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Your favorite Led Zeppelin song?


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Since I've been Loving You, Friends, Stairway to Heaven, Rain Song, Kashmir, Achilles' Last Stand, Immigrant Song, Dazed and Confused.... I likes me some Zep...

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"Going To California", "Bron-Y-Aur", "Down By The Seaside", "OUt On The Tiles", perhaps. Too many songs I like, I could never have a hands-down favourite.





I was listening to my copy of Led Zep III after posting my favourite songs and I've just noticed that on "Out On The Tiles", there's somebody saying "Stop!" on the left hand side at about 1:25. Does anybody know what that's about?

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I was listening to my copy of Led Zep III after posting my favourite songs and I've just noticed that on "Out On The Tiles", there's somebody saying "Stop!" on the left hand side at about 1:25. Does anybody know what that's about?


Sometime a long time ago, I remember reading about it being either Plant or Page yelling to stop the tape because something was wrong and they wanted to start the take again.


I know that the reason Friends segues into Celebration Day with the synth drone is because there were originally drums there...and either Page or the engineer accidentally erased the drum part. They decided to leave it that way rather than try and add the drums in again.


The 3rd album is such a pleasant diversion from what you think they were going to make after II. Too bad most bands today don't have the wide range of musical styling Zeppelin had.


Zeppelin II was the first album of theirs I bought, so anything off that album is my favorite.

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Too bad most bands today don't have the wide range of musical styling Zeppelin had.


Yeah, it's a bit of a problem, eh? :)


If you listen to (say) the Beatles, they drag in all sorts of sounds and styles such as brass bands, RnR, musique concrete, orchestras, country and so on. And that's just the White Album!


Soon, bands were born that had The Beatles as their major influence. And then came bands that had the bands that were influenced by The Beatles as their major influence. The focus gets narrower and narrower every time.


You could say the same thing about Led Zeppelin. They (mainly) had the heavy rock stuff, the country/blues type stuff and the acoustic stuff, only now bands focus on one of the three major streams rather than the whole picture.

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I totally get into "Since I've Been Loving You". That is one bad ass song as far as I'm concerend. Great blues guitar by Jimmy Page with a blistering solo that I would love to be able to play one day.


I hear you. "Since I've Been Loving You" is one of my all time favourite songs. After that, my favourite Zep song is any of the others.

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Too bad most bands today don't have the wide range of musical styling Zeppelin had.


What has to be one of the most uncomfortable things I've witnessed at concerts is apologizing for playing a song that's different. It's happened several times and I've heard the howls from the back from what must have been adoring fans at one point during the show... after all.. they bought tickets.


The heavier it gets the less likely a band is to try something uncharacteristic for fear of going soft.


Creativity and courage mix best with maturity.


oh ya... Celebration Day always makes me happy for some reason.

I still think guitars are like shoes, but louder.


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I totally get into "Since I've Been Loving You". That is one bad ass song as far as I'm concerend. Great blues guitar by Jimmy Page with a blistering solo that I would love to be able to play one day.


:thu::rawk: I love it too. Listen real close and you can hear the bass pedal squeaking thru most of the song. It's one of my favorite Zeppelin songs along with:

Side 1 of Song Remains the Same-especially Celebration Day

Tea for One

Achilles Last Stand


Dancing Days

Damn, I really, honestly can't think of a Zeppelin song that I don't like. For about 2 years in high school, Zeppelin was about all I listened to. My brother still isn't a huge fan of theirs because of me. :grin:


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Since I've Been Lovin' You

The Rain Song

Misty Mountain Hop (LOTR forever!)

Ramble On (same reason, but the guitar isn't as cool)

Fool In The Rain


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The 3rd album is such a pleasant diversion from what you think they were going to make after II. Too bad most bands today don't have the wide range of musical styling Zeppelin had.


And that's what appeals to me so much about them, you never knew what they were going to do next. They have a very distinctive sound that always shines thru, but somehow the reinvented themselves (without killing their sound and dynamics) every time they released a record. They didn't care about the media or the label, they recorded the record that they wanted to record, then blitzkreiged the world with their live shows. I sure wish that I had grown up about 10 years earlier, just for the opportunity to see them live at least once.

Avoid playing the amplifier at a volume setting high enough to produce a distorted sound through the speaker-Fender Guitar Course-1966



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I couldn't name my favorite. I sincerely like them all, and it depends on the mood. On mellow days I would say my favorites are "Tangerine", "Over the Hills and Far away"; "Hey, Hey, What can I say"; and "Battle of Evermore".

