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Had a nice thing happen...

Chad Thorne

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...at the jam last night. The guitar player in the host band said to me, "I have somthing for you." That surprised me, because although we're friendly, we're not friends, don't hang out together or anything.


So he says, "When you play I hear a lot of Otis Rush in your playing." I said, "Thanks! Otis is a big influence and I'm glad it shows." So then he says, "So I brought you this CD," which is a copy of Otis Rush's "So Many Roads" live CD, recorded in Japan in the 70s. I own it on LP, which means, of course, that I haven't heard it in about 20 years! but it's one of my all time faves. So it was a moment that had all kinds of good feelings in it for me, and I'm still basking in them this a.m.



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Pretty cool.


Yeah, most people only offer negative remarks and never any praise.

That's a shame.


You know, it's those kinds of small things that I really remember in my life.

That was a very cool thing to do of your friend.


Congrats....cause if your musical influence showed, it means you're doing something right! :)





"Just play!"
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Shweet! That was mighty kind of him and took some work on his part, too. You must have left a very good impression on him. Nothing like random acts of kindness.
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Yes, at once you can see that this is a person that may have other similar traits like having honor, compassion, integrity, good ethics and morals and might be someone to be trusted. Kindness and giving shows a lot more than just the act.


Sadly this is how we really should be towards each other. I grew up like this in that I was always around people that would give without asking for anything in return. I remember some older jazz guys that would give me a cassette and "say go home and listen to this guy, you can learn a lot from him " All they are hoping is that you will get it, like they did all those years ago from someone else who turned them on.


But we have gotten so far away from that. Thinking about that, it is probably why we get on so well here. We are a like minded community of very caring and giving folks here. Individuals to be sure with opinions across the board, but people with empathy at the end of the day.


That was a great experience Chad. I hope it leads to a guitar jamming friendship that lasts many years.



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That was a great experience Chad. I hope it leads to a guitar jamming friendship that lasts many years.


I've actually known this guy, Mike Heywood, many years, but always as the host of the forum, I've never played with him. Mike is an outstanding blues player with an encyclopedic knowledge of all the styles, players, etc. To have him speak positively of my playing - which hasn't happened often! - it means a lot to me.


On a side note, I learned on the Interweb this morning that Otis Rush had a stroke in 2004 and though he's recovered to a great degree, not, apparently, to the place where he can perform. This makes my heart ache. I love B.B.; also Albert Collins, Albert King, Johnny 'Guitar' Watson, and many others. But Otis is special. IMO nobody else has so fearlessly bared his soul, good and bad, in both singing and playing the way he does, and if I could take only one blues artist's recordings with me to a desert island, it would be Otis'.



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