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Roland RD-700SX question

ferran rc

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Last week I played a Roland RD-700sx for some minutes in a music store, and I noticed this:


- It has an Ac.Piano Button and EP button to select your preset acoustic an electric piano sounds quickly.


But playing the acoustic piano sound, when you press the EP button, it takes almost a second to change to the EP sound.

The same when you are playing the EP and press to change to the acoustic piano sound. It takes a second between you press the button and the patch starts to sound.


A little strange, because these buttons are designed to return to your favourite acoustic and electric piano sounds quickly in a live situation.

This "delay" is a little disappointing.


Have you noticed this in the RD-700sx?




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Yes it takes a fraction longer when switching between the patches on the two grey "one touch buttons" than it does when switching between normal setups (we are talking milli seconds here not seconds). To be honest I never noticed this untill you pointed it out but it does not bother me nor I susspect most people. What are you trying to achieve? maybe give an example of what you are doing and there maybe a work around if it is a problem, there are some very good 700sx experts who lurk here.


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What are you trying to achieve? maybe give an example of what you are doing and there maybe a work around if it is a problem, there are some very good 700sx experts who lurk here.


For example, if I'm playing the acoustic piano sound and, in the same song, I want to switch quickly to the EP with the one touch button, it will take a second to change the sound.

I don't know if there's another way to do that without any "delay".

In some situations I need to change between patches very quickly, I need to press a chord, then change the sound and play another chord with the new sound. When I played the RD-700sx last week and played that, when I played the second chord there was no sound, and after a second, the sound appeared.

I need to change patches faster, specially between the acoustic and electric pianos.

With my old Korg N364, I can change patches instantaneously...


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Yes it takes a fraction longer when switching between the patches on the two grey "one touch buttons" than it does when switching between normal setups (we are talking milli seconds here not seconds).


Yes, I can remember that there was no delay when switching between normal setups, with the DEC/INC buttons.


If the "One touch buttons" are designed to switch quickly between acoustic an Electric pianos, why does it take a fraction longer?



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The one touch buttons are a convenience feature - so you can tweak and store your favorite piano/e.piano sounds for easy access without searching. You're trying to use them as a normal patch.


Those one touch sounds have extra processing on them, so the momentary delay. That extra sound processing makes them sound better than the basic patch. You can select the same patch without the one touch button, if you need to change sounds that fast.



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The one touch buttons are a convenience feature - so you can tweak and store your favorite piano/e.piano sounds for easy access without searching. You're trying to use them as a normal patch.


Those one touch sounds have extra processing on them, so the momentary delay. That extra sound processing makes them sound better than the basic patch. You can select the same patch without the one touch button, if you need to change sounds that fast.



So could I configure the sound with the extra sound processing, and the store it in the first position of the acoustic piano sound bank?

If I could make the same with the electric pianos (configure it with the extra sound processing, and then save it in the first place of the EP sound bank), then I could switch between the 2 sounds in the "normal" sound banks, that are faster than the one touch button.


Could this be an option?




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You need to read your manual. I replaced my 700SX with an FP4, so I don't have the manual now.


But basically yes, you can EQ 2 main piano sounds and 2 electric piano sounds to store under One Touch. One touch only allows 2 pianos and 2 e.pianos. It automatically employs extra sound processing under One Touch.


But the EQ adjustments you make are to the patches themselves, so that EQ would be applied to the patch without One Touch. You wouldn't have as much 'sound processing' on the individual patches, but you can save the EQ settings for any patch and switch between them quickly.


But I personally don't see a problem with the micro sound delay in One Touch.


Hope this helps.

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I still don't have the RD-700SX!! I only played it a few minutes in a music store last week, and noticed that "micro sound delay". :grin: :grin:


Thanks for your answers!!




As with all Roland product (and most other manufacturers these days), the manual is available for download from the Roland website (under "Support" -> "Product Manuals").


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sk: You replaced the 700sx with the FP4, any big reason for this? (sorry it's off topic slightly)

I'm usually off topic anyway, cdkey... I was very happy with the 700SX. I replaced it because of the internal speakers in the FP4 (to hear 'some' sound from the instrument itself, like you'd expect from a piano) and for the big reduction in weight.


The 700SX is still killer for what it is and built better. But the tweaking parameters are also more extreme, so the FP4 is relatively very quick to adjust.


I still don't have the RD-700SX!! I only played it a few minutes in a music store last week, and noticed that "micro sound delay". :grin:


Well, you're very observant then. And you should probably download the manual as Sven suggested.


Then you can buy it, and enjoy many pleasant evenings tweaking it and reading the manual. :grin: It's a great stage piano.



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