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I succumbed to the GAS....!!!!!

spiral light

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I don't know what exactly made me do it but I just added a bunch of gear to my home studio collection. I think it all started when I decided I needed a rack to put my stuff in, from there the "stuff" grew: MOTU 8x8 midi interface (my poor 2x2 is over worked), alesis midiverb and a bunch of soft-synths (which I will not go into detail on this particular forum). The main purchase was a Roland GR-20 guitar synth & pickup. I had dabbled with a shadow system but after watching the Roland demo I noticed the shortcomings of it (ie not so great tracking). Now I want to install their midi pickup on all my guitars (a guy at work gave me his roland bass synth pickup, my trusty 4 stringed friend need not feel left out). Add to that a Roland VG99 (haven't played with that as yet, selling house/moving/in new apt) and an Alesis HDR to record it all on (my regular adat is getting on in life). Life is good.....
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Enjoy! The Roland synth get-up should be loads of fun! Betcha can get a mean B-3 and Leslie thing happening with that... :cool:

Ask yourself- What Would Ren and Stimpy Do?


~ Caevan James-Michael Miller-O'Shite ~

_ ___ _ Leprechaun, Esquire _ ___ _

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Heeeeyyyy Caev, long time no see!! The B3 sound is great for that kinda thing, there also seems to be a lot of emphasis on Indian type drones and loops (trigger loop on low E string, jam with sitar etc sound on rest of strings). Yeah, it's got great sounds and tracking is way better than what I've been used to (I'd still like to midi it up to the shadow unit just for shits'n'giggles.


Also just recorded the wife at last, getting too late to mix, must go to bed (another tired day at work tomorrow).

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