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[quote]Originally posted by fusionist: [b] http://home.earthlink.net/~failes/2002%20DEMOS.htm Title: Same Old Routine I'm new here and just looking for some opinions. Thanks in advance. :wave: [/b][/quote]Steven...really great sound on everything. Pretty song...I'm enjoying it a lot. You know this song would really take a leap forward with either a dobro or a pedal steel part. It doesn't have to be standard country style either...a good rock steeler would be cool. I just feel the arrangement is lacking a lead part...y'know the melody that gets stuck in your hear unexpectedly. It's there in the vocal part but it needs something to strengthen the statement. Just my opinion of course...I'm obviously a big fan of slide. Regardless...I can't really criticize this excellent song and recording...good stuff...you should be on the radio. :) My brother and I were just working the rust out of our chops last Friday night. We always record these jams because a lot of ideas for songs come out of the improv. Anyway, check it out if you're in to that kind of thing: [b]Wanking Good Fun[/b] http://www.jamfree.com/12-28-02.mp3 At about the 2:10 mark of this jam the comping I'm doing in my left hand is all based around Pedal Steel voicings...I've been listening to a lot of Steel lately so it's got me trying some things. Sorry about the mix...we just set-up some mics and let it fly...I compressed it a bit in soundforge, basically just limiting peaks from the kick drums and the Rhodes which is a bit loud.
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[quote]Originally posted by Kevin F: [b]Any constructive criticism is most welcome and appreciated. [url=http://www.theagentsofsmith.com/music.htm]www.theagentsofsmith.com/music.htm[/url] Thanks, Kevin[/b][/quote]Hey Kevin, I listened to your stuff and it sounds really good. A nice 80's sound with some 90's grungy influence. I really don't have anything to add. It sounds quite good. Well performed, well recorded. Congratulations. Paul
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[url=http://www.jamfree.com/peopleallgone.mp3]http://www.jamfree.com/peopleallgone.mp3 (3.7MB)[/url] Written and Produced by: Raymone Carter Eve Carter - Vocal Ken LeBlanc - Guitar Stephen LeBlanc - Rhodes and Hammond Raymone Carter - Bass Tom LeBlanc - Drums Any advice and/or criticisms are welcome...is the mix ok?
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circuitb: [img]http://www.circuitb.com/images/artworkwelkome_jpg.jpg[/img] [url=http://www.circuitb.com/tkonoukoi=demo.mp3]live[/url] [url=http://www.circuitb.com/doucement=demo.mp3]listen and tell us what u think[/url] http://www.circuitb.com "Circuit Breaker, it's all love!" Dostoievsky use to say. One should add that it's also 6 pair of ears ploughed by 30 years of pop, from vibrating strings to electronic impulsions, from saturated rage to halucinated flights. Hence a honest will to capture the essence of music in the 21st century, more tempted by the discovery of new emotions than by pointless research. Helped by specific-made audioplug-ins (D-mute),the composition goes from electronic revising of live performances to an absolute harmony right from the elaboration of the structure....
