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Guitar World & Guitar One Get Married

Editor Boy

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Hi all...


NEWS FLASH: We've just heard -- but not confirmed -- that Future US plans to merge Guitar World with Guitar One to create a "super brand."


Things continue to get interesting in the tiny community of American gear-mag publishers.




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There is a big difference in the way these mags are viewed.


To us, the "American gear-mag" connoisseurs, the difference between Guitar Player and the other mags, is the same as the difference between Playboy and their "hardcore" rivals.


Guitar Player is classy. That's what sets it apart from the rest.


I say, let them join up and create one big, "super brand". Guitar Player will always have that class, that the others lack, and that is what will always keep folks like us, coming back.

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Guitar Player is classy. That's what sets it apart from the rest.


Oh, I know. I bought ONE of those, once. GP was sold out. Anyway, I can't remember which one it was, but pretty much about just metal.


It was the issue dealing with Dimebag's death and the mag was just CRAP. There was a FEATURE (ferchrissakes) on famous guitarists' tombs and there was a sidebar describing each guy's signature guitar. Do I need some mag to tell me Jimi Hendrix played a strat? Do I need to look at his tombstone? Do I LOOK like I'm fourteen?


I decided to stick to GP from then on. :grin:

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I receive Guitar One on a reguar basis. Yes, it's not as well-written usually as GP, but it's not as horrible as Guitar World usually is. The primary reason why I get both GP and G1 is to get more teaching material for my lessons--and of course, to learn new things, etc... I just hope that they don't stop printing music notation on G1, since on GW they only use tabs w/ rhythmic notation.


GW is definitely for horny teenagers--have you ever seen their buyer's guides? It's like a Maxim--I think I even saw Hugh Hefner on its cover once w/ a bunch of hotties. Playmates and ho's are fine and everything, but why are they in a guitar mag anyways?

"Without music, life would be a mistake."

--from 'Beyond Good and Evil', by Friedrich Nietzsche


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Guitar One/Guitar For The Practicing Musician/Guitar (any titles I've forgotten?) seems to have had a tough time over the years and found it necessary to "re-brand" every so often. I wonder why that is.....


I never realized G1 is/was GFTPM. I used to have a couple of issues of GFTPM; I know Def Leppard was on one cover. Yeah, it's been a while and I'm out of the loop.

"Am I enough of a freak to be worth paying to see?"- Separated Out (Marillion)

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Will the mag be called "Guitar One and A Half"? ;)


Guitar One World... Can't all guitar players just get along? :P


One World Guitar - you will be assimilated! :freak:


Reading this rag is futile! :D


(I'm kidding, Guitar World/One. But seriously, I rarely pick up guitar magazines anymore and when I do, it's either GP or Fingerstyle unless there is a specific article or transcription I'm interested in. I have very little use for endless interviews with metal rockers I rarely, if ever, listen to.

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Yeah gimme GP mag!


I remember a few issues of Guitar World that were pretty good way back when, and I got a kick out of seeing the editor responding in print to an unflattering letter to the editor with something like "shut up you G*d Da** a**hole!"


You oughta try that approach too, editor boy, c'mon it'd be fun. :D

Just a pinch between the geek and chum



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