Precision/ Jazz Basses - 225 GBP

Ibanez SR300DX Soundgear Basses - 140 GBP

Ibanez BTB200 4-String Electric Bass - 170 GBP

Yamaha RBX374 Electric Bass Guitar - 175 GBP


Or go try out some others and see what you like!





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Thanks Anthony! I really haven't got room for a 300 Watt amp :P hehe but thanks for letting me know that the bass is good but I could find a better deal. Also thanks for the suggestions.



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I would only consider the amp before the bass only if you're satisfied with the bass you already have. For me, the feel of an instrument inspires me more to play than the sound of the amp does. This is why I've acquired more basses than amps in my time (and I'm sure this is true for most players).


I'm not particularly keen on Ibanezes. But like Dave said, the best thing to do is go to GC. I can understand though if that is not an option if you're living in a remote location. I would look at some similar models online and check for any demos/videos on youtube. Also, why don't you tell us what you're looking for in a bass and your price range? I'm sure the people on this forum could recommend many models for you to consider.

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The purchase of an instrument is a very personal decision which cannot be made via (even the most heartfelt) advice or recomendations of others. What works for someone else, is most likely not gonna work for you (which is the basic flaw in product endorsements...)


Finances are certainly an issue. You want the "most" for your money. But, consider what you need...or want. An instrument should, metaphorically, melt away into a player. It is a tool one uses to remove any barriers bewteen the player and the music; making them become one. I am sorry to get so philosophical about this, but many players struggle with an instrument. This means two things: a) they have not put in the miles and work of learning the instrument, and b) it is not the right instrument for them.


I used to play MM basses. Lovely basses, great tone, exceptional playability. They are not physically hard to play, yet I found it quite difficult to translate the music in my head to those basses.


Fenders, likewise have been a struggle...tho' less of one.


Many players play wonderfully thru these basses. I never had any complaints, mind you, about my playing...but I did not "feel" right with them.


I can say the same about Ibanez.


I have gone thru basses by MTD, Godin, Modulus,Rickenbacker, Steinberger, Gibson...all very good, but still not "right"

(after many years I have finally found the "right" one tho...Rick Turner...another story altogether...)


You need to do some hands on research and find that bass which "speaks" to you. The one that sits like an extension of your hands, as opposed to a weight around your neck. And the one which allows the music in your mind to come forth.


It could be quite a search. In the meantime you can save a bit more bread. Not that this "perfect bass" needs to be all that expensive (I have a colleague whos' perfect bass is a Fender Mustang....it is magical to hear him play that bass!)


All things considered you need both "that" bass, and "that" amp (and the "that" in both instances is totally subjective). Do not rush into a purchase just cos someone says they' re great basses (and for heaven's sake do not believe a damn word they tell you in a music store!) or because one of your "bass idols" -plays one. All wrong reasons.

Try a lot of basses, both in and above your price range. Find that which is the wood and steel(and perhaps carbon fibre) equivilent of you.


Then repeat with amps.


Happy hunting



...it's not the arrow, it's the Indian.
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Yeah I went thru the same when I asked this question. It is up to you to determine if the bass is right for you. As for me, I have have owned two Ibanez basses now, SR905 and the SRX400 I'm customizing right now. I personally have better playing experiences with Ibanez than with Fender and a few others...but that's just me. I have never played the SRX590 but do like the feel the SRX series basses offer. But once again it's up to you. Hopefully you do have a music store with Ibanezes in stock.


A couple of things to consider:

1) If your in a band, think about an amp upgrade over a bass.

2) If your not in a band think about an amp upgrade over a bass.


I believe a quality amp will go along way in making a decent bass sound credible. If you feel that your equipment is sufficient (300+ watts for a band or a quality combo for practice), then turn your sites on a killer bass.


Definitely words to heed. A good amp with a nice EQ can make all the difference in the world...providing you like the bass you currently play on. Weigh the options around in your head a little and figure out what will be best for you. Be sure to let us know what you decide to go with.


Ibanez BTB450

Ibanez SR905

Ibanez SRX400

Brownsville ABG2CRBS

Palatino VE-500 EURB

Crate BX-2115L

Crate BT50

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whereabouts in Scotland do you live? I thought I read that you were not in a band. In that case, a 300 W amp is not really what you want. Resist buying until you are sure you need to trade up.



"We will make you bob your head whether you want to or not". - David Sisk
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The purchase of an instrument is a very personal decision which cannot be made via (even the most heartfelt) advice or recomendations of others. What works for someone else, is most likely not gonna work for you (which is the basic flaw in product endorsements...)


Finances are certainly an issue. You want the "most" for your money. But, consider what you need...or want. An instrument should, metaphorically, melt away into a player. It is a tool one uses to remove any barriers bewteen the player and the music; making them become one. I am sorry to get so philosophical about this, but many players struggle with an instrument. This means two things: a) they have not put in the miles and work of learning the instrument, and b) it is not the right instrument for them.



You need to do some hands on research and find that bass which "speaks" to you. The one that sits like an extension of your hands, as opposed to a weight around your neck. And the one which allows the music in your mind to come forth.





I agree, but you said it better than I could. Nice!

"When I take a stroll down Jackass Lane it is usually to see someone that is already there" Mrs. Brown
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I would look at some similar models online and check for any demos/videos on youtube. Also, why don't you tell us what you're looking for in a bass and your price range? I'm sure the people on this forum could recommend many models for you to consider.


Thanks for that idea Zombie, also Price range up to £350 ($700), and basically I'm just looking for a light bass, 24 frets, active that give out a nice sound. Thanks :)

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Lets get down to business gentlemen! I want that bagel now!...Don't forget the lettuce!

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Max, thanks for that. Some things you said were very...strange but I get what you mean. Maybe it isn't good buying off the Internet then.





whereabouts in Scotland do you live? I thought I read that you were not in a band. In that case, a 300 W amp is not really what you want. Resist buying until you are sure you need to trade up.



Yeah, I wasn't going to :P hehe. I don't think I would have enough room in my lil place.



Also Thank you for replying to my post



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Lets get down to business gentlemen! I want that bagel now!...Don't forget the lettuce!

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Alright so here goes:


I'm partial to G&L right now because my last purchase was an L2G USA. (I'm very satisfied). Their imported Tribute series is virtually nondifferent from the USA equivalents at a fraction of the price.




Schecter's Diamond series gets my approval. In particular the C-4 bass.




My first bass was an ESP. I hold these guys in high regard. Check out the Viper and Surveyor series.




The Peavey Fury series has been discontinued. Fortunately you can still find them on Ebay. This is really the best Bass I know of that you can get for under 500$. If I could start over playing bass I would make this my first instrument.




The MM S.U.B. is another discontinued series you could find only on EBay probably. Since you eventually want to own a StingRay or Bongo this would be a good initiation bass into MM. Sorry I could find a link for anything on EBay.


Hope this helps.



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Yup that does help. Gives me a good idea of other basses that I can go for. I love the ESP bass's they look great, and I also had loads of fun with the custom thing :P .


Just noticed something. No prices.

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Lets get down to business gentlemen! I want that bagel now!...Don't forget the lettuce!

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Aww...The one I had a large interest in isn't on Ebay or froogle. :( But was on GAK and its....£479 8 string bass. I didn't think to look on GAK for anything.

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Lets get down to business gentlemen! I want that bagel now!...Don't forget the lettuce!

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A shortish story. Well not really...


I bought my first good bass 20 years ago. It was a Jackson Charvel SB2. It cost me a months wages! £350 back then.


7 years ago it was making noises when I turned the pots, and was virtually unplayable due to the action being all over the place.


I took it to my local shop and showed them what was wrong. I asked him for a valuation.

"Insurance or trade in?" he asked. "Both" I replied. £1600 for insurance, £65 for trade in. Why was that? He suggested that I would now not be happy with a bass costing less than £1600.


They suggested I rewired it, changed some pots and get a set up. This cost £50 with strings. Bargain. When I got it back the bass played like new. But I never got rid of that nagging feeling that it was time to change.


So I set about trying every bass I could lay my hands on. After 4 years of searching and trying everything from £180-£3000. I finally picked up a bass that fell into my hands and sounded exactly right. I bought it on the spot and it is the right bass for me. Ibanez SR400. £500.


Moral of the story, play everything, eventually you will find a bass out there, its worth the wait, especially if you already have a servicable bass that works. Keep saving, you'll be glad when you suddenly come across that gem and you never know it may leave you with ££££'s left over for that amp.


Alternatively if you need a better name bass, because you can't get into a band with guitar snobs, buy something second hand off ebay for £100 to tie you over.

Feel the groove internally within your own creativity. - fingertalkin


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Tim, touching story :) and great advise. My bass atm is playable but it sounds like crap. I used to think it sounded good but then I played a bass down in a guitar shop in the city near by (yeah they didn't have Ibanze!) and mi made me think. Hell this is crap. I want a new one. That is basically the reason for wanting a new bass. :) thanks for the advise.