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[quote]Originally posted by GregChristopher: [b]Any thoughts? [url=http://www.mp3.com/afo]www.mp3.com/afo[/url] [/b][/quote]Hey Greg , I just listened to your song . Nice tune . Have you considered increasing the tempo just a notch ? Good production over all . Dano
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[quote]Originally posted by PBBPaul: [b] [quote]Originally posted by PBBPaul: [b]Aw, what the heck. Here's a goofy little bar tune that we do. We recorded it one afternoon at my house. Have fun. http://my.execpc.com/~wpwmew/LO.mp3 Paul[/b][/quote]Sorry, the song is called "Lonesome One".. It's a bit of a departure for us since we tend to be a bit heavier. Any comments are welcome! Thanks again, Paul[/b][/quote]Hey Paul , This song reminds me of "I know a little" (lynard). Nice guitar playing and good keyboard chops . I like this song . Take a listen to my tune "1st attempt" . You band may like it . Dano
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[quote]Originally posted by Stephen LeBlanc: [b] [url=http://www.jamfree.com/peopleallgone.mp3]http://www.jamfree.com/peopleallgone.mp3 (3.7MB)[/url] Written and Produced by: Raymone Carter Eve Carter - Vocal Ken LeBlanc - Guitar Stephen LeBlanc - Rhodes and Hammond Raymone Carter - Bass Tom LeBlanc - Drums Any advice and/or criticisms are welcome...is the mix ok?[/b][/quote]Steve, It's submissions like this that keep me coming back to this thread and digging the hell out of it. The opening line had me thinking "Bellbottom Blues" then my mind was quickly changed to "Blow by Blow" era Jeff Beck. But wait... You take me down yet another side street with some great Abby Lincoln type jazz. I love it. As far as the mix goes, I'm not really in a good position at the moment to give that a proper critique. It sounds a bit thin and disjointed to me but that could very well be due to what I'm listening on. Frankly, I don't care. The tune itself was engaging enough that mix took a back seat.
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[quote]Originally posted by PBBPaul: [b] [quote]Originally posted by PBBPaul: [b]Aw, what the heck. Here's a goofy little bar tune that we do. We recorded it one afternoon at my house. Have fun. http://my.execpc.com/~wpwmew/LO.mp3 Paul[/b][/quote]Sorry, the song is called "Lonesome One".. It's a bit of a departure for us since we tend to be a bit heavier. Any comments are welcome! Thanks again, Paul[/b][/quote]Finally got around to listening to this...really nice guitar sound and playing...the drummer's groove feels a bit unsteady but other than that the band is grooving for the most part...cool jam.
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[quote]Originally posted by Stephen LeBlanc: [b] [quote]Originally posted by PBBPaul: [b] [quote]Originally posted by PBBPaul: [b]Aw, what the heck. Here's a goofy little bar tune that we do. We recorded it one afternoon at my house. Have fun. http://my.execpc.com/~wpwmew/LO.mp3 Paul[/b][/quote]Sorry, the song is called "Lonesome One".. It's a bit of a departure for us since we tend to be a bit heavier. Any comments are welcome! Thanks again, Paul[/b][/quote]Finally got around to listening to this...really nice guitar sound and playing...the drummer's groove feels a bit unsteady but other than that the band is grooving for the most part...cool jam.[/b][/quote]Thanks Steve. Yeah... It was recorded live without any click and our drummer plays like a scared poodle sometimes. Thank God for our bass player who's like a rock and usually keeps him in line. OTOH, I couldn't ask for better bandmates. We all have our faults and idiosyncracies but this is the best group of guys I've ever had the pleasure to work with. We've been together almost 18 years now.
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[quote]Originally posted by schmee: [b] [url=http://www.schmee.biz/backdoor/miscaudio/yourhouse-web.mp3]any opinions?[/url] [/b][/quote]Very interesting. What are you going for? It sounds kind of like an ad for digital delay and voice processing. All of the vocal effects made it impossible for me to discern any lyrics or melody.
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[quote]Originally posted by zboy2854: [b]Here's the first single from my new CD: [url=http://www.zachziskin.com/audio/fallingtopieces.mp3]Falling to Pieces[/url] [/b][/quote]It's a nice tune. Kinda reminds me of a Canadian band called The Northern Pikes from the '80s. I would have tried to go for a more natural drum sound and feel. It's a good, well performed song IMO but lacks the organic drive of a real drummer playing real drums. I just got kind of a "guitarist/singer recording over ACID loops" feel from it. I would have also limited the amount of compression some so that there would be some dynamics present at the appropriate guitar and vocal parts. Just my opinions.
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actually, i know you're being facetious, but it is =) so thanks. :wave: here's one advertising [url=http://www.schmee.biz/backdoor/miscaudio/signal-web.mp3]something else[/url] .

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"Self-awareness is the key to your upheaval from mediocrity."

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[quote]Originally posted by Darkstar: [b]Hi there I am instrumental composer from Belgrade,Yugoslavia.You can check my music and write your opinion on platinum@drenik.net Thanks Best regards[/b][/quote]I'll be rude and honest - quite boring... :bor: (No more "Yannis", please!)
I am back.
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found a pre-delayed version of [url=http://www.schmee.biz/backdoor/miscaudio/yourhouse-clean-web.mp3]your house[/url] , if you're curious :(

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"Self-awareness is the key to your upheaval from mediocrity."

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[quote]Originally posted by Stephen LeBlanc Written and Produced by: Raymone Carter Eve Carter - Vocal Ken LeBlanc - Guitar Stephen LeBlanc - Rhodes and Hammond Raymone Carter - Bass Tom LeBlanc - Drums Any advice and/or criticisms are welcome...is the mix ok?[/QB][/quote]my opinions: Pros: the feeling of the music. The writing is interesting, and through composed, jammy. The singer has an amazing tone and feel. when she first comes in there is awesome magic. (her ending is a bit weak) Cons: The bassist is a bully-ing the beat . rushing terribly. He should chill out and work on his rhythm. the song is kind of weak the intro is nice (except for the bass) then the melody of the intro turns into a stiff feeling bridge. Sounds too worked out. One of my teachers said it best, "play your own music like you're jamming, don't get too caught in your own composition".. for some music, like this style here, this is a very useful philosophy. then we go to another guitar section which feels a little better. It starts to feel too sectiony at that part. then the singer comes in and whew, she's good. this section could have more unique harmony. It doesn't really help me feel what she's saying. and what she's saying... "if I hit the spliff will it make the people all gone?"that's awesome.... I listened 3 times. I like it overall. teddybut my stuff> mp3.com/teddybut
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[quote]Originally posted by [url=http://www.circuitb.com:]www.circuitb.com:[/url] [QB]circuitb: [img]http://www.circuitb.com/images/artworkwelkome_jpg.jpg[/img] [url=http://www.circuitb.com/tkonoukoi=demo.mp3]live[/url] [url=http://www.circuitb.com/doucement=demo.mp3]listen and tell us what u think[/url] [/quote]excellent graphix. Has all the same excellent production qualities as Portishead. Without the production there would be no song. Nice job. Teddybut my music mp3.com/teddybut
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[quote]Originally posted by Stephen LeBlanc: [b]Cool, thanks Paul...I've been listening to this on some different systems...The bass is too loud and it has a weird tone, we'll probably remix to at least get that more in the mix. I'm not too keen on the arrangement of this song but for a quick fun project it's cool.[/b][/quote]phen. the bass is not too loud, it's ahead of the beat. if you're in a digital environment why not try scooting him back in time by about 1000-2000 samples and see if that doesn't tighten things up for you. Teddybut mp3.com/teddybut
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[quote] Originally posted by PBBPaul: Aw, what the heck. Here's a goofy little bar tune that we do. We recorded it one afternoon at my house. Have fun. http://my.execpc.com/~wpwmew/LO.mp3 Paul[/quote]Paul, this song had me laughing from the git go. This blues... I don't have a word for it. I have never heard anything quite like it It's not quite grooving, it's kind of zooming. for me it's: Very energetic and naive. wonderful. If I had a label that only signed cult bands you guys would be on it. I'm a fan of naive music. Living in NYC I only get to hear players that think they know what they're doing. this is refreshing. Reminds me of the Shaggs somehow. teddybut My music mp3.com/teddybut
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[quote]Originally posted by schmee: [b] [url=http://www.schmee.biz/backdoor/miscaudio/yourhouse-web.mp3]any opinions?[/url] [/b][/quote]ya, I remember when I got my first digital delay in 1983. It was pretty cool then too. Teddybut My music mp3.com/teddybut
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