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QWERTY Computer Keyboard with built in midi/electric keyboar

stephen schwende

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Hey. This is my first post here. A week or so ago I was looking for production soundcards for my computer and surfed across a QWERTY typing keyboard that had a built in midi keyboard in the handrest below the QWERTY keys.


Has anyone seen this and could anyone help me find something similar? I've been googling but to no success.

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It's not MIDI, BTW.


Correct, although the fact that Creative refers to the new version as the "ProdKeys PC-MIDI" is grossly misleading, and should be cause for a round of beatings with the MIDI specification documentation.... in my opinion, of course. ;)


Mind you, if it makes one look this cool, it's gotta be good!






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yea Sven


Ive never before seen Siamese twins perform in a duo....


but I do hope he doesnt want to branch out into a power single..


It will be a case of reducing his load..and he will have to buy one of these Creative "thingies" as he couldn't even throw a Casio Privia under his arm..for he is already going to lug some dead weight.


Talk about carrying the singer....geezzzzz




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No this was not spam. I would also like to add that I dont know jack about keyboards. I just wanted something I could mess around with in say Garage Band and Reason. This keyboard appears to be fairly convenient but it seems that no drivers exist for this thingy for macintosh or vista... which makes it totaly useless for me.


So if this device is fubar.. Can anyone give me a recommendation on cheap, but quality/well made, types of keyboards that could be plugged into my macintosh? I'm looking to spend no more than say $200 on one.. preferably 100-150 range

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well indeed welcome Stephen


sorry I know nothing about computer programms and associated keyboards to offer any advice on what to use at an affordable price.

But if its purely a midi controlled device then there are plenty I could advise but I know you are probably looking for a keyboard with direct editing features on it for reason etc.


I did once own a M Audio Keystation Pro that had these features but I hated the keyboard feel...so much I sold it...having said that for a non piano player it would had impressed wholeheartedly with all the editing functions for gear like reason,cubase etc...and you probably would have thought the feel was good too.


It is probably an idea to look at M Audio's smaller brothers to this keyboard...and by now there are heaps of secondhand ones around.

Hope someone can shed some light on alternatives for you.


and I won't think you are making us eat spam again....but I did say I still thought it was interesting nevertheless.

cheers from downunder

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