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Lets get down to business gentlemen! I want that bagel now!...Don't forget the lettuce!

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Did I really type all that? Did you read it? Wow!


OK, the bit I left out was that the Charvel was my second bass. My first was a budget japanese bass costing less than £100. It lasted 3 or 4 years before, like you, I became a good enough player to recognise the difference between a £100 bass and a £300 one.


Buy the best bass you can afford, and that feels good to you, but I wouldn't get sucked into paying hundereds for a top end bass if at this stage you can't feel or hear the difference.


Be prepared to buy more basses over the coming years as your ability and tastes change.


I can now recognise the difference between those costing £1000's, but the bass that I can play well is worth more to me than the bass that costs thouands of pounds.

Feel the groove internally within your own creativity. - fingertalkin


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Tim, touching story :) and great advise. My bass atm is playable but it sounds like crap. I used to think it sounded good but then I played a bass down in a guitar shop in the city near by (yeah they didn't have Ibanze!) and mi made me think. Hell this is crap. I want a new one. That is basically the reason for wanting a new bass. :) thanks for the advise.



I'll bet the bass you played in the store was run thru a better amp than the one you currently own. Did you take your bass and play it thru that same amp, and compare it side by side with the same other bass? :idea: There may not be as much difference as you think.

A nicer bass might not sound any better thru your small amp than your starter bass. Maybe you should take your bass AND your amp back to this place and try again, experimenting with how the new bass sounds thru your amp and how your bass sounds thru the new amp. Go in with a plan of what you want to do and don't listen to the the salesman's pitch, just stick to your plan and let your ears and hands decide. :thu:


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Feels better. I'm not to bothered about an amp ATM but next year when I go berry picking I might go for a http://www.dolphinmusic.co.uk/page/shop/flypage/product_id/12317 Because I know line6 are good amps. My mates got a spider 2 so I have used one.

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Lets get down to business gentlemen! I want that bagel now!...Don't forget the lettuce!

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If your bass doesn't feel right maybe all you need is to have it professionally set up. A set up makes all the difference in how the bass feels and plays.

They'll adjust the truss rod, string height, and set the intonation. In the US it costs about $50. It's best to put on new strings when you get this done too.

This is standard maintenance that needs to be done at least once a year, maybe more if the temperature and humidity fluctuates much where you live. Check out garywillis.com to learn more about it.

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I forgot to mention the Fender P Deluxe Special. Since you seem like a 'P Bass' guy, I think you should check this one out. 4-string, active electronics, P and J pups, P body, J neck. One of my favorites from Fender. In fact I think this is the same model owned by saxofunk. Are you reading saxofunk?





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If your bass doesn't feel right maybe all you need is to have it professionally set up. A set up makes all the difference in how the bass feels and plays.

They'll adjust the truss rod, string height, and set the intonation. In the US it costs about $50. It's best to put on new strings when you get this done too.

This is standard maintenance that needs to be done at least once a year, maybe more if the temperature and humidity fluctuates much where you live. Check out garywillis.com to learn more about it.

My current bass was £60 $120 so I don't think it is worth it, but I'm interested in it so I'll take a look at that site thanks :)




I forgot to mention the Fender P Deluxe Special. Since you seem like a 'P Bass' guy, I think you should check this one out. 4-string, active electronics, P and J pups, P body, J neck. One of my favorites from Fender. In fact I think this is the same model owned by saxofunk. Are you reading saxofunk?





How do I seem like a P-bass guy? I've used a Encore P style bass and really didn't like it and I've used a friends P-bass before and didn't like it either :P hehe. But still no harm in having a look :) Thanks.

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Lets get down to business gentlemen! I want that bagel now!...Don't forget the lettuce!

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How do I seem like a P-bass guy? I've used a Encore P style bass and really didn't like it and I've used a friends P-bass before and didn't like it either :P hehe. But still no harm in having a look :) Thanks.


Because you said this in a previous thread.


Looks like a P, sounds like a J.
better being the other way :P IMO


It doesn't matter anyways. The P Special Deluxe is a best of both worlds.


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I wish it was cheaper then. All the shops that sell instruments sell fenders I would be able to get my paws on one easy. Its like £75 to much :(

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Lets get down to business gentlemen! I want that bagel now!...Don't forget the lettuce!

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