Hard Rockin' days I would say, "Achilles Last Stand";

Funny thing is when I hear any Zeppelin tune, I will say that is my favorite at that given moment.



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Wow! Am I the only one brave enough (And I can't really understand why it takes bravery to say this.. but apparently it does! :D ) to say Stairway To Heaven is, bar none, without question, my favorite Led Zep song??


I mean, MILLO's the only other person so far to mention it, and it's buried in a list of favorites.


IMO, it's one of the most amazing songs ever written. The thing is epic. It starts slowly with a melancholy, beautiful acoustic/voice duet that immediately draws one in. Then it casually builds into a relaxed strum. The vibe, to me, is like laying out on top of a hill gazing at a bright blue sky.. the most amazingly perfect day. It picks up with the relatively subtle entrance of Bonham, meanders along some more until reaching a sudden, dead stop. That's followed by some marked stops that seem to lead in an entirely different direction. That morphs perfectly into the simple, yet powerful, down-up modulation over which one of the most moving solos of all time was played. As if that's not enough, it ends in a deliberate, smooth transition slowed to emulate the softness of the beginning, with only Plant's quiet vocals creating a quiet yet powerful last phrase.


The song's perfect. It's the not the hardest, the loudest, the most technical of playing (by far), but it's still THE classic rock song because it has some great parts but the whole is definitely more than the sum of those parts. :thu:



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I was never a big Led Zep fan, because I hated Robert Plant's vocals, and as a teenager you couldn't go anywhere where people of my age were that Led Zep II wasn't blasting!


Looking back on it now: yes they were a very talented and creative band, and versatile as well. Their records were very well produced.


One song I'd like to hear again from them is "I Can't Quit You Baby" from the first LP, because I love the guitar parts. Or maybe the 3rd album. While of course "Stairway to Heaven" has long since worn out its welcome for a lot of us, it DOES have one of JP's best thought out solos... and it is a cool arrangement!


Still, I like Robert Plant a lot better now... some of you may shoot me for saying so, but hey, I've dodged a lot of bullets SO FAR...

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"Stairway" is a good song. Scratch that- "Stairway" kicks a**. But for me it's like a default. It's always on the list of favorite Zep songs. Also, we listened to it in class once and my teacher described me as having a "spiritual experience" afterwards (I was listening to it with my eyes closed and she came out of nowhere and scared me), so I try not to bring up the song title too much.


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My favorite is "In The Light"; plenty of other one high on the list like:


In My Time of Dying

How Many More Times

Dazed & Confused

The Ocean

All of My Love- one of the first "rock" songs I could play on keyboards, wish I still could.

Gallows Pole


And there's just something about "The Crunge"...

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Even though it's really all Bonham's show, I love the simple groove of Moby Dick's guitar parts...


I'm with you on that one. Another one of my favorites is 'Babe, I'm Gonna Leave You'. Oh yeah, I heard 'The Rover' on the radio the other day and remembered what a cool song that is. I have to admit though, it was years before I could appreciate Zeppelin, my brother (Greg B.) absolutely didn't listen to anything else through most of high school. And since we're twins, we shared a room and a car, so I couldn't get away from Zeppelin!

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I love playing my BBC recordings of them.


Hey, is that one in which Plant introduces Stairway by saying, "This is a song of hope"?


I used to have a live Zep bootleg which I THINK had something to do with the BBC (it was a long time ago) I was wondering if it's the one you're talking about.

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I think you guys have pretty much nailed the list for greatest Zep songs. Communication Breakdown, Black Mountain Side, Ramble On, Heartbreaker, Whole Lotta Love, really most of zoso, Over the Hills and Far Away (to this day I still warm up with that song for playing acoustic).


The only one I really like and didn't see here (and it probably won't ever make anyone elses "greatest Zep tunes list") is Custard Pie. The combination of Page's guitar with JPJ on the D6 clavinet just kills. That was around one of my bassist/keyboardist phases (the first one IIRC), I bought a used clav in part just to be able to play that song (though truth be told, the guitar part is the most fun to play). :)


Funny how one song or another can really become a big part of you, musically-speaking. That's definitely one of mine.



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My favorite is "Hot Dog".



:o Ok, maybe not. :D



I'll go with "No Quarter" in a feeble attempt to be different. And I do mean the Led Zep version, not the thing that Page & Plant try to play. :mad:


And TimEm, you could apply your quote to the entire catalog of Zep: "[...] it's really all Bonham's show".